diff --git a/src/find_interaction_cluster/nt_and_community.py b/src/find_interaction_cluster/nt_and_community.py
index f9ffb266414456024560e4a55d5a78abb4d25016..998d95b31b0df89890a7aea21d9075418581ee41 100644
--- a/src/find_interaction_cluster/nt_and_community.py
+++ b/src/find_interaction_cluster/nt_and_community.py
@@ -302,7 +302,8 @@ def get_permutation_mean(df_ctrl: pd.DataFrame,
 def perm_community_pval(row: pd.Series, df_ctrl: pd.DataFrame,
-                        cpnt: str, iteration: int) -> Tuple[float, float, str]:
+                        cpnt: str, iteration: int
+                        ) -> Tuple[float, float, float, str]:
     Randomly sample `size` `feature` from `df_ctrl` to extract `iteration` \
     of `nt` frequencies from it.
@@ -313,14 +314,14 @@ def perm_community_pval(row: pd.Series, df_ctrl: pd.DataFrame,
     in each exons/gene in fasterdb.
     :param cpnt: The component (nt, aa, dnt) of interest
     :param iteration: The number of sub samples to create
-    :return: The ctrl mean frequency value of `nt` \
+    :return: The ctrl mean frequency value of `nt`, its standard error \
     the pvalue and the regulation of the enrichment/impoverishment \
     of the community in `row` compared to control exons.
     list_values = get_permutation_mean(df_ctrl, cpnt, row["community_size"],
     pval, reg = get_pvalue(np.array(list_values), row[cpnt], iteration)
-    return float(np.mean(list_values)), pval, reg
+    return float(np.mean(list_values)), float(np.std(list_values)), pval, reg
 def perm_pvalues(df: pd.DataFrame, df_ctrl: pd.DataFrame, feature: str,
@@ -341,7 +342,7 @@ def perm_pvalues(df: pd.DataFrame, df_ctrl: pd.DataFrame, feature: str,
     :return: The dataframe containing p-values and regulation \
     indicating the enrichment of
-    list_pval, list_reg, mean_ctrl = ([] for _ in range(3))
+    list_pval, list_reg, mean_ctrl, std_ctrl = ([] for _ in range(4))
     for i in tqdm(range(df.shape[0]), desc="performing permutations"):
         row = df.iloc[i, :]
         res = perm_community_pval(row,
@@ -350,7 +351,8 @@ def perm_pvalues(df: pd.DataFrame, df_ctrl: pd.DataFrame, feature: str,
                                   cpnt, iteration)
-        [x.append(y) for x, y in zip([mean_ctrl, list_pval, list_reg], res)]
+        [x.append(y) for x, y in zip([mean_ctrl, std_ctrl, list_pval,
+                                      list_reg], res)]
     adj_pvals = multipletests(list_pval, alpha=0.05,
@@ -358,6 +360,7 @@ def perm_pvalues(df: pd.DataFrame, df_ctrl: pd.DataFrame, feature: str,
     adj_regs = [list_reg[i] if adj_pvals[i] <= 0.05 else " . "
                 for i in range(len(list_reg))]
     df[f'{cpnt}_mean_{iteration}_ctrl'] = mean_ctrl
+    df[f'{cpnt}_std_{iteration}_ctrl'] = std_ctrl
     df[f'p-adj'] = adj_pvals
     df[f'reg-adj'] = adj_regs
     return df
@@ -418,7 +421,7 @@ def prepare_dataframe(df: pd.DataFrame, test_type: str, nt: str,
 def make_barplot(df_bar: pd.DataFrame, outfile: Path, cpnt_type: str,
-                 cpnt: str, test_type: str, feature: str) -> None:
+                 cpnt: str, feature: str) -> None:
     Create a barplot showing the frequency of `nt` for every community \
     of exons/gene in `df_bar`.
@@ -429,17 +432,59 @@ def make_barplot(df_bar: pd.DataFrame, outfile: Path, cpnt_type: str,
     :param cpnt_type: The type of component to analyse; It \
     can be 'nt', 'dnt' or 'aa'.
     :param cpnt: The component (nt, aa, dnt) of interest
-    :param test_type: The kind of test make
     :param feature: The king of feature of interest
-    sns.set()
-    test_name = "permutation" if test_type == "perm" else "lm"
+    sns.set(context="poster")
     g = sns.catplot(x="community", y=cpnt, data=df_bar, kind="bar",
                     ci="sd", aspect=2.5, height=12, errwidth=0.5, capsize=.4,
-                    palette=["red"] + ["lightgray"] * (df_bar.shape[0] - 1))
+                    palette=["red"] + ["darkgray"] * (df_bar.shape[0] - 1))
+    g.fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.9)
+    g.fig.suptitle(f"Mean frequency of {cpnt} ({cpnt_type}) "
+                   f"among community of {feature}s\n"
+                   f"(stats obtained with a lm test)")
+    g.set(xticklabels=[])
+    g.ax.set_ylabel(f'Frequency of {cpnt}')
+    df_bara = df_bar.drop_duplicates(subset="community", keep="first")
+    for i, p in enumerate(g.ax.patches):
+        stats = "*" if df_bara.iloc[i, :]["p-adj"] < 0.05 else ""
+        com = df_bara.iloc[i, :]["community"]
+        csd = np.std(df_bar.loc[df_bar["community"] == com, cpnt])
+        g.ax.annotate(stats,
+                      (p.get_x() + p.get_width() / 2., p.get_height() + csd),
+                      ha='center', va='center', xytext=(0, 10), fontsize=12,
+                      textcoords='offset points')
+    g.savefig(outfile)
+def make_barplot_perm(df_bar: pd.DataFrame, outfile: Path, cpnt_type: str,
+                      cpnt: str, feature: str) -> None:
+    """
+    Create a barplot showing the frequency of `nt` for every community \
+    of exons/gene in `df_bar`.
+    :param df_bar: A dataframe with the enrichment of a \
+    nucleotide frequency for every community
+    :param outfile: File were the figure will be stored
+    :param cpnt_type: The type of component to analyse; It \
+    can be 'nt', 'dnt' or 'aa'.
+    :param cpnt: The component (nt, aa, dnt) of interest
+    :param feature: The king of feature of interest
+    """
+    sns.set(context="poster")
+    df_ctrl = df_bar.loc[df_bar[f"id_{feature}"] == 'ctrl', :]
+    df_bar = df_bar.loc[df_bar[f"id_{feature}"] != 'ctrl', :]
+    g = sns.catplot(x="community", y=cpnt, data=df_bar, kind="bar",
+                    ci="sd", aspect=2.5, height=14, errwidth=0.5, capsize=.4,
+                    palette= ["darkgray"] * (df_bar.shape[0]))
+    xrange = g.ax.get_xlim()
+    df_ctrl.plot(x="community", y=cpnt, kind="scatter", ax=g.ax,
+                 yerr= "ctrl_std", legend=False, zorder=10,
+                 color=(0.8, 0.2, 0.2, 0.4))
+    g.ax.set_xlim(xrange)
+    g.fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.9)
     g.fig.suptitle(f"Mean frequency of {cpnt} ({cpnt_type}) "
                    f"among community of {feature}s\n"
-                   f"(stats obtained with as {test_name} test)")
+                   f"(stats obtained with a permutation test)")
     g.ax.set_ylabel(f'Frequency of {cpnt}')
     df_bara = df_bar.drop_duplicates(subset="community", keep="first")
@@ -449,7 +494,7 @@ def make_barplot(df_bar: pd.DataFrame, outfile: Path, cpnt_type: str,
         csd = np.std(df_bar.loc[df_bar["community"] == com, cpnt])
                       (p.get_x() + p.get_width() / 2., p.get_height() + csd),
-                      ha='center', va='center', xytext=(0, 10),
+                      ha='center', va='center', xytext=(0, 10), fontsize=12,
                       textcoords='offset points')
@@ -479,6 +524,33 @@ def expand_results_lm(df: pd.DataFrame, rdf: pd.DataFrame,
     return pd.concat([df_ctrl, df], axis=0, ignore_index=True)
+def create_perm_ctrl_df(ctrl_df: pd.DataFrame, order_df: pd.DataFrame,
+                        cpnt: str, feature: str, iteration: int
+                        ) -> pd.DataFrame:
+    """
+    :param ctrl_df: A dataframe containing the mean ctrl values, \
+    the mean control std and the community from which those control \
+    have been created
+    :param order_df: A dataframe containing the community and their final \
+    order.
+    :param cpnt: The component (nt, aa, dnt) of interest
+    :param feature: The feature of interest
+    :param iteration: The number of iteration
+    :return: The ctrl_tmp_df in good order
+    """
+    dsize = ctrl_df.shape[0]
+    ctrl_df[f"mean_{cpnt}"] = \
+        [np.mean(ctrl_df[f"{cpnt}_mean_{iteration}_ctrl"])] * dsize
+    ctrl_df[f"id_{feature}"] = ['ctrl'] * dsize
+    ctrl_df["community_size"] = [dsize] * dsize
+    ctrl_df = ctrl_df.merge(order_df, how='left', on="community")
+    ctrl_df.rename({f"{cpnt}_mean_{iteration}_ctrl": cpnt,
+                    f"{cpnt}_std_{iteration}_ctrl": 'ctrl_std'}, axis=1,
+                   inplace=True)
+    return ctrl_df.sort_values("order", ascending=True)
 def expand_results_perm(df: pd.DataFrame, rdf: pd.DataFrame, cpnt: str,
                         feature: str, iteration: int) -> pd.DataFrame:
@@ -495,18 +567,15 @@ def expand_results_perm(df: pd.DataFrame, rdf: pd.DataFrame, cpnt: str,
     :return: The merged dataframe: i.e df with the stats columns
     df = df[[f"id_{feature}", cpnt, "community", "community_size"]].copy()
-    ctrl_val = rdf[f"{cpnt}_mean_{iteration}_ctrl"]
+    ctrl_df = rdf[[f"{cpnt}_mean_{iteration}_ctrl",
+                   f"{cpnt}_std_{iteration}_ctrl", "community"]].copy()
     rdf = rdf[["community", "community_size", cpnt, "p-adj"]].copy()
     rdf.rename({cpnt: f"mean_{cpnt}"}, axis=1, inplace=True)
     df = df.merge(rdf, how="left", on=["community", "community_size"])
-    df_ctrl = pd.DataFrame(
-        {cpnt: ctrl_val,
-         f"mean_{cpnt}": [np.mean(ctrl_val)] * len(ctrl_val),
-         f"id_{feature}": ['ctrl'] * len(ctrl_val),
-         "community_size": [len(ctrl_val)] * len(ctrl_val),
-         "community": ["C-CTRL"] * len(ctrl_val)}
-    )
     df.sort_values(f"mean_{cpnt}", ascending=True, inplace=True)
+    order_df = df[["community"]].drop_duplicates().copy()
+    order_df["order"] = range(order_df.shape[0])
+    df_ctrl = create_perm_ctrl_df(ctrl_df, order_df, cpnt, feature, iteration)
     return pd.concat([df_ctrl, df], axis=0, ignore_index=True)
@@ -544,6 +613,8 @@ def create_and_save_ctrl_dataframe(df: pd.DataFrame, feature: str,
         rdf = perm_with_ctrl(df, feature, cpnt, df_ctrl, dic_com, iteration)
         df_bar = expand_results_perm(df, rdf, cpnt, feature, iteration)
     rdf.to_csv(outfile_ctrl, sep="\t", index=False)
+    bar_outfile = str(outfile_ctrl).replace(".txt", "_bar.txt")
+    df_bar.to_csv(bar_outfile, sep="\t", index=False)
     barplot_creation(df_bar, outfile_ctrl, cpnt_type, cpnt,
                      test_type, feature)
@@ -564,9 +635,13 @@ def barplot_creation(df_bar: pd.DataFrame, outfile: Path, cpnt_type: str,
     :param cpnt: The component (nt, aa, dnt) of interest
     :param test_type: The kind of test make
     :param feature: The king of feature of interest
+    :param test_type: The type of test to make (permutation or lm)
     outfig = outfile.parent / outfile.name.replace(".txt", ".pdf")
-    make_barplot(df_bar, outfig, cpnt_type, cpnt, test_type, feature)
+    if test_type == "lm":
+        make_barplot(df_bar, outfig, cpnt_type, cpnt, feature)
+    else:
+        make_barplot_perm(df_bar, outfig, cpnt_type, cpnt, feature)
 def create_outfiles(project: str, weight: int, global_weight: int,
@@ -765,7 +840,7 @@ def multiple_nt_lm_launcher(ps: int,
     logging.info(f"Checking if communities as an effect on {component_type} "
     project = get_projects(global_weight, project)
-    cpnt_list = get_features(component_type)
+    cpnt_list = [get_features(component_type)[0]]
     condition = list(product([project], [weight], cpnt_list))
     processes = []
     pool = mp.Pool(processes=min(ps, len(condition)))