diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 07e67ccf8dbc0bb1cd23ebf8c233986479a3b908..f0c951ec266bd34508294c9baebe331bffb37ebf 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ src/*/*/__pycache__/*
diff --git a/src/db_utils/config.py b/src/db_utils/config.py
index 4c173c31cb2be7ad3e8b2fdd432a26e65ca5e4ff..7284333388e41b5450cd516df29bb6430f190b83 100755
--- a/src/db_utils/config.py
+++ b/src/db_utils/config.py
@@ -24,3 +24,4 @@ class Config:
     splicing_projects = data / 'splicing_lore_data' / \
     chia_pet_files = data / 'interactions_files' / 'chia_pet'
+    tests_files = Path(__file__).parents[2] / 'tests' / "files"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/find_interaction_cluster/__main__.py b/src/find_interaction_cluster/__main__.py
index 37102fa6918cacba2c6e068d85b068acc3e4c4c9..19361fad8859cd421a81b1ed8d46562dabaed614 100644
--- a/src/find_interaction_cluster/__main__.py
+++ b/src/find_interaction_cluster/__main__.py
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ from .colocalisation_n_ppi_analysis import coloc_ppi_stat_main
 @lp.parse(weight=range(1, 11), global_weight=range(11),
           feature=('gene', 'exon'), region=('', 'exon', 'intron', 'gene'),
-          iteration="iteration > 20", test_type=('lm', 'perm'),
+          iteration="iteration > 20", test_type=('lm', 'permutation'),
           component_type=("nt", "aa", "dnt"))
 def launcher(weight: int = 1,
              global_weight: int = 0,
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ def launcher(weight: int = 1,
              html_fig: bool = False, feature: str = 'exon', region: str = '',
              component_type: str = 'nt',
              iteration: int = 1000, test_type: str = "lm",
+             display_size: bool = False,
              project: str = "GSM1018963_GSM1018964",
              logging_level: str = "DISABLE"):
@@ -55,7 +56,9 @@ def launcher(weight: int = 1,
     :param project: The project name of interest \
     (only used is global_weight = 0).
     :param test_type: The king of test to perform for frequency analysis. \
-    (default 'lmm') (choose from 'lmm', 'perm')
+    (default 'lm') (choose from 'lm', 'permutation')
+    :param display_size: True to display the size of the community. \
+    False to display nothing. (default False)
     :param ps: The number of processes to use
     logging_def(ConfigGraph.community_folder, __file__, logging_level)
@@ -67,11 +70,12 @@ def launcher(weight: int = 1,
     multiple_community_launcher(weight, global_weight, project, same_gene,
                                 html_fig, feature, logging_level)
-    multiple_stat_launcher(ps, weight, global_weight, project, same_gene,
-                           feature, logging_level)
+    # multiple_stat_launcher(ps, weight, global_weight, project, same_gene,
+    #                        feature, logging_level)
     multiple_nt_lm_launcher(ps, weight, global_weight, project,
                             same_gene, feature, region, component_type,
-                            test_type, iteration, logging_level)
+                            test_type, iteration, display_size,
+                            logging_level=logging_level)
     if feature == "gene":
         # ppi_stat_launcher(weight, global_weight, project, same_gene,
         #                   ConfigGraph.ppi_threshold, iteration,
diff --git a/src/find_interaction_cluster/clip_figures/__init__.py b/src/find_interaction_cluster/clip_figures/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..60f3a118d41cf7494b1cd067bf5d649b42ba1e05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/find_interaction_cluster/clip_figures/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
diff --git a/src/find_interaction_cluster/clip_figures/__main__.py b/src/find_interaction_cluster/clip_figures/__main__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..122674490a4d8228fb6ebb7341088b946c6710f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/find_interaction_cluster/clip_figures/__main__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+Description: Create the communities figures launcher from  a community \
+import lazyparser as lp
+from pathlib import Path
+from .clip_analyser import clip_folder_analysis
+@lp.parse(test_type=["permutation", "lm"], feature=["gene", "exon"])
+def clip_analysis(clip_folder: str, weight: int = -1,
+                  global_weight: int = -1, same_gene: bool = True,
+                  feature: str = "exon",
+                  project: str = "GSM1018963_GSM1018964",
+                  test_type: str = "permutation", iteration: int = 10000,
+                  display_size: bool=False,
+                  community_file: str = "",
+                  ps: int = 1,
+                  logging_level: str = "DEBUG") -> None:
+    """
+    Create the final figure.
+    :param project: The name of the project of interest
+    :param weight: The minimum weight of interaction to consider
+    :param global_weight: The global weight to consider. if \
+    the global weight is equal to 0 then then density figure are calculated \
+    by project, else all projet are merge together and the interaction \
+    seen in `global_weight` project are taken into account
+    :param same_gene: Say if we consider as co-localised, exons within the \
+    same gene (True) or not (False) (default False)
+    :param feature: The feature we want to analyse (default 'exon')
+    :param clip_folder: A folder containing clip file
+    :param test_type: The kind of test to perform for frequency analysis. \
+    (default 'lm') (choose from 'lm', 'permutation')
+    :param iteration: The number of iteration
+    :param display_size: True to display the size of the community. \
+    False to display nothing. (default False)
+    :param community_file: A file containing custom communities. If \
+    it equals to '' then weight, global weight and same genes parameter are \
+    used to find the community files computed with ChIA-PET data.
+    :param ps: The number of processes to create (default 1)
+    :param logging_level: The level of data to display (default 'DISABLE')
+    :return: The final dataframe that can be used to create clip figures
+    """
+    if (weight == -1 or global_weight == -1) and community_file == "":
+        raise ValueError(f"Global weight or weight can't be equal to one if "
+                         f"community_file is not defined !")
+    clip_folder = Path(clip_folder)
+    if test_type == "lm":
+        raise NotImplementedError("test_type for lm is not implemented !")
+    if not clip_folder.is_dir():
+        raise NotADirectoryError(f"{clip_folder} is not an existing directory")
+    clip_folder_analysis(clip_folder, project, weight, global_weight,
+                         same_gene, feature, test_type, iteration,
+                         display_size, community_file, ps, logging_level)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/find_interaction_cluster/clip_figures/clip_analyser.py b/src/find_interaction_cluster/clip_figures/clip_analyser.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4346a2f2de4ce5267c92f51329db7a729bcf2e4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/find_interaction_cluster/clip_figures/clip_analyser.py
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+Description: The goal of this script is to create a community figure \
+from a bed file
+from .config import ConfigClip, ConfigGraph
+import subprocess as sp
+from pathlib import Path
+from io import StringIO
+import pandas as pd
+from ..community_finder import multiple_community_launcher, get_projects
+from ..community_figures.fig_functions import create_community_fig
+from ...logging_conf import logging_def
+import logging
+from typing import Tuple
+import multiprocessing as mp
+def bedtools_intersect(gene_bed: Path, clip_bed: Path,
+                       feature: str = "exon") -> pd.DataFrame:
+    """
+    :param gene_bed: A bed file containing FasterDB genes
+    :param clip_bed: A bed file containing CLIP peaks
+    :param feature: The feature we want to analyse (default 'exon')
+    :return: The number of peaks inside each genes
+    >>> bedtools_intersect(ConfigClip.test_gene_bed, ConfigClip.test_clip_bed,
+    ... "gene")
+        id_gene  clip_peak  peak_density
+    0         1          2      0.054877
+    1         2          1      0.029736
+    2         3          3      0.076251
+    3         4          0      0.000000
+    4         5          0      0.000000
+    5         6          0      0.000000
+    6         7          0      0.000000
+    7         8          0      0.000000
+    8         9          0      0.000000
+    9       415          0      0.000000
+    10    10123          0      0.000000
+    """
+    res = sp.check_output(f"bedtools intersect -a {gene_bed} "
+                          f"-b {clip_bed} -c", shell=True)
+    res = StringIO(str(res, "utf-8"))
+    id_col = f"id_{feature}"
+    columns = ["chr", "start", "end", id_col, "name", "strand", "clip_peak"]
+    df = pd.read_csv(res, sep="\t", names=columns)
+    df['peak_density'] = df['clip_peak'] / ((df['end'] - df['start']) / 1000)
+    return df[[f'id_{feature}', 'clip_peak', 'peak_density']]
+def find_or_create_community(project: str, weight: int, global_weight: int,
+                             same_gene: bool, feature: str) -> Path:
+    """
+    Find the community file of interest, or if it doesn't exist, create it.
+    :param project: The name of the project of interest
+    :param weight: The minimum weight of interaction to consider
+    :param global_weight: The global weight to consider. if \
+    the global weight is equal to 0 then then density figure are calculated \
+    by project, else all projet are merge together and the interaction \
+    seen in `global_weight` project are taken into account
+    :param same_gene: Say if we consider as co-localised, exons within the \
+    same gene (True) or not (False) (default False)
+    :param feature: The feature we want to analyse (default 'exon')
+    :return: The file containing community
+    >>> res = find_or_create_community("", 3, 3, True, "gene")
+    >>> res_path = str(res.relative_to(Path(__file__).parents[3]))
+    >>> res_path.endswith("global-weight-3_weight-3_same_gene-True_gene.txt")
+    True
+    >>> f = "results/community_of_co-localized-exons/" + \
+    "communities/weight-3_global_weight-3"
+    >>> res_path.startswith(f)
+    True
+    """
+    cfile = ConfigGraph.get_community_file(project, weight, global_weight,
+                                           same_gene, feature, ".txt")
+    if not cfile.is_file():
+        project = get_projects(global_weight, project)
+        multiple_community_launcher(weight, global_weight, project, same_gene,
+                                    False, feature)
+    if not cfile.is_file():
+        raise FileNotFoundError(f"The file {cfile} could not be created !")
+    return cfile
+def get_community_tables(df: pd.DataFrame, feature: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
+    """
+    Create a dataframe indicating for each feature, to which community it \
+    belong.
+    :param df: A dataframe of community
+    :param feature: The feature we want to analyse (default 'exon')
+    :return: dataframe indicating for each feature, to which community it \
+    belong.
+    >>> d = pd.DataFrame({"community": ["C1", "C2"], "nodes": [2, 3],
+    ... "edges": [1, 3], "EC": [1, 1], "HCS": ["no", "no"],
+    ... "%E vs E in complete G": [36, 40], "cov": [0.96, 0.96],
+    ... "modularity": [0.97, 0.97], "genes": ["1, 2", "3, 4, 5"],
+    ... "project": ["Global-weight-3", "Global-weight-3"]})
+    >>> get_community_tables(d, "gene")
+       id_gene community  community_size
+    0        1        C1               2
+    1        2        C1               2
+    2        3        C2               3
+    3        4        C2               3
+    4        5        C2               3
+    """
+    dic = {f"id_{feature}": [], "community": [], "community_size": []}
+    for i in range(df.shape[0]):
+        row = df.iloc[i, :]
+        ft = row[f"{feature}s"].split(", ")
+        dic[f"id_{feature}"] += row[f"{feature}s"].split(", ")
+        dic["community"] += [row["community"]] * len(ft)
+        dic["community_size"] += [row["nodes"]] * len(ft)
+    df = pd.DataFrame(dic)
+    if feature == "gene":
+        df["id_gene"] = df["id_gene"].astype(int)
+    return df
+def merge_dataframes(peak_df: pd.DataFrame, com_df: pd.DataFrame,
+                     feature: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
+    """
+    Merge a dataframe containing the numbers of clip peak per feature \
+    with the dataframe containing the community of each feature.
+    :param peak_df: Dataframe containing the number of clip peak per \
+    feature
+    :param com_df: Dataframe containing the community of each figure
+    :param feature: The feature we want to analyse (default 'exon')
+    :return: The dataframe merged
+    >>> d1 = pd.DataFrame({"id_gene": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
+    ... "peak_density": [0.054877, 0.029736, 0.076251, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]})
+    >>> d2 = pd.DataFrame({"id_gene": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
+    ... "community": ["C1", "C1", "C2", "C2", "C2"],
+    ... "community_size": [2, 2, 3, 3, 3]})
+    >>> merge_dataframes(d1, d2, "gene")
+       id_gene  peak_density community  community_size
+    0        0      0.054877        C1             2.0
+    1        1      0.029736        C1             2.0
+    2        2      0.076251        C2             3.0
+    3        3      0.000000        C2             3.0
+    4        4      0.000000        C2             3.0
+    5        5      0.000000       NaN             NaN
+    6        6      0.000000       NaN             NaN
+    7        7      0.000000       NaN             NaN
+    """
+    return peak_df.merge(com_df, how="left", on=f"id_{feature}")
+def create_table(feature: str, clip_file: Path,
+                 feature_bed: Path, com_file: Path) -> pd.DataFrame:
+    """
+    Create the final table used to create community figure.
+    :param feature: The feature we want to analyse (default 'exon')
+    :param clip_file: A bed file containing clip
+    :param feature_bed: A bed files containing exons or genes depending on \
+    feature parameter.
+    :param com_file: A file containing communities
+    :return: The final dataframe that can be used to create clip figures
+    >>> cf = find_or_create_community("", 3, 3, True, "gene")
+    >>> create_table("gene", ConfigClip.test_clip_bed,
+    ... ConfigClip.test_gene_bed, cf)
+        id_gene  clip_peak  peak_density community  community_size
+    0         1          2      0.054877       NaN             NaN
+    1         2          1      0.029736       NaN             NaN
+    2         3          3      0.076251       NaN             NaN
+    3         4          0      0.000000       NaN             NaN
+    4         5          0      0.000000       NaN             NaN
+    5         6          0      0.000000       NaN             NaN
+    6         7          0      0.000000       NaN             NaN
+    7         8          0      0.000000       NaN             NaN
+    8         9          0      0.000000       NaN             NaN
+    9       415          0      0.000000        C1            11.0
+    10    10123          0      0.000000       NaN             NaN
+    """
+    threshold = 10 if feature == "gene" else 50
+    df_clip = bedtools_intersect(feature_bed, clip_file, feature)
+    df_tmp = pd.read_csv(com_file, sep="\t")
+    df_com = get_community_tables(df_tmp, feature)
+    df_com = df_com.loc[df_com["community_size"] >= threshold, :]
+    return merge_dataframes(df_clip, df_com, feature)
+def select_community_file(project: str, weight: int, global_weight: int,
+                          same_gene: bool, feature: str,
+                          community_file: str = "") -> Tuple[Path, Path]:
+    """
+    Return the community file and output folder that will be used.
+    :param project: The name of the project of interest
+    :param weight: The minimum weight of interaction to consider
+    :param global_weight: The global weight to consider. if \
+    the global weight is equal to 0 then then density figure are calculated \
+    by project, else all projet are merge together and the interaction \
+    seen in `global_weight` project are taken into account
+    :param same_gene: Say if we consider as co-localised, exons within the \
+    same gene (True) or not (False) (default False)
+    :param feature: The feature we want to analyse (default 'exon')
+    :param community_file: A file containing custom communities. If \
+    it equals to '' then weight, global weight and same genes parameter are \
+    used to find the community files computed with ChIA-PET data.
+    :return: The community file used and the output folder used.
+    """
+    if community_file == "":
+        com_file = find_or_create_community(project, weight, global_weight,
+                                            same_gene, feature)
+        output = com_file.parent / f"CLIP_community_figures_{feature}"
+    else:
+        com_file = Path(community_file)
+        if not com_file.is_file():
+            raise FileNotFoundError(f"File {com_file} was not found !")
+        tmp_name = com_file.name.replace(".txt", "")
+        output = ConfigClip.output_folder / \
+                 f"CLIP_community_figures-{feature}-{tmp_name}"
+    return com_file, output
+def create_figure(project: str, weight: int, global_weight: int,
+                  same_gene: bool, feature: str, clip_file: Path,
+                  feature_bed: Path, test_type: str = "permutation",
+                  iteration: int = 10000, display_size: bool=False,
+                  community_file: str = "") -> None:
+    """
+    Create the final figure
+    :param project: The name of the project of interest
+    :param weight: The minimum weight of interaction to consider
+    :param global_weight: The global weight to consider. if \
+    the global weight is equal to 0 then then density figure are calculated \
+    by project, else all projet are merge together and the interaction \
+    seen in `global_weight` project are taken into account
+    :param same_gene: Say if we consider as co-localised, exons within the \
+    same gene (True) or not (False) (default False)
+    :param feature: The feature we want to analyse (default 'exon')
+    :param clip_file: A bed file containing clip
+    :param feature_bed: A bed files containing exons or genes depending on \
+    feature parameter.
+    :param test_type: The king of test to perform for frequency analysis. \
+    (default 'lm') (choose from 'lm', 'permutation')
+    :param iteration: The number of iteration to make
+    :param community_file: A file containing custom communities. If \
+    it equals to '' then weight, global weight and same genes parameter are \
+    used to find the community files computed with ChIA-PET data.
+    :param display_size: True to display the size of the community. \
+    False to display nothing. (default False)
+    :param ps: The number of processes to create (default 1)
+    """
+    logging.info(f"Working on {clip_file}")
+    com_file, output = select_community_file(project, weight, global_weight,
+                                             same_gene, feature,
+                                             community_file)
+    output.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
+    outfile = output / f"{clip_file.name.split('.')[0]}.pdf"
+    final_table = create_table(feature, clip_file, feature_bed, com_file)
+    create_community_fig(final_table, feature, "peak_density", outfile,
+                         test_type, iteration=iteration,
+                         display_size=display_size)
+def clip_folder_analysis(clip_folder: Path, project: str, weight: int,
+                         global_weight: int, same_gene: bool, feature: str,
+                         test_type: str = "permutation",
+                         iteration: int = 10000, display_size: bool=False,
+                         community_file: str = "",  ps: int = 1,
+                         logging_level: str = "DEBUG") -> None:
+    """
+    Create the final figure
+    :param project: The name of the project of interest
+    :param weight: The minimum weight of interaction to consider
+    :param global_weight: The global weight to consider. if \
+    the global weight is equal to 0 then then density figure are calculated \
+    by project, else all projet are merge together and the interaction \
+    seen in `global_weight` project are taken into account
+    :param same_gene: Say if we consider as co-localised, exons within the \
+    same gene (True) or not (False) (default False)
+    :param feature: The feature we want to analyse (default 'exon')
+    :param clip_folder: A folder containing clip file
+    :param test_type: The king of test to perform for frequency analysis. \
+    (default 'lm') (choose from 'lm', 'permutation')
+    :param iteration: The number of iteration to make
+    :param display_size: True to display the size of the community. \
+    False to display nothing. (default False)
+    :param community_file: A file containing custom communities. If \
+    it equals to '' then weight, global weight and same genes parameter are \
+    used to find the community files computed with ChIA-PET data.
+    :param ps: The number of processes to create (default 1)
+    :param logging_level: The level of data to display (default 'DISABLE')
+    """
+    logging_def(ConfigGraph.community_folder, __file__, logging_level)
+    feature_bed = ConfigClip.bed_gene if feature == "gene" \
+        else ConfigClip.bed_exon
+    files = list(clip_folder.glob("*.bed")) + \
+        list(clip_folder.glob("*.bed.gz"))
+    pool = mp.Pool(processes=min(len(files), ps))
+    processes = []
+    for mfile in files:
+        args = [project, weight, global_weight, same_gene, feature,
+                mfile, feature_bed, test_type, iteration, display_size,
+                community_file]
+        processes.append(pool.apply_async(create_figure, args))
+    [p.get(timeout=None) for p in processes]
diff --git a/src/find_interaction_cluster/clip_figures/clip_compo_analyser.py b/src/find_interaction_cluster/clip_figures/clip_compo_analyser.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..827fdbbc06efe63815a65c7649a61079712a6608
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/find_interaction_cluster/clip_figures/clip_compo_analyser.py
@@ -0,0 +1,493 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+Description: The goal of this script is to check whether a communities \
+of genes that are more frequently bind by a splicing factor \
+has a composition biais.
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import List, Tuple, Optional
+import pandas as pd
+from .config import ConfigClip, Config, ConfigGraph
+import doctest
+from math import floor, ceil
+from ..nt_and_community import get_ft_id, get_cpnt_frequency, get_features
+import sqlite3
+import numpy as np
+from scipy.stats import mannwhitneyu
+from itertools import combinations, product
+from statsmodels.stats.multitest import multipletests
+import seaborn as sns
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from ...logging_conf import logging_def
+import logging
+import multiprocessing as mp
+def find_final_clip_tables(folder: Path) -> List[Path]:
+    """
+    From a folder return every files ending with *_bar.txt.
+    :param folder: A folder containing final tables used to produce \
+    community figures for clip data (figure produced by the function \
+    clip_folder_analysis of the script clip_analyse.py).
+    :return: The list of files ending with *_bar.txt
+    >>> find_final_clip_tables(Path("fziufriubdsibf"))
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    NotADirectoryError: Folder fziufriubdsibf doesn't exists !
+    >>> find_final_clip_tables(Path("src/"))
+    []
+    """
+    if not folder.is_dir():
+        raise NotADirectoryError(f"Folder {folder} doesn't exists !")
+    return list(folder.glob("*_bar.txt"))
+def prepare_df(clip_df: pd.DataFrame, feature: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
+    """
+    Prepare the table containing data to produce the clip community figure.
+    :param clip_df: table containing data to produce the clip \
+     community figure.
+    :param feature: The feature of interest (gene or exon)
+    :return: The filtered table
+    >>> d = prepare_df(pd.read_table(ConfigClip.test_clip_file, sep="\\t"),
+    ... "gene")
+    >>> d.head()
+      community  community_size     p-adj reg-adj  peak_density
+    8      C852             1.0  0.015356      -       0.000000
+    9       C91             2.0  0.027338      -       0.000000
+    0       C10             3.0  0.228296      .       0.046749
+    1      C165            12.0  0.252854      .       0.271487
+    3      C325            18.0  0.228296      .       0.272363
+    >>> d["community"].to_list() == ['C852', 'C91', 'C10', 'C165', 'C325',
+    ... 'C232', 'C397', 'C952', 'C365', 'C680', 'C916', 'C690']
+    True
+    """
+    df = clip_df.copy()
+    df = df.loc[df[f"id_{feature}"] != "ctrl",
+                ["peak_density", "community", "community_size", "p-adj",
+                 "reg-adj", f"id_{feature}"]]
+    df = df.groupby(["community", "community_size", "p-adj", "reg-adj"]
+                    ).mean().reset_index()
+    df = df.sort_values("peak_density", ascending=True)
+    return df
+def get_feature_id(clip_df: pd.DataFrame, feature: str,
+                   list_community: List[str]) -> pd.DataFrame:
+    """
+    Get the list of gene contained in the list of communities given.
+    :param clip_df: table containing data to produce the clip \
+     community figure.
+    :param feature: The feature of interest (gene or exon)
+    :param list_community: A list of community
+    :return: The filtered table)
+    >>> d = pd.read_table(ConfigClip.test_clip_file, sep="\\t")
+    >>> get_feature_id(d, "gene", ['C916', 'C690'])
+    ['11489', '11723', '9289', '9734', '9708']
+    >>> get_feature_id(d, "gene", ['C680', 'C916',
+    ... 'C690'])
+    ['16283', '16852', '11489', '11723', '9289', '9734', '9708']
+    >>> get_feature_id(d, "gene", ['C91', 'C852'])
+    ['13856', '13360', '7831']
+    >>> get_feature_id(d, "gene", ['C91', 'C852',
+    ... 'C10'])
+    ['13856', '13360', '7831', '16763', '16676', '16817']
+    """
+    df = clip_df.copy()
+    df = df[df[f"id_{feature}"] != "ctrl"]
+    return df[df["community"].isin(list_community)][f"id_{feature}"].to_list()
+def get_extreme_groups(df: pd.DataFrame, table_file: Path, group: str,
+                       threshold_feature: int,
+                       default_groups: int) -> Tuple[List, str]:
+    """
+    Recover the impoverished or enriched communities for peaks \
+    in a given splicing factor if they exists.
+    :param df: A dataframe used to build the community figures \
+    of clip density.
+    :param table_file: The file from  which the dataframe df was created
+    :param group: The kind of community to recover (enriched or impoverished)
+    :param threshold_feature: The minimum number of feature to \
+    recover from enriched/impoverished communities
+    :param default_groups: The number of community to get if none \
+    (or not enough) community are enriched or impoverished \
+    (depending on group parameter)
+    :return: The list of enriched or impoverished community of feature \
+    and the name of the list
+    >>> d = prepare_df(pd.read_table(ConfigClip.test_clip_file, sep="\\t"),
+    ... "gene")
+    >>> get_extreme_groups(d, ConfigClip.test_clip_file, "enriched", 5, 3)
+    (['C916', 'C690'], 'SF_test_enriched')
+    >>> get_extreme_groups(d, ConfigClip.test_clip_file, "enriched", 6, 3)
+    (['C680', 'C916', 'C690'], 'SF_test_enriched_nosig')
+    >>> get_extreme_groups(d, ConfigClip.test_clip_file, "impoverished", 3, 3)
+    (['C852', 'C91'], 'SF_test_impoverished')
+    >>> get_extreme_groups(d, ConfigClip.test_clip_file, "impoverished", 4, 3)
+    (['C852', 'C91', 'C10'], 'SF_test_impoverished_nosig')
+    """
+    outname = table_file.name.rstrip("bar.txt") + group
+    my_reg = " + " if group == "enriched" else " - "
+    tmp = df[df["reg-adj"] == my_reg]
+    if not tmp.empty and sum(tmp["community_size"]) >= threshold_feature:
+        return tmp["community"].to_list(), outname
+    outname += "_nosig"
+    list_com = df["community"].to_list()
+    if group == "enriched":
+        return list_com[-default_groups:], outname
+    else:
+        return list_com[:default_groups], outname
+def get_middle_group(df: pd.DataFrame, table_file: Path,
+                     default_groups: int) -> Tuple[List, str]:
+    """
+    Recover the impoverished or enriched communities for peaks \
+    in a given splicing factor if they exists.
+    :param df: A dataframe used to build the community figures \
+    of clip density.
+    :param table_file: The file from  which the dataframe df was created
+    :param default_groups: The number of community to get if none \
+    (or not enough) community are enriched or impoverished \
+    (depending on group parameter)
+    :return: The list of enriched or impoverished community of feature \
+    and the name of the list
+    >>> d = prepare_df(pd.read_table(ConfigClip.test_clip_file, sep="\\t"),
+    ... "gene")
+    >>> get_middle_group(d, ConfigClip.test_clip_file, 3)
+    (['C232', 'C397', 'C952'], 'SF_test_middle')
+    >>> get_middle_group(d, ConfigClip.test_clip_file, 4)
+    (['C325', 'C232', 'C397', 'C952'], 'SF_test_middle')
+    """
+    outname = table_file.name.rstrip("bar.txt") + "middle"
+    list_com = df["community"].to_list()
+    index = floor(len(list_com) / 2)
+    return list_com[index - floor(default_groups / 2):
+                    index + ceil(default_groups / 2)], outname
+def add_ctrl_df(df: pd.DataFrame, feature: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
+    """
+    Create a dataframe containing every genes/exons not in a community.
+    :param df: The dataframe used to create a community figure
+    :param feature: The feature of interest (exon or gene)
+    :return: A table containing 2 columns: id_{feature} and group \
+    (containing 'ctrl')
+    >>> import time
+    >>> s = time.time()
+    >>> add_ctrl_df(pd.DataFrame({"id_gene": list(range(1, 19420)) + ["ctrl"]
+    ... }), "gene")
+       id_gene group
+    0    19420  ctrl
+    1    19421  ctrl
+    2    19422  ctrl
+    3    19423  ctrl
+    4    19424  ctrl
+    5    19425  ctrl
+    6    19426  ctrl
+    """
+    list_id = get_ft_id(sqlite3.connect(Config.db_file), feature)
+    com_id = df[df[f"id_{feature}"] != "ctrl"][f"id_{feature}"].to_list()
+    if feature == "gene":
+        list_id = list(map(int, list_id))
+        com_id = list(map(int, com_id))
+    ctrl_id = [mid for mid in list_id if mid not in com_id]
+    return pd.DataFrame({f"id_{feature}": ctrl_id,
+                         "group": ["ctrl"] * len(ctrl_id)})
+def get_interest_groups(clip_table_file: Path, feature: str,
+                        threshold_feature: int, default_groups: int
+                        ) -> Optional[pd.DataFrame]:
+    """
+    :param clip_table_file: table containing data to produce the clip \
+     community figure.
+    :param feature: The feature of interest (gene or exon)
+    :param threshold_feature: The minimum number of feature to \
+    recover from enriched/impoverished communities
+    :param default_groups: The number of community to get if none \
+    (or not enough) community are enriched or impoverished \
+    (depending on group parameter)
+    :return: The dataframe indicating for a id of a feature, the groups where \
+    if belong.
+    >>> get_interest_groups(ConfigClip.test_clip_file, "gene", 3, 3)
+       id_gene                 group
+    0    13856  SF_test_impoverished
+    1    13360  SF_test_impoverished
+    2     7831  SF_test_impoverished
+    3    17226        SF_test_middle
+    4    17418        SF_test_middle
+    5    16985        SF_test_middle
+    6    16897        SF_test_middle
+    7    16536        SF_test_middle
+    8    17214        SF_test_middle
+    9    17271        SF_test_middle
+    10   17360        SF_test_middle
+    11   16022        SF_test_middle
+    12   16660        SF_test_middle
+    13   17080        SF_test_middle
+    14   17038        SF_test_middle
+    15   10558        SF_test_middle
+    16   11520        SF_test_middle
+    17   10569        SF_test_middle
+    18   10641        SF_test_middle
+    19   10333        SF_test_middle
+    20   12509        SF_test_middle
+    21   11687        SF_test_middle
+    22   10886        SF_test_middle
+    23   10784        SF_test_middle
+    24   10997        SF_test_middle
+    25   10907        SF_test_middle
+    26   12115        SF_test_middle
+    27   10922        SF_test_middle
+    28   10586        SF_test_middle
+    29   12030        SF_test_middle
+    30   10627        SF_test_middle
+    31   12525        SF_test_middle
+    32   12172        SF_test_middle
+    33   11346        SF_test_middle
+    34   11949        SF_test_middle
+    35   15390        SF_test_middle
+    36   15348        SF_test_middle
+    37   14966        SF_test_middle
+    38   15272        SF_test_middle
+    39   15287        SF_test_middle
+    40   15135        SF_test_middle
+    41   14992        SF_test_middle
+    42   15006        SF_test_middle
+    43   15199        SF_test_middle
+    44   15285        SF_test_middle
+    45   11489      SF_test_enriched
+    46   11723      SF_test_enriched
+    47    9289      SF_test_enriched
+    48    9734      SF_test_enriched
+    49    9708      SF_test_enriched
+    >>> r = get_interest_groups(ConfigClip.test_clip_file, "gene", 6, 3)
+    >>> r is None
+    True
+    """
+    ini_df = pd.read_csv(clip_table_file, sep="\t")
+    df = prepare_df(ini_df, feature)
+    enrich_com, name_enrich = get_extreme_groups(
+        df, clip_table_file, "enriched", threshold_feature, default_groups)
+    impov_com, name_impov = get_extreme_groups(
+        df, clip_table_file, "impoverished", threshold_feature, default_groups)
+    if "nosig" in name_enrich and "nosig" in name_impov:
+        return None
+    middle_com, name_middle = get_middle_group(df, clip_table_file,
+                                               default_groups)
+    enrich_grp = get_feature_id(ini_df, feature, enrich_com)
+    impov_grp = get_feature_id(ini_df, feature, impov_com)
+    middle_grp = get_feature_id(ini_df, feature, middle_com)
+    return pd.DataFrame({f"id_{feature}": impov_grp + middle_grp + enrich_grp,
+                         "group": [name_impov] * len(impov_grp) +
+                                  [name_middle] * len(middle_grp) +
+                                  [name_enrich] * len(enrich_grp)})
+def create_stat_df(df_comp: pd.DataFrame, cpnt: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
+    """
+    Compute statistical analysis for every group in df_comp.
+    :param df_comp: The dataframe containing the frequency of every `cpnt_type`
+    :param cpnt: The component studied
+    :return: Dataframe of p-values
+    >>> d = pd.DataFrame({"id_gene": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8],
+    ... "A": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], "group": ["test"] * 4 + ["ctrl"] * 4})
+    >>> create_stat_df(d, "A")
+       grp1  grp2     p-val
+    0  ctrl  test  0.030383
+    >>> d = pd.DataFrame({"id_gene": list(range(1, 13)),
+    ... "A": list(range(1, 12)) + [5], "group": ["test"] * 4 + ["ctrl"] * 4 +
+    ... ["test2"] * 4})
+    >>> create_stat_df(d, "A")
+       grp1   grp2     p-val     p-adj
+    0  ctrl   test  0.030383  0.045574
+    1  ctrl  test2  0.245383  0.245383
+    2  test  test2  0.030383  0.045574
+    """
+    comparison = combinations(np.unique(df_comp["group"]), 2)
+    content = []
+    for grp1, grp2 in comparison:
+        p_val = mannwhitneyu(
+            df_comp.loc[df_comp["group"] == grp1, cpnt].values,
+            df_comp.loc[df_comp["group"] == grp2, cpnt].values,
+            alternative="two-sided")[1]
+        content.append([grp1, grp2, p_val])
+    df = pd.DataFrame(content, columns=["grp1", "grp2", "p-val"])
+    if df.shape[0] > 1:
+        df["p-adj"] = multipletests(df['p-val'].values, method="fdr_bh")[1]
+    return df
+def make_barplot(df_comp: pd.DataFrame, outfile: Path, cpnt: str,
+                 cpnt_type: str, clip_name: str) -> None:
+    """
+    Create a barplot showing the composition for different groups of feature.
+    :param df_comp: The dataframe containing the frequency of every `cpnt_type`
+    :param outfile: File were the figure will be created
+    :param cpnt: The component of interest
+    :param cpnt_type: The type of component of interest
+    :param clip_name: The name of the clip studied
+    """
+    sns.set(context="talk")
+    g = sns.catplot(x="group", y=cpnt, data=df_comp, height=12, aspect=1.7,
+                    kind="violin")
+    g.fig.suptitle(f"Mean frequency of {cpnt}({cpnt_type})"
+                   f"among different community groups\n"
+                   f"created from the peak_density from clip {clip_name}")
+    g.ax.set_ylabel(f'Frequency of {cpnt} ({cpnt_type})')
+    g.savefig(outfile)
+    plt.clf()
+    plt.close()
+def update_composition_group(df_comp: pd.DataFrame, display_size: bool
+                             ) -> pd.DataFrame:
+    """
+    Update the group name of the dataframe df_com.
+    :param df_comp: The dataframe containing the frequency of every `cpnt_type`
+    :param display_size: True to display the size of \
+    the community. False to display nothing.
+    :return: if display_size is False return df_comp else return df_comp \
+    with the group column containing the size of the groups.
+    """
+    if not display_size:
+        return df_comp
+    d = {
+        gr: f"{gr}({df_comp[df_comp['group'] == gr].shape[0]})"
+        for gr in df_comp["group"].unique()
+    }
+    df_comp["group"] = df_comp["group"].map(d)
+    return df_comp
+def create_figure_4_clip_table(clip_table_file: Path, feature: str,
+                               threshold_feature: int, default_groups: int,
+                               df_comp: pd.DataFrame, cpnt_type: str,
+                               cpnt: str, df_id_ctrl: pd.DataFrame,
+                               write_comp_table: bool,
+                               display_size: bool) -> None:
+    """
+    Create a component figure for a clip file
+    :param clip_table_file: table containing data to produce the clip \
+     community figure.
+    :param feature: The feature of interest (gene or exon)
+    :param threshold_feature: The minimum number of feature to \
+    recover from enriched/impoverished communities
+    :param default_groups: The number of community to get if none \
+    (or not enough) community are enriched or impoverished \
+    (depending on group parameter)
+    :param df_comp: The dataframe containing the frequency of every `cpnt_type`
+    :param cpnt_type: The kind of component of interest
+    :param cpnt: The kind of component of interest
+    :param df_id_ctrl: A dataframe indicating control exons
+    :param write_comp_table: True to save comp table, false else
+    :param display_size: True to display the size of the community .
+    False to display nothing. (default False)
+    """
+    logging.info(f"Working on {clip_table_file.name} - {cpnt} ({cpnt_type})")
+    df_group = get_interest_groups(clip_table_file, feature,
+                                   threshold_feature, default_groups)
+    if df_group is None:
+        return None
+    df_group = df_group.drop_duplicates()
+    if feature == "gene":
+        df_group["id_gene"] = df_group["id_gene"].astype(int)
+        df_comp["id_gene"] = df_comp["id_gene"].astype(int)
+    df_group = pd.concat([df_group, df_id_ctrl], ignore_index=True)
+    if len(np.unique(df_group[f"id_{feature}"].values)) != df_group.shape[0]:
+        print(df_group[df_group.duplicated(subset=f"id_{feature}")])
+        raise ValueError("Found duplicates value in df_group, exiting...")
+    df_comp = df_comp.merge(df_group, how="left", on=f"id_{feature}")
+    df_comp = df_comp[-df_comp["group"].isna()]
+    sf_name = clip_table_file.name.rstrip("_bar.txt")
+    outfiles = [clip_table_file.parent / sf_name /
+                f"{cpnt_type}_{cpnt}_{sf_name}_thd" 
+                f"{threshold_feature}_dft{default_groups}.{ext}"
+                for ext in ['txt', 'pdf', 'bar.txt']]
+    outfiles[0].parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
+    df_stat = create_stat_df(df_comp, cpnt)
+    df_stat.to_csv(outfiles[0], sep="\t", index=False)
+    df_comp = update_composition_group(df_comp, display_size)
+    make_barplot(df_comp, outfiles[1], cpnt, cpnt_type, sf_name)
+    if write_comp_table:
+        df_comp.to_csv(outfiles[2], sep="\t", index=False)
+def create_multiple_figures(clip_result_folder: Path, feature: str,
+                            threshold_feature: int, default_groups: int,
+                            cpnt_type: str, region: str = "gene",
+                            ps: int = 1, display_size: bool = False,
+                            logging_level: str = "DEBUG") -> None:
+    """
+    Create multiple composition figures from a result clip folder.
+    :param clip_result_folder: Folder containing tables used to \
+    create clip community figures
+    :param feature: The feature of interest (exon, or gene)
+    :param threshold_feature: The minimum number of feature needed \
+    inside communities enriched or impoverished in peak_density to consider \
+    those community (otherwise `default_groups` default number of community \
+    are taken
+    :param default_groups: The number of communities to take as default.
+    :param cpnt_type: The kind of component analysed
+    :param region: Only used when feature is gene. Corresponds to \
+    the region studied within genes.
+    :param ps: The number of processes to create
+    :param display_size: True to display the size of the community,
+    False to display nothing. (default False)
+    :param logging_level: The level of data to display (default 'DISABLE')
+    """
+    logging_def(ConfigGraph.community_folder, __file__, logging_level)
+    list_tables = find_final_clip_tables(clip_result_folder)
+    list_ft = get_features(cpnt_type)
+    if len(list_ft) == 0:
+        logging.warning(f"No clip table found in {clip_result_folder} !\n"
+                        f"Exiting...")
+        return None
+    cnx = sqlite3.connect(Config.db_file)
+    df_comp = get_cpnt_frequency(cnx, get_ft_id(cnx, feature), feature, region,
+                                 cpnt_type)
+    df_ctrl = add_ctrl_df(pd.read_csv(list_tables[0], sep="\t"), feature)
+    conditions = list(product(list_tables, list_ft))
+    ps = min(len(conditions), ps)
+    pool = mp.Pool(processes=ps if ps > 0 else 1)
+    processes = []
+    write_bar_table = True
+    for clip_file, cpnt in conditions:
+        args = [clip_file, feature, threshold_feature, default_groups,
+                df_comp, cpnt_type, cpnt, df_ctrl, write_bar_table,
+                display_size]
+        write_bar_table = False
+        processes.append(pool.apply_async(create_figure_4_clip_table, args))
+    [p.get(timeout=None) for p in processes]
+    pool.close()
+    pool.join()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    doctest.testmod()
diff --git a/src/find_interaction_cluster/clip_figures/clip_compo_launcher.py b/src/find_interaction_cluster/clip_figures/clip_compo_launcher.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9edd36867c6e9cf1e17d8538a3df47bf6e829822
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/find_interaction_cluster/clip_figures/clip_compo_launcher.py
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+Description: Launch clip_compo_analyser
+import lazyparser as lp
+from .clip_compo_analyser import create_multiple_figures
+from pathlib import Path
+import multiprocessing as mp
+@lp.parse(ps = range(1, mp.cpu_count() + 1), feature=["gene", "exon"],
+          threshold_feature="9 < threshold_feature < 10000",
+          default_groups=range(10, 101), cpnt_type=["nt", "dnt", "tnt", "aa"],
+          region=["gene", "exon", "intron"])
+def launcher(clip_result_folder: str, feature: str,
+             threshold_feature: int, default_groups: int,
+             cpnt_type: str, region: str = "gene",
+             ps: int = 1, display_size: bool=False,
+             logging_level: str = "DISABLE") -> None:
+    """
+    Create multiple composition figures from a result clip folder.
+    :param clip_result_folder: Folder containing tables used to \
+    create clip community figures
+    :param feature: The feature of interest (exon, or gene)
+    :param threshold_feature: The minimum number of feature needed \
+    inside communities enriched or impoverished in peak_density to consider \
+    those community (otherwise `default_groups` default number of community \
+    are taken
+    :param default_groups: The number of communities to take as default.
+    :param cpnt_type: The kind of component analysed
+    :param region: Only used when feature is gene. Corresponds to \
+    the region studied within genes. (default: 'gene')
+    :param ps: The number of processes to create (default 1)
+    :param display_size: True to display the size of the community. \
+    False to display nothing. (default False)
+    :param logging_level: The level of data to display (default 'DISABLE')
+    """
+    clip_result_folder = Path(clip_result_folder)
+    if not clip_result_folder.is_dir():
+        raise NotADirectoryError(f"Directory {clip_result_folder} don't exist")
+    create_multiple_figures(clip_result_folder, feature, threshold_feature,
+                            default_groups, cpnt_type, region, ps,
+                            display_size, logging_level)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    launcher()
diff --git a/src/find_interaction_cluster/clip_figures/config.py b/src/find_interaction_cluster/clip_figures/config.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3e221ee56d7ab0d99318dc068800503a4ae6802f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/find_interaction_cluster/clip_figures/config.py
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+Description: This file contains the variables needed to make \
+this submodule work
+from pathlib import Path
+from ..config import ConfigGraph, Config
+class ConfigClip:
+    """
+    Contains required variables for this submodules
+    """
+    output_folder = ConfigGraph.output_folder / "clip_community_figures"
+    clip_folder = Config.data / "CLIP_bed"
+    bed_gene = Config.bed_gene
+    bed_exon = Config.bed_exon
+    test_gene_bed = Config.tests_files / "genes.bed"
+    test_clip_bed = Config.tests_files / "clip.bed"
+    test_clip_file = Config.tests_files / "SF_test_bar.txt"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/find_interaction_cluster/community_figures/__main__.py b/src/find_interaction_cluster/community_figures/__main__.py
index e01081b74bdc737a8ddba3584afa4dc77cfbe615..884f616020ab508cd8d371331b4759b5773972c2 100644
--- a/src/find_interaction_cluster/community_figures/__main__.py
+++ b/src/find_interaction_cluster/community_figures/__main__.py
@@ -49,12 +49,13 @@ def load_and_check_table(table: str, feature: str, target_col: str):
     return df
-@lp.parse(table="file", test_type=["lm", "permutation"],
+@lp.parse(table="file", test_type=["lm", "permutation", "logit"],
           iteration="20 < iteration", sd_community = ["y", "n", "Y", "N"])
 def create_community_figures(table: str, feature: str, target_col: str,
                              output: str, outfile: str, test_type: str,
                              target_kind: str = "", sd_community: str = "y",
-                             iteration: int = 10000) -> None:
+                             iteration: int = 10000,
+                             display_size: bool = False) -> None:
     Create a dataframe with a control community, save it as a table and \
     as a barplot figure.
@@ -75,6 +76,8 @@ def create_community_figures(table: str, feature: str, target_col: str,
     is only used if test_type = 'permutation' (default 10000).
     :param sd_community: y to display the standard deviation for communities \
     false else.
+    :param display_size: True to display the size of the community above \
+    each one of them False to display nothing. (default False)
     df = load_and_check_table(table, feature, target_col)
     if not outfile.endswith(".pdf"):
@@ -83,7 +86,7 @@ def create_community_figures(table: str, feature: str, target_col: str,
     sd_community = sd_community.lower() == 'y'
     create_community_fig(df, feature, target_col, moutfile, test_type,
                          target_kind=target_kind, iteration=iteration,
-                         sd_community=sd_community)
+                         sd_community=sd_community, display_size=display_size)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/src/find_interaction_cluster/community_figures/fig_functions.py b/src/find_interaction_cluster/community_figures/fig_functions.py
index 20747cae31f8df8677c4f55bb701387f6bbc9dea..d7367e87eef4b4044a729f3b87a8656e8b8fd2ae 100644
--- a/src/find_interaction_cluster/community_figures/fig_functions.py
+++ b/src/find_interaction_cluster/community_figures/fig_functions.py
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ from statsmodels.stats.multitest import multipletests
 import numpy as np
 from ..radomization_test_ppi import get_pvalue
 import seaborn as sns
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 def get_community_table(communities: List[List[str]],
@@ -53,8 +54,8 @@ def get_community_table(communities: List[List[str]],
     return pd.DataFrame(dic)
-def lm_maker_summary(df: pd.DataFrame, outfile: Path, target_col: str
-                     ) -> pd.DataFrame:
+def lm_maker_summary(df: pd.DataFrame, outfile: Path, target_col: str,
+                     test_type: str) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]:
     Make the lm analysis to see if the exon regulated by a splicing factor \
     are equally distributed among the communities.
@@ -65,15 +66,29 @@ def lm_maker_summary(df: pd.DataFrame, outfile: Path, target_col: str
     and the size of the community of the feature if it has one (None, else).
     :param outfile: A name of a file
     :param target_col: The name of the column containing the data of interest
-    :return: the pvalue of lm
+    :param test_type: The type of test to make (permutation or lm)
+    :return: the entry dataframe and the result dataframe post analysis
+    if test_type == "lm":
+        mod = f"mod <- lm({target_col} ~ log(community_size) + " \
+              f"community, data=data)"
+    else:
+        mod = f"mod <- glm({target_col} ~ log(community_size) + community," \
+              f"data=data, family=binomial(link='logit'))"
+        df[target_col] = df[target_col].astype(int)
+        tmp = df[[target_col, 'community']].groupby('community').mean().reset_index()
+        bad_groups = tmp.loc[tmp[target_col] == 0, "community"].to_list()
+        if "C-CTRL" in bad_groups:
+            print("Control group as a mean value equals to 0, exiting...")
+            exit(1)
+        df = df[-df["community"].isin(bad_groups)]
     lmf = r(
         function(data, folder, partial_name) {
-            mod <- lm(%s ~ log(community_size) +  community, data=data)
+            %s
             simulationOutput <- simulateResiduals(fittedModel = mod, n = 250)
             png(paste0(folder, "/dignostics_summary", partial_name, ".png"))
@@ -81,7 +96,7 @@ def lm_maker_summary(df: pd.DataFrame, outfile: Path, target_col: str
-        """ % target_col)
+        """ % mod)
     folder = outfile.parent / "diagnostics"
     folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
     partial_name = outfile.name.replace('.pdf', '')
@@ -92,11 +107,11 @@ def lm_maker_summary(df: pd.DataFrame, outfile: Path, target_col: str
     res_df.loc[res_df['community'] == "(Intercept)", "community"] = "C-CTRL"
     mean_df = df[[target_col, "community", "community_size"]]. \
         groupby(["community", "community_size"]).mean().reset_index()
-    return res_df.merge(mean_df, how="left", on="community")
+    return df, res_df.merge(mean_df, how="left", on="community")
 def lm_with_ctrl(df: pd.DataFrame,
-                 target_col: str, outfile: Path,
+                 target_col: str, outfile: Path, test_type: str
                  ) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]:
     :param df: A dataframe containing the id of the chosen `feature` \
@@ -105,6 +120,7 @@ def lm_with_ctrl(df: pd.DataFrame,
     and the size of the community of the feature if it has one (None, else).
     :param target_col: The name of the column containing the data of interest
     :param outfile: File that will contains the final figure
+    :param test_type: The type of test to make (permutation or lm)
     :return: The dataframe with ctrl exon and \
     The dataframe with the p-value compared to the control \
     list of feature.
@@ -113,11 +129,12 @@ def lm_with_ctrl(df: pd.DataFrame,
     size = df.loc[df["community"] == "C-CTRL", :].shape[0]
     df['community_size'] = df['community_size'].fillna(size)
     df['community_size'] = df['community_size'].astype(int)
-    return df, lm_maker_summary(df, outfile, target_col)
+    return lm_maker_summary(df, outfile, target_col, test_type)
 def expand_results_lm(df: pd.DataFrame, rdf: pd.DataFrame,
-                      target_col: str, feature: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
+                      target_col: str, feature: str,
+                      test_type: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
     Merge df and rdf together.
@@ -130,9 +147,10 @@ def expand_results_lm(df: pd.DataFrame, rdf: pd.DataFrame,
     :param target_col: The name of the column containing the data of interest
     :param feature: The feature of interest
+    :param test_type: The kind of test to make
     :return: The merged dataframe: i.e df with the stats columns
-    p_col = "Pr(>|t|)"
+    p_col = "Pr(>|t|)" if test_type == "lm" else "Pr(>|z|)"
     df = df[[f"id_{feature}", target_col, "community",
     rdf = rdf[["community", "community_size", p_col, target_col]].copy()
@@ -141,7 +159,8 @@ def expand_results_lm(df: pd.DataFrame, rdf: pd.DataFrame,
     df = df.merge(rdf, how="left", on=["community", "community_size"])
     df_ctrl = df[df["community"] == "C-CTRL"]
     df = df[df["community"] != "C-CTRL"].copy()
-    df.sort_values(f"mean_{target_col}", ascending=True, inplace=True)
+    df.sort_values([f"mean_{target_col}", "community"], ascending=True,
+                   inplace=True)
     return pd.concat([df_ctrl, df], axis=0, ignore_index=True)
@@ -303,7 +322,8 @@ def expand_results_perm(df: pd.DataFrame, rdf: pd.DataFrame, target_col: str,
                  "community", "community_size"]].copy()
     ctrl_df = rdf[[f"{target_col}_mean_{iteration}_ctrl",
                    f"{target_col}_std_{iteration}_ctrl", "community"]].copy()
-    rdf = rdf[["community", "community_size", target_col, "p-adj"]].copy()
+    rdf = rdf[["community", "community_size", target_col, "p-adj",
+               "reg-adj"]].copy()
     rdf.rename({target_col: f"mean_{target_col}"}, axis=1, inplace=True)
     df = df.merge(rdf, how="left", on=["community", "community_size"])
     df.sort_values(f"mean_{target_col}", ascending=True, inplace=True)
@@ -314,9 +334,41 @@ def expand_results_perm(df: pd.DataFrame, rdf: pd.DataFrame, target_col: str,
     return pd.concat([df_ctrl, df], axis=0, ignore_index=True)
-def make_barplot(df_bar: pd.DataFrame, outfile: Path,
+def display_size_fig(g: sns.FacetGrid, display_size: bool, target_col: str,
+                     df_bar: pd.DataFrame):
+    """
+    :param g: A seaborn FacetGrid
+    :param display_size: True to display the size of the community above \
+    each one of them False to display nothing. (default False)
+    :param target_col: The name of the column containing the data of interest
+    :param df_bar: A dataframe with the enrichment of a \
+    nucleotide frequency for every community (without control)
+    :return: The seaborn fascetgrid
+    """
+    xrange = g.ax.get_xlim()
+    if display_size:
+        df_size = df_bar[[f"mean_{target_col}", "community",
+                          "community_size"]].drop_duplicates()
+        ax2 = g.ax.twinx()
+        ax2.set_ylabel('community_size', color="green")
+        df_size.plot(x="community", y="community_size", kind="scatter", ax=ax2,
+                     legend=False, zorder=55,
+                     color=(0.2, 0.8, 0.2, 0.4))
+        ax2.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor="green")
+        ax2.grid(False)
+        sizes = df_size["community_size"].to_list()
+        if max(sizes) - min(sizes) > 500:
+            ax2.set_yscale("log")
+            g.ax.set_xlim(xrange)
+    g.set(xticklabels=[])
+    return g
+def make_barplot(df_bar: pd.DataFrame, outfile: Path, test_type: str,
                  target_col: str, feature: str, target_kind: str = "",
-                 sd_community: Optional[str] = "sd") -> None:
+                 sd_community: Optional[str] = "sd",
+                 display_size: bool = False) -> None:
     Create a barplot showing the frequency of `nt` for every community \
     of exons/gene in `df_bar`.
@@ -326,10 +378,13 @@ def make_barplot(df_bar: pd.DataFrame, outfile: Path,
     :param outfile: File were the figure will be stored
     :param target_kind: An optional name that describe a bit further \
+    :param test_type: The kind of test to perform
     :param target_col: The name of the column containing the data of interest
     :param feature: The king of feature of interest
     :param sd_community: sd to display community error bar, None to display \
+    :param display_size: True to display the size of the community above \
+    each one of them False to display nothing. (default False)
     g = sns.catplot(x="community", y=target_col, data=df_bar, kind="point",
@@ -342,9 +397,9 @@ def make_barplot(df_bar: pd.DataFrame, outfile: Path,
     target_kind = f" ({target_kind})" if target_kind else ""
     g.fig.suptitle(f"Mean frequency of {target_col}{target_kind}"
-                   f"among community of {feature}s\n"
+                   f" among community of {feature}s\n"
                    f"(stats obtained with a lm test)")
-    g.set(xticklabels=[])
+    g = display_size_fig(g, display_size, target_col, df_bar)
     g.ax.set_ylabel(f'Frequency of {target_col}')
     df_bara = df_bar.drop_duplicates(subset="community", keep="first")
     for i, p in enumerate(g2.ax.patches):
@@ -358,12 +413,14 @@ def make_barplot(df_bar: pd.DataFrame, outfile: Path,
                       ha='center', va='center', xytext=(0, 10), fontsize=12,
                       textcoords='offset points')
+    plt.close()
 def make_barplot_perm(df_bar: pd.DataFrame, outfile: Path,
                       target_col: str, feature: str,
                       target_kind: str = "",
-                      sd_community: Optional[str] = "sd") -> None:
+                      sd_community: Optional[str] = "sd",
+                      display_size: bool = False) -> None:
     Create a barplot showing the frequency of `nt` for every community \
     of exons/gene in `df_bar`.
@@ -377,6 +434,8 @@ def make_barplot_perm(df_bar: pd.DataFrame, outfile: Path,
     :param feature: The king of feature of interest
     :param sd_community: sd to display community error bar, None to display \
+    :param display_size: True to display the size of the community above \
+    each one of them False to display nothing. (default False)
     df_ctrl = df_bar.loc[df_bar[f"id_{feature}"] == 'ctrl', :]
@@ -399,9 +458,9 @@ def make_barplot_perm(df_bar: pd.DataFrame, outfile: Path,
     target_kind = f" ({target_kind})" if target_kind else ""
     g.fig.suptitle(f"Mean frequency of {target_col}{target_kind}"
-                   f"among community of {feature}s\n"
+                   f" among community of {feature}s\n"
                    f"(stats obtained with a permutation test)")
-    g.set(xticklabels=[])
+    g = display_size_fig(g, display_size, target_col, df_bar)
     g.ax.set_ylabel(f'Frequency of {target_col}')
     df_bara = df_bar.drop_duplicates(subset="community", keep="first")
     for i, p in enumerate(g2.ax.patches):
@@ -415,11 +474,13 @@ def make_barplot_perm(df_bar: pd.DataFrame, outfile: Path,
                       ha='center', va='center', xytext=(0, 10), fontsize=12,
                       textcoords='offset points')
+    plt.close()
 def barplot_creation(df_bar: pd.DataFrame, outfig: Path,
                      cpnt: str, test_type: str, feature: str,
-                     target_kind: str, sd_community: bool) -> None:
+                     target_kind: str, sd_community: bool,
+                     display_size: bool) -> None:
     Reformat a dataframe with the enrichment of a nucleotide frequency \
     for every feature for every community and then create a \
@@ -437,13 +498,16 @@ def barplot_creation(df_bar: pd.DataFrame, outfig: Path,
     :param sd_community: True to display the errors bars for communities,
     False else.
+    :param display_size: True to display the size of the community above \
+    each one of them False to display nothing. (default False)
     sd_community = "sd" if sd_community else None
-    if test_type == "lm":
-        make_barplot(df_bar, outfig, cpnt, feature, target_kind)
+    if test_type != "permutation":
+        make_barplot(df_bar, outfig, test_type, cpnt, feature, target_kind,
+                     display_size=display_size)
         make_barplot_perm(df_bar, outfig, cpnt, feature, target_kind,
-                          sd_community)
+                          sd_community, display_size)
 def get_feature_by_community(df: pd.DataFrame, feature: str) -> Dict:
@@ -466,6 +530,8 @@ def get_feature_by_community(df: pd.DataFrame, feature: str) -> Dict:
     dic = {}
     for i in range(df.shape[0]):
         com, id_ft = df.iloc[i, :][['community', f'id_{feature}']]
+        if isinstance(com, float):
+            com = None if np.isnan(com) else com
         if com is not None:
             if com in dic:
@@ -480,7 +546,8 @@ def create_community_fig(df: pd.DataFrame, feature: str,
                          dic_com: Optional[Dict] = None,
                          target_kind: str = "",
                          iteration: int = 10000,
-                         sd_community: bool = True) -> None:
+                         sd_community: bool = True,
+                         display_size: bool = False) -> None:
     Create a dataframe with a control community, save it as a table and \
     as a barplot figure.
@@ -501,13 +568,15 @@ def create_community_fig(df: pd.DataFrame, feature: str,
     :param iteration: The number of sub samples to create
     :param sd_community: True to display the errors bars for communities,
     False else.
+    :param display_size: True to display the size of the community above \
+    each one of them False to display nothing. (default False)
     if dic_com is None:
-        dic_com = {} if test_type == 'lm' \
+        dic_com = {} if test_type != 'permutation' \
             else get_feature_by_community(df, feature)
-    if test_type == "lm":
-        ndf, rdf = lm_with_ctrl(df, target_col, outfile_ctrl)
-        df_bar = expand_results_lm(ndf, rdf, target_col, feature)
+    if test_type != "permutation":
+        ndf, rdf = lm_with_ctrl(df, target_col, outfile_ctrl, test_type)
+        df_bar = expand_results_lm(ndf, rdf, target_col, feature, test_type)
         rdf = perm_with_ctrl(df, feature, target_col, dic_com, iteration)
         df_bar = expand_results_perm(df, rdf, target_col, feature, iteration)
@@ -516,4 +585,4 @@ def create_community_fig(df: pd.DataFrame, feature: str,
     bar_outfile = str(outfile_ctrl).replace(".pdf", "_bar.txt")
     df_bar.to_csv(bar_outfile, sep="\t", index=False)
     barplot_creation(df_bar, outfile_ctrl, target_col, test_type, feature,
-                     target_kind, sd_community)
+                     target_kind, sd_community, display_size)
diff --git a/src/find_interaction_cluster/community_finder.py b/src/find_interaction_cluster/community_finder.py
index d65d5a81cacaedc6dbe18b7885e4a89fc4568fa5..b7467fc4ad2995017f4ab99554df16662c016cb4 100644
--- a/src/find_interaction_cluster/community_finder.py
+++ b/src/find_interaction_cluster/community_finder.py
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import networkx as nx
 import numpy as np
 from networkx.algorithms import community
 import sqlite3
-from .config import ConfigGraph, get_communities
+from .config import ConfigGraph, get_communities_basefile
 from ..nt_composition.make_nt_correlation import get_project_colocalisation
 from ..logging_conf import logging_def
 import pandas as pd
@@ -19,11 +19,9 @@ import logging
 import plotly.graph_objects as go
 import plotly
 from pathlib import Path
-from typing import Tuple, Dict, List
+from typing import Tuple, Dict
 import matplotlib.cm as cm
 from matplotlib.colors import to_rgba
-from itertools import product
-import multiprocessing as mp
 import json
 import subprocess as sp
@@ -106,7 +104,7 @@ def find_communities(graph: nx.Graph, project: str,
         cmd = f"mpirun -np 1 {ConfigGraph.get_hipmcl_prog()} -M {outfile} " \
               f"-I 1.5 -per-process-mem 50 -o {result_file}"
         sp.check_call(cmd, shell=True, stderr=sp.STDOUT)
-    communities = get_communities(result_file)
+    communities = get_communities_basefile(result_file)
     dic_community = {}
     cov = round(community.coverage(graph, communities), 2)
     modularity = community.modularity(graph, communities, weight='X')
diff --git a/src/find_interaction_cluster/nt_and_community.py b/src/find_interaction_cluster/nt_and_community.py
index 2f9d7d0e0e6608e58603d11585d8792e3c73749f..c38f4f878d8fb7db8d6502908d0935771e3d196e 100644
--- a/src/find_interaction_cluster/nt_and_community.py
+++ b/src/find_interaction_cluster/nt_and_community.py
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import logging
 import sqlite3
 from .config import ConfigGraph, get_communities
 from typing import List, Tuple, Dict
-from doctest import testmod
+import lazyparser as lp
 from functools import reduce
 from pathlib import Path
 from rpy2.robjects import r, pandas2ri
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ def get_cpnt_frequency(cnx: sqlite3.Connection, list_ft: List[str],
     >>> d = get_cpnt_frequency(sqlite3.connect(ConfigGraph.db_file),
     ... ['1', '2'], "gene", 'exon', 'aa')
     >>> d[["id_gene", "R", "K", "D", "Q", "E"]]
-        ft id_gene        R        K        D        Q        E
+    ft id_gene        R        K        D        Q        E
     0        1  4.75247  5.19300  5.95391  4.07997  6.96189
     1        2  4.34203  6.23736  6.77708  5.21984  7.01769
@@ -78,37 +78,36 @@ def get_cpnt_frequency(cnx: sqlite3.Connection, list_ft: List[str],
     return df
-def get_community_table(communities: List[List[str]],
+def get_community_table(communities: Dict[str, List[str]],
                         size_threshold: int, feature: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
     return the table indicating the name of the exons and the \
     the name of the community.
-    :param communities: List of community of exons
+    :param communities: Dictionary of community of exons
     :param size_threshold: The required size a community must \
     have to be considered
     :param feature: The kind of feature analysed
     :return: table of community
-    >>> c = [['1_1', '2_5'], ['7_9', '4_19', '3_3']]
+    >>> c = {"C1": ['1_1', '2_5'], "C2": ['7_9', '4_19', '3_3']}
     >>> get_community_table(c, 3, 'exon')
       community id_exon  community_size
     0        C2     7_9               3
     1        C2    4_19               3
     2        C2     3_3               3
-    >>> c = [['1', '2'], ['7', '49', '3']]
+    >>> c = {"G1": ['1', '2'], "G2": ['7', '49', '3']}
     >>> get_community_table(c, 3, 'gene')
       community id_gene  community_size
-    0        C2       7               3
-    1        C2      49               3
-    2        C2       3               3
+    0        G2       7               3
+    1        G2      49               3
+    2        G2       3               3
     dic = {"community": [], f"id_{feature}": [], "community_size": []}
-    for k, comm in enumerate(communities):
+    for k, comm in communities.items():
         if len(comm) >= size_threshold:
-            name = f'C{k + 1}'
             clen = len(comm)
             for exon in comm:
-                dic["community"].append(name)
+                dic["community"].append(k)
     return pd.DataFrame(dic)
@@ -183,9 +182,8 @@ def create_ctrl_community(df: pd.DataFrame,
     list_ft = [cid for cid in ft_id
                if cid not in df[f"id_{feature}"].to_list()]
     df_nt = get_cpnt_frequency(cnx, list_ft, feature, region, cpnt_type)
-    df_com = get_community_table([list_ft], size_threshold, feature)
+    df_com = get_community_table({"C-CTRL": list_ft}, size_threshold, feature)
     df_nt = df_nt.merge(df_com, how="left", on=f"id_{feature}")
-    df_nt['community'] = ['C-CTRL'] * df_nt.shape[0]
     df = pd.concat([df, df_nt], axis=0, ignore_index=True)
     return df
@@ -252,7 +250,7 @@ def prepare_dataframe(df: pd.DataFrame, test_type: str, nt: str,
 def create_outfiles(project: str, weight: int, global_weight: int,
                     same_gene: bool, feature: str, cpnt_type: str,
-                    cpnt: str, test_type: str
+                    cpnt: str, test_type: str, community_file: str
                     ) -> Tuple[Path, Path]:
     Create a file used to store diagnostics and a file used to store the \
@@ -271,11 +269,22 @@ def create_outfiles(project: str, weight: int, global_weight: int,
     :param cpnt: The component (nt, aa, dnt) of interest
     :param feature: The kind of feature analysed
     :param test_type: The type of test to make (permutation or lm)
+    :param community_file: A file containing custom communities. If \
+    it equals to '' then weight, global weight and same genes parameter are \
+    used to find the community files computed with ChIA-PET data.
     :return: file used to store diagnostics and a file used to store the \
     table containing the test communities and the control community
     outfolder = f"community_enrichment/{cpnt_type}_analysis"
+    if community_file != "":
+        cn = Path(community_file).name.replace(".txt", "")
+        base = ConfigGraph.output_folder / outfolder / f"custom_{cn}"
+        base.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
+        outfile = base / f"{cpnt}-{cpnt_type}_stat_{test_type}.txt"
+        outfile_ctrl = base / \
+            f"{cpnt}-{cpnt_type}_VS_CTRL_stat_{test_type}.pdf"
+        return outfile, outfile_ctrl
     outfile = ConfigGraph.\
         get_community_file(project, weight, global_weight, same_gene, feature,
@@ -292,7 +301,9 @@ def get_stat_cpnt_communities(df: pd.DataFrame, project: str, weight: int,
                               cpnt_type: str, cpnt: str,
                               dic_com: Dict, feature: str = "exon",
                               test_type: str = "",
-                              iteration: int = 1000) -> pd.Series:
+                              iteration: int = 1000,
+                              display_size: bool = False,
+                              community_file: str = "") -> pd.Series:
     Get data (proportion of `reg` regulated exons by a splicing factor
     `sf_name` within a community) for every community.
@@ -315,23 +326,30 @@ def get_stat_cpnt_communities(df: pd.DataFrame, project: str, weight: int,
     :param feature: The kind of feature analysed
     :param test_type: The type of test to make (permutation or lm)
     :param iteration: The number of sub samples to create
+    :param display_size: True to display the size of the community. \
+    False to display nothing. (default False)
+    :param community_file: A file containing custom communities. If \
+    it equals to '' then weight, global weight and same genes parameter are \
+    used to find the community files computed with ChIA-PET data.
     logging.debug(f"{test_type} for {project}, w:{weight}, "
                   f"g:{global_weight} cpnt: {cpnt}({cpnt_type})")
     outfile, outfile_ctrl = create_outfiles(project, weight, global_weight,
                                             same_gene, feature, cpnt_type,
-                                            cpnt, test_type)
+                                            cpnt, test_type, community_file)
     res = {"project": project, "cpnt": cpnt,
            'pval': lm_maker(df, outfile, cpnt)}
     create_community_fig(df, feature, cpnt, outfile_ctrl, test_type,
-                         dic_com, cpnt_type, iteration)
+                         dic_com, cpnt_type, iteration,
+                         display_size=display_size)
     return pd.Series(res)
 def create_dataframe(project: str, weight: int, global_weight: int,
                      same_gene: bool, feature: str = 'exon',
                      region: str = "", component_type: str = 'nt',
-                     from_communities: bool = True
+                     community_file: str = "",
+                     from_communities: bool = True,
                      ) -> pd.DataFrame:
     :param project: The name of the project of interest
@@ -347,17 +365,27 @@ def create_dataframe(project: str, weight: int, global_weight: int,
     :param region: the region of interest to extract from gene
     :param component_type: The type of component to analyse; It \
     can be 'nt', 'dnt' or 'aa'.
+    :param community_file: A file containing custom communities. If \
+    it equals to '' then weight, global weight and same genes parameter are \
+    used to find the community files computed with ChIA-PET data.
     :return: A dataframe containing the frequency of every nucleotides \
     of every exon in a large community
     size_threshold = 10 if feature == "gene" else 50
     cnx = sqlite3.connect(ConfigGraph.db_file)
     if from_communities:
-        result = ConfigGraph.get_community_file(project, weight, global_weight,
-                                                same_gene, feature,
-                                                "_communities.txt")
-        communities = get_communities(result, 0)
-        ncommunities = [c for c in communities if len(c) >= size_threshold]
+        if community_file == "":
+            result = ConfigGraph.get_community_file(project, weight,
+                                                    global_weight,
+                                                    same_gene, feature,
+                                                    ".txt")
+        else:
+            result = Path(community_file)
+            if not result.is_file():
+                raise FileNotFoundError(f"File {community_file} not found !")
+        communities = get_communities(result, feature, 0)
+        ncommunities = [communities[c] for c in communities
+                        if len(communities[c]) >= size_threshold]
         list_exon = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, ncommunities)
         df_com = get_community_table(communities, size_threshold, feature)
@@ -372,7 +400,8 @@ def create_dataframe(project: str, weight: int, global_weight: int,
 def create_dataframes(project, weight, global_weight, same_gene, feature,
-                      region, test_type, component_type: str
+                      region, test_type, component_type: str,
+                      community_file: str
                       ) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, Dict]:
     :param weight: The weight of interaction to consider
@@ -387,9 +416,12 @@ def create_dataframes(project, weight, global_weight, same_gene, feature,
     :param test_type: The type of test to make (permutation or lm)
     :param component_type: The type of component to analyse; It \
     can be 'nt', 'dnt' or 'aa'.
+    :param community_file: A file containing custom communities. If \
+    it equals to '' then weight, global weight and same genes parameter are \
+    used to find the community files computed with ChIA-PET data.
     df = create_dataframe(project, weight, global_weight, same_gene,
-                          feature, region, component_type)
+                          feature, region, component_type, community_file)
     df_ctrl = create_dataframe(project, weight, global_weight, same_gene,
                                feature, region, component_type,
@@ -411,9 +443,11 @@ def multiple_nt_lm_launcher(ps: int,
                             component_type: str = "nt",
                             test_type: str = "lm",
                             iteration: int = 1000,
+                            display_size: bool = False,
+                            community_file: str = "",
                             logging_level: str = "DISABLE"):
-    Launch the statistical analysis for every
+    Launch the creation of community files for every component type selected.
     :param ps: The number of processes to use
     :param weight: The weight of interaction to consider
@@ -429,6 +463,11 @@ def multiple_nt_lm_launcher(ps: int,
     :param region: the region of interest to extract from gene
     :param test_type: The type of test to make (permutation or lmm)
     :param iteration: The number of iteration to perform
+    :param display_size: True to display the size of the community. \
+    False to display nothing. (default False)
+    :param community_file: A file containing custom communities. If \
+    it equals to '' then weight, global weight and same genes parameter are \
+    used to find the community files computed with ChIA-PET data.
     :param logging_level: Level of information to display
     ConfigGraph.community_folder.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
@@ -449,14 +488,15 @@ def multiple_nt_lm_launcher(ps: int,
     logging.debug("Creating tables")
     df, dic_com = create_dataframes(project, weight, global_weight,
                                     same_gene, feature, region,
-                                    test_type, component_type)
+                                    test_type, component_type, community_file)
     for project, weight, cpnt in condition:
         nfile_table = ConfigGraph.get_community_file(
             project, weight, global_weight, same_gene, feature,
             f"_{component_type}_table.txt", "community_enrichment")
         df.to_csv(nfile_table, sep="\t", index=False)
         args = [df, project, weight, global_weight, same_gene, component_type,
-                cpnt, dic_com, feature, test_type, iteration]
+                cpnt, dic_com, feature, test_type, iteration, display_size,
+                community_file]
         processes.append(pool.apply_async(get_stat_cpnt_communities, args))
     results = [p.get(timeout=None) for p in processes]
@@ -473,5 +513,53 @@ def multiple_nt_lm_launcher(ps: int,
     fdf.to_csv(noutfile, sep="\t", index=False)
+@lp.parse(ps=range(mp.cpu_count()), weight=range(1, 11),
+          global_weight=range(11),
+          feature=('gene', 'exon'), region=('', 'exon', 'intron', 'gene'),
+          iteration="iteration > 20", test_type=('lm', 'permutation'),
+          component_type=("nt", "aa", "dnt"))
+def launcher_community_file(ps: int = 1,
+                            weight: int = -1,
+                            global_weight: int = -1,
+                            project: str = "GSM1018963_GSM1018964",
+                            same_gene: bool = True,
+                            feature: str = 'exon',
+                            region: str = '',
+                            component_type: str = "nt",
+                            test_type: str = "lm",
+                            iteration: int = 1000,
+                            display_size: bool = False,
+                            community_file: str = "",
+                            logging_level: str = "DISABLE"):
+    """
+    Launch the creation of community files for every component type selected.
+    :param ps: The number of processes to use (default 1)
+    :param weight: The weight of interaction to consider (default -1)
+    :param global_weight: The global weighs to consider. if \
+    the global weight is equal to 0  then the project `project` is \
+    used. (default -1)
+    :param project: The project name, used only if global_weight = 0
+    :param same_gene: Say if we consider as co-localised exon within the \
+    same gene (default True)
+    :param feature: The kind of analysed feature (default exon)
+    :param component_type: The type of component to analyse; It \
+    can be 'nt', 'dnt' or 'aa'.
+    :param region: the region of interest to extract from gene (default '')
+    :param test_type: The type of test to make (permutation or lm) (default lm)
+    :param iteration: The number of iteration to perform (default 1000)
+    :param display_size: True to display the size of the community. \
+    False to display nothing. (default False)
+    :param community_file: A file containing custom communities. If \
+    it equals to '' then weight, global weight and same genes parameter are \
+    used to find the community files computed with ChIA-PET data. (default '')
+    :param logging_level: Level of information to display (default DISABLE)
+    """
+    multiple_nt_lm_launcher(ps, weight, global_weight, project,
+                            same_gene, feature, region, component_type,
+                            test_type, iteration, display_size, community_file,
+                            logging_level)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-    testmod()
+    launcher_community_file()
diff --git a/src/find_interaction_cluster/sf_and_communities.py b/src/find_interaction_cluster/sf_and_communities.py
index d81dc5931eaa789c0ef2a119a64cd3197077571b..41728da8cfec21ee69cbe30eb1261f14dfc1a87a 100644
--- a/src/find_interaction_cluster/sf_and_communities.py
+++ b/src/find_interaction_cluster/sf_and_communities.py
@@ -9,9 +9,8 @@ are often regulated by a splicing factor
 from typing import List, Tuple, Dict
 import sqlite3
-from .config import ConfigGraph
+from .config import ConfigGraph, get_communities_basefile
 from ..figures_utils.exons_interactions import get_every_events_4_a_sl
-from .community_finder import get_communities
 import pandas as pd
 import numpy as np
 from itertools import product
@@ -298,8 +297,8 @@ def get_stat4communities(sf_name: str, reg: str,
     cnx = sqlite3.connect(ConfigGraph.db_file)
     result = ConfigGraph.get_community_file(project, weight, global_weight,
                                             same_gene, feature,
-                                            "_communities.txt")
-    communities = get_communities(result, 0)
+                                            ".txt")
+    communities = get_communities_basefile(result, 0)
     regulated_dic, number = get_every_events_4_a_sl(cnx, sf_name, reg)
     reg_ft = regulated_dic[sf_name + "_" + reg]
     reg_ft = adapt_regulated_list(cnx, reg_ft, sf_name, reg, feature)
diff --git a/src/nt_composition/distance.py b/src/nt_composition/distance.py
index 41c64c12bc0406061ecaa39c18b05b25f3f6b800..c2ac000c5d7865ccbd3346d1f8ab048b19435012 100644
--- a/src/nt_composition/distance.py
+++ b/src/nt_composition/distance.py
@@ -155,8 +155,12 @@ def compute_controls_distances(arr_interaction: np.array,
     list_int = []
     exon = np.unique(arr_interaction.flatten())
     nb_interaction = len(arr_interaction)
-    pbar = tqdm(range(iteration), position=int(
-        mp.current_process().name.replace("ForkPoolWorker-", "")))
+    try:
+        worker_name = int(mp.current_process().name.
+                          replace("ForkPoolWorker-", ""))
+    except ValueError:
+        worker_name = 0
+    pbar = tqdm(range(iteration), position=worker_name)
     for _ in pbar:
         ctrl_coloc = randomize_colocalisation(exon, nb_interaction)
         list_val.append(compute_mean_distance(ctrl_coloc, dic_freq))
diff --git a/tests/__init__.py b/tests/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/tests/files/SF_test_bar.txt b/tests/files/SF_test_bar.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0f8b6b0691bd5d224993966d665f759eef025d95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/files/SF_test_bar.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+peak_density	ctrl_std	community	mean_peak_density	id_gene	community_size	order	p-adj	reg-adj
+0.15811188472465293	0.12663292250602926	C91	0.1586054794606214	ctrl	349.0	0.0		
+0.16041415362534722	0.10696043743139222	C852	0.1586054794606214	ctrl	349.0	1.0		
+0.15890638952977632	0.1266005146872099	C305	0.1586054794606214	ctrl	349.0	2.0		
+0.15698525929832327	0.11753428212815271	C279	0.1586054794606214	ctrl	349.0	3.0		
+0.1578382446087718	0.10899977512514246	C1093	0.1586054794606214	ctrl	349.0	4.0		
+0.0		C91	0.0027225799926581832	13856	2.0		0.027338333333333336	 - 
+0.0		C91	0.0027225799926581832	13360	2.0		0.027338333333333336	 - 
+0.0		C852	0.006666068752563779	7831	1.0		0.015356000000000002	 - 
+0.06863417982155113		C10	0.27053090890214626	16763	3.0		0.2282961325966851	 . 
+0.01505824823817057		C10	0.27053090890214626	16676	3.0		0.2282961325966851	 . 
+0.05655468838366701		C10	0.27053090890214626	16817	3.0		0.2282961325966851	 . 
+0.24937655860349128		C165	0.2714873366751865	7314	12.0		0.2528539215686274	 . 
+0.17001020061203673		C165	0.2714873366751865	8811	12.0		0.2528539215686274	 . 
+0.24993751562109473		C165	0.2714873366751865	7335	12.0		0.2528539215686274	 . 
+0.06930228590924599		C165	0.2714873366751865	8538	12.0		0.2528539215686274	 . 
+0.28785261945883706		C165	0.2714873366751865	8278	12.0		0.2528539215686274	 . 
+1.278772378516624		C165	0.2714873366751865	8177	12.0		0.2528539215686274	 . 
+0.0		C165	0.2714873366751865	8827	12.0		0.2528539215686274	 . 
+0.07797270955165693		C165	0.2714873366751865	7688	12.0		0.2528539215686274	 . 
+0.2229902999219534		C165	0.2714873366751865	7199	12.0		0.2528539215686274	 . 
+0.14855897791423195		C165	0.2714873366751865	8446	12.0		0.2528539215686274	 . 
+0.41693690354859636		C165	0.2714873366751865	7168	12.0		0.2528539215686274	 . 
+0.08613759044446996		C165	0.2714873366751865	7889	12.0		0.2528539215686274	 . 
+0.0		C325	0.2723632059180303	18286	18.0		0.2282961325966851	 . 
+0.3679914358356751		C325	0.2723632059180303	18098	18.0		0.2282961325966851	 . 
+0.15547263681592038		C325	0.2723632059180303	18108	18.0		0.2282961325966851	 . 
+0.10806668697010482		C325	0.2723632059180303	18182	18.0		0.2282961325966851	 . 
+0.16793551276309898		C325	0.2723632059180303	17796	18.0		0.2282961325966851	 . 
+0.13238019592268996		C325	0.2723632059180303	17922	18.0		0.2282961325966851	 . 
+0.26574541589157585		C325	0.2723632059180303	17706	18.0		0.2282961325966851	 . 
+0.19554165037152915		C325	0.2723632059180303	17976	18.0		0.2282961325966851	 . 
+0.1679712433231431		C325	0.2723632059180303	18101	18.0		0.2282961325966851	 . 
+0.3679914358356751		C325	0.2723632059180303	18033	18.0		0.2282961325966851	 . 
+0.1834946557181522		C325	0.2723632059180303	18127	18.0		0.2282961325966851	 . 
+0.0		C325	0.2723632059180303	17997	18.0		0.2282961325966851	 . 
+0.3897116134060795		C325	0.2723632059180303	17999	18.0		0.2282961325966851	 . 
+0.1543434049970947		C325	0.2723632059180303	18226	18.0		0.2282961325966851	 . 
+0.0		C325	0.2723632059180303	17689	18.0		0.2282961325966851	 . 
+2.155172413793103		C325	0.2723632059180303	18202	18.0		0.2282961325966851	 . 
+0.0		C325	0.2723632059180303	18274	18.0		0.2282961325966851	 . 
+0.09071940488070399		C325	0.2723632059180303	17753	18.0		0.2282961325966851	 . 
+0.0		C232	0.2762251885031267	17226	12.0		0.2439456852791878	 . 
+0.11020498126515318		C232	0.2762251885031267	17418	12.0		0.2439456852791878	 . 
+0.2179233580313139		C232	0.2762251885031267	16985	12.0		0.2439456852791878	 . 
+0.18858673103760418		C232	0.2762251885031267	16897	12.0		0.2439456852791878	 . 
+0.5926245184925788		C232	0.2762251885031267	16536	12.0		0.2439456852791878	 . 
+0.5753526354862657		C232	0.2762251885031267	17214	12.0		0.2439456852791878	 . 
+0.8451384417256922		C232	0.2762251885031267	17271	12.0		0.2439456852791878	 . 
+0.13189364096792347		C232	0.2762251885031267	17360	12.0		0.2439456852791878	 . 
+0.06295114990767164		C232	0.2762251885031267	16022	12.0		0.2439456852791878	 . 
+0.022621363615798758		C232	0.2762251885031267	16660	12.0		0.2439456852791878	 . 
+0.25590322205420496		C232	0.2762251885031267	17080	12.0		0.2439456852791878	 . 
+0.31150221945331363		C232	0.2762251885031267	17038	12.0		0.2439456852791878	 . 
+0.0		C397	0.27717091037401387	10558	20.0		0.20961024096385542	 . 
+0.0		C397	0.27717091037401387	11520	20.0		0.20961024096385542	 . 
+0.4414036636504083		C397	0.27717091037401387	10569	20.0		0.20961024096385542	 . 
+0.4857175899155777		C397	0.27717091037401387	10641	20.0		0.20961024096385542	 . 
+0.05470260019692936		C397	0.27717091037401387	10333	20.0		0.20961024096385542	 . 
+0.0		C397	0.27717091037401387	12509	20.0		0.20961024096385542	 . 
+0.16477179106936893		C397	0.27717091037401387	11687	20.0		0.20961024096385542	 . 
+0.5427702996092054		C397	0.27717091037401387	10886	20.0		0.20961024096385542	 . 
+0.41946308724832215		C397	0.27717091037401387	10784	20.0		0.20961024096385542	 . 
+0.19127108328986264		C397	0.27717091037401387	10997	20.0		0.20961024096385542	 . 
+0.41126876413736374		C397	0.27717091037401387	10907	20.0		0.20961024096385542	 . 
+0.5374417771408098		C397	0.27717091037401387	12115	20.0		0.20961024096385542	 . 
+0.0		C397	0.27717091037401387	10922	20.0		0.20961024096385542	 . 
+0.8423417099536712		C397	0.27717091037401387	10586	20.0		0.20961024096385542	 . 
+0.2102828304068973		C397	0.27717091037401387	12030	20.0		0.20961024096385542	 . 
+0.0		C397	0.27717091037401387	10627	20.0		0.20961024096385542	 . 
+0.5621486570893192		C397	0.27717091037401387	12525	20.0		0.20961024096385542	 . 
+0.2037005601765405		C397	0.27717091037401387	12172	20.0		0.20961024096385542	 . 
+0.0		C397	0.27717091037401387	11346	20.0		0.20961024096385542	 . 
+0.4761337935960005		C397	0.27717091037401387	11949	20.0		0.20961024096385542	 . 
+0.0018155904754123661		C952	0.27806788897859824	15390	10.0		0.2528539215686274	 . 
+0.0		C952	0.27806788897859824	15348	10.0		0.2528539215686274	 . 
+0.27839643652561247		C952	0.27806788897859824	14966	10.0		0.2528539215686274	 . 
+0.0		C952	0.27806788897859824	15272	10.0		0.2528539215686274	 . 
+0.0		C952	0.27806788897859824	15287	10.0		0.2528539215686274	 . 
+1.7311021350259663		C952	0.27806788897859824	15135	10.0		0.2528539215686274	 . 
+0.0		C952	0.27806788897859824	14992	10.0		0.2528539215686274	 . 
+0.7302468234263181		C952	0.27806788897859824	15006	10.0		0.2528539215686274	 . 
+0.026880997822639176		C952	0.27806788897859824	15199	10.0		0.2528539215686274	 . 
+0.012236906510034264		C952	0.27806788897859824	15285	10.0		0.2528539215686274	 . 
+0.24703557312252963		C365	0.2789826258284869	13959	12.0		0.2439456852791878	 . 
+0.7249003262051469		C365	0.2789826258284869	13415	12.0		0.2439456852791878	 . 
+0.0		C365	0.2789826258284869	5587	12.0		0.2439456852791878	 . 
+0.10414792792963387		C365	0.2789826258284869	12728	12.0		0.2439456852791878	 . 
+0.31294897509210656		C365	0.2789826258284869	5593	12.0		0.2439456852791878	 . 
+0.0		C365	0.2789826258284869	13737	12.0		0.2439456852791878	 . 
+0.0		C365	0.2789826258284869	13542	12.0		0.2439456852791878	 . 
+0.0		C365	0.2789826258284869	13008	12.0		0.2439456852791878	 . 
+0.6556148730916924		C365	0.2789826258284869	13265	12.0		0.2439456852791878	 . 
+0.0		C365	0.2789826258284869	13783	12.0		0.2439456852791878	 . 
+1.303143834500733		C365	0.2789826258284869	13553	12.0		0.2439456852791878	 . 
+0.0		C365	0.2789826258284869	13032	12.0		0.2439456852791878	 . 
+0.30063132578414675		C680	0.28202754935175395	16283	2.0		0.25166582914572866	 . 
+1.1500862564692351		C680	0.28202754935175395	16852	2.0		0.25166582914572866	 . 
+1.4199743052268579		C916	0.9734678858566262	11489	2.0		0.0	 + 
+0.5591649802960912		C916	0.9734678858566262	11723	2.0		0.0	 + 
+1.5463917525773194		C690	1.0070237479949165	9289	3.0		0.0	 + 
+0.0		C690	1.0070237479949165	9734	3.0		0.0	 + 
+1.9790783149561777		C690	1.0070237479949165	9708	3.0		0.0	 + 
diff --git a/tests/files/clip.bed b/tests/files/clip.bed
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..69c737df3f8b4af5c58b8f4e321b219c9703e1e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/files/clip.bed
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+18	28645943	28646043	1	clip1	-
+18	28646043	28646070	1	clip2	-
+18	28709190	28709200	2	clip3	-
+18	28898040	28898060	3	clip4	+
+18	28898060	28898080	3	clip5	+
+18	28898080	28898100	3	clip6	+
+18	51062273	51062283	8	clip7	+
+18	49866521	49866541	8	clip8	+
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/files/exons.bed b/tests/files/exons.bed
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a61bd39eb9cce7276d2ebf93eb85a9461ff21ad0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/files/exons.bed
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#ref	start	end	id	score	strand
+18	28681865	28682388	1_1	0	-
+18	28681183	28681432	1_2	0	-
+18	28673521	28673606	1_3	0	-
+18	28672063	28672263	1_4	0	-
+18	28671489	28671530	1_5	0	-
+18	28670990	28671110	1_6	0	-
+18	28669401	28669557	1_7	0	-
+18	28667631	28667776	1_8	0	-
+18	28666538	28666705	1_9	0	-
diff --git a/tests/files/genes.bed b/tests/files/genes.bed
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5840938c2b694d71ad66a49b77bce5f8ef3ab288
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/files/genes.bed
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#ref	start	end	id	score	strand
+18	28645943	28682388	1	DSC2	-
+18	28709190	28742819	2	DSC1	-
+18	28898050	28937394	3	DSG1	+
+18	28956739	28994869	4	DSG4	+
+13	45766989	45775176	5	KCTD4	-
+13	45911001	45915347	6	TPT1	-
+18	48918411	49088839	7	AC011260.1	+
+18	49866541	51062273	8	DCC	+
+13	45967450	45992516	9	SLC25A30	-
+20	238376	241735	415	DEFB132	+
+X	102962271	102983552	10123	GLRA4	-
diff --git a/tests/files/test_community_file.txt b/tests/files/test_community_file.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d552e4459b630602b170109bd9102d5e3747b6c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/files/test_community_file.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+community	nodes	edges	EC	HCS	%E vs E in complete G	cov	modularity	genes	project
+C1	11	20	1	no	36.36	0.95	0.95045	415, 416, 421, 422, 423, 433, 441, 475, 481, 502, 511	Global-weight-3
+C2	5	4	1	no	40.0	0.95	0.95045	10123, 10209, 8812, 9140, 9166	Global-weight-3
diff --git a/tests/test.py b/tests/test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d0892e27762056d62cd4956d4ca22cb378b5efe0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+import doctest
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import List
+import unittest
+import sys
+sys.path.insert(0, str(Path(__file__).parents[1].resolve()))
+# recover ignored files
+def get_ignored_files() -> List[str]:
+    """
+    Recover ignored python files in gitignore
+    """
+    gitignore = Path(__file__).parents[1] / '.gitignore'
+    if not gitignore.is_file():
+        return []
+    with gitignore.open('r') as f:
+        files = f.read().splitlines()
+    return [cfile.replace('.py', '').replace('/', '.')
+            for cfile in files if cfile.endswith('.py')] + \
+           ["src.db_utils.interactions.features_interactions"]
+# Loading every python file in this folder
+list_mod = [str(mfile.relative_to(Path(__file__).resolve().parents[1]))
+            for mfile in
+            list((Path(__file__).resolve().parents[1] / "src").rglob('*.py'))]
+list_mod2 = [m.replace('.py', '').replace('/', '.') for m in list_mod
+             if '__init__' not in m
+             and '__main__' not in m
+             and 'test' not in m]
+final_mod = [mod for mod in list_mod2 if mod not in get_ignored_files()]
+def load_tests(loader, tests, ignore):
+    for cmod in final_mod:
+        tests.addTest(doctest.DocTestSuite(cmod))
+    return tests
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()