diff --git a/src/find_interaction_cluster/ppi_scripts/__init__.py b/src/find_interaction_cluster/ppi_scripts/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..60f3a118d41cf7494b1cd067bf5d649b42ba1e05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/find_interaction_cluster/ppi_scripts/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
diff --git a/src/find_interaction_cluster/ppi_scripts/__main__.py b/src/find_interaction_cluster/ppi_scripts/__main__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f2f10e03ded5cbaf1644ba3a5f4883f1c0189483
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/find_interaction_cluster/ppi_scripts/__main__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+from .get_ensembl_hg19_gene_ccoordinates import create_protein_gene_file
+from .create_gene_interaction_file import get_protein_interaction_table
+def launcher_ppi():
+    """
+    launch every script in this submodules.
+    """
+    create_protein_gene_file()
+    get_protein_interaction_table()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/find_interaction_cluster/ppi_scripts/config_ppi.py b/src/find_interaction_cluster/ppi_scripts/config_ppi.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..312baea9d862909fa409ab7aed53984c2e50e702
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/find_interaction_cluster/ppi_scripts/config_ppi.py
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+Description: This script contains all the variables needed in this \
+from ..config import ConfigGraph
+class ConfigPPI:
+    """
+    contains all the variables used in this submodules
+    """
+    output_folder = ConfigGraph.output_folder / "ppi_analysis"
+    data = ConfigGraph.data
+    bed_ensembl = data / "ppi_data" / "liftover_hg38gene2hg19.bed"
+    ensembl_gene = data / "ppi_data" / "mart_export_hg38_proteins_genes.txt"
+    ppi_string = data / "ppi_data" / "9606.protein.links.v11.0.txt.gz"
+    protein_gene = output_folder / "protein_gene.txt"
+    gene_ppi_file = output_folder / "ppi_gene_file.txt"
+    protein_gene_fasterdb = output_folder / "protein_gene_fasterdb.txt"
+    fasterdb_ppi = output_folder / "fasterdb_ppi.txt"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/find_interaction_cluster/ppi_scripts/create_gene_interaction_file.py b/src/find_interaction_cluster/ppi_scripts/create_gene_interaction_file.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..59221d693e4fa8d558d4b2018b94f8cc94964bfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/find_interaction_cluster/ppi_scripts/create_gene_interaction_file.py
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+Description: Create a file of genes having their proteins interacting with \
+each other
+from pathlib import Path
+from ..config import Config
+from .config_ppi import ConfigPPI
+import pandas as pd
+from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple
+def load_string_ppi_file(ppi_file: Path) -> pd.DataFrame:
+    """
+    Load the string protein protein interaction file.
+    :param ppi_file: A file containing the protein protein interaction.
+    :return: The loaded string ppi interaction file
+    """
+    df = pd.read_csv(ppi_file, sep=" ")
+    df['protein1'] = df['protein1'].str.replace("9606.", "",  regex=False)
+    df['protein2'] = df['protein2'].str.replace("9606.", "", regex=False)
+    return df
+def load_protein_gene_links(prot_gene_file: Path) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, Dict]:
+    """
+    Load the file linking each gene to it's hg19 coordinates and encoded \
+    proteins.
+    :param prot_gene_file: A file linking each gene to it's hg19 \
+    coordinates and encoded proteins.
+    :return: The loaded file and a dictionary of synonyms
+    """
+    df = pd.read_csv(prot_gene_file, sep="\t",
+                     dtype={"Gene_stable_ID": str,
+                            "Protein_stable_ID": str,
+                            "Gene_name": str,
+                            "Gene_Synonym": str,
+                            "chr": str,
+                            "start": int,
+                            "stop": int,
+                            "strand": str})
+    dic_synonym = {}
+    for i in range(df.shape[0]):
+        mseries = df.iloc[i, :]
+        if isinstance(mseries["Gene_Synonym"], float):
+            dic_synonym[mseries["Gene_name"].upper()] = \
+                mseries["Gene_name"].upper()
+        else:
+            dic_synonym[mseries["Gene_Synonym"].upper()] = \
+                mseries["Gene_name"].upper()
+    return df, dic_synonym
+def load_fasterdb_gene(bed_gene: Path, dic_synonym: Dict) -> Dict:
+    """
+    Load a bed file containing all fasterDB gene.
+    :param bed_gene: A bed file containing all fasterdb gene
+    :param dic_synonym: A dictionary of synonyms used to replace \
+    the old fasterDB names by the new ones
+    :return: A dictionary linking each fasterDB gene name to its coordinates
+    """
+    dic = {}
+    with bed_gene.open("r") as inbed:
+        for line in inbed:
+            line = line.replace("\n", "").split("\t")
+            gene_name = line[4].upper()
+            if gene_name in dic_synonym.keys():
+                gene_name = dic_synonym[gene_name]
+            if gene_name not in dic.keys():
+                dic[gene_name] = [[line[0], int(line[1]), int(line[2]),
+                                   int(line[3]), gene_name, line[5]]]
+            else:
+                dic[gene_name].append(
+                    [line[0], int(line[1]), int(line[2]),
+                     int(line[3]), gene_name, line[5]])
+    return dic
+def find_fasterdb_id(mseries: pd.Series, dic: Dict) -> Optional[int]:
+    """
+    Find the fasterDB gene id from a line corresponding to an ensembl gene.
+    :param mseries: A line containing the ensembl gene id and gene name of \
+    a gene
+    :param dic: A dictionary linking each gene name to it's coordinate
+    :return: The fasterDB id of the ensembl gene.
+    """
+    if mseries['Gene_name'].upper() not in dic.keys():
+        if isinstance(mseries['Gene_Synonym'], float) or \
+                mseries['Gene_Synonym'].upper() not in dic.keys():
+            return None
+        genes = dic[mseries['Gene_Synonym'].upper()]
+    else:
+        genes = dic[mseries['Gene_name'].upper()]
+    if len(genes) == 1:
+        return genes[0][3]
+    elif len(genes) >= 1:
+        for gene in genes:
+            if (
+                mseries['chr'] == gene[0]
+                and mseries['start'] == gene[1]
+                and mseries['stop'] == gene[2]
+                and mseries['strand'] == gene[5]
+            ):
+                return gene[3]
+        return None
+    return None
+def add_gene_id_column(prot_gene_df: pd.DataFrame, dic: Dict) -> pd.DataFrame:
+    """
+    Add the fasterDB gene id to ensembl gene then only return lines in \
+    the dataframe with a fasterDB gene id.
+    :param prot_gene_df: A table containing ensembl gene id.
+    :param dic: A dictionary linking gene name to is fasterdb id.
+    :return: The table prot_gene_df with a column FasterDB_id
+    """
+    prot_gene_df['FasterDB_id'] = prot_gene_df.apply(find_fasterdb_id,
+                                                     axis=1, dic=dic)
+    df = prot_gene_df.loc[-prot_gene_df['FasterDB_id'].isna(), :].copy()
+    df['FasterDB_id'] = df['FasterDB_id'].astype(int)
+    df.drop(['Gene_Synonym'], axis=1, inplace=True)
+    return df.drop_duplicates()
+def add_fasterdb_id_to_ppi_file(ppi_df: pd.DataFrame,
+                                df_fasterdb: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
+    """
+    Add two columns to the ppi_df: one containing the fasterdb gene_id \
+    of the gene that encode the first interacting protein and the second \
+    containing the fasterdb gene id of the gene encoding the second \
+    interacting protein.
+    :param ppi_df: Dataframe of interaction
+    :param df_fasterdb: df with the fasterDB gene id of the gene en their \
+    encoding protein identified by ensembl protein id.
+    :return: The dataframe with the gene id of genes encoding the interacting \
+    protein.
+    """
+    df_fasterdb = df_fasterdb[["Protein_stable_ID", "FasterDB_id"]].copy()
+    df_fasterdb.rename({"FasterDB_id": "gene"}, axis=1, inplace=True)
+    ppi_df = ppi_df.merge(df_fasterdb, how="left", left_on="protein1",
+                          right_on="Protein_stable_ID")
+    ppi_df = ppi_df.merge(df_fasterdb, how="left", left_on="protein2",
+                          right_on="Protein_stable_ID", suffixes=['1', '2'])
+    ppi_df = ppi_df.loc[(-ppi_df['gene1'].isna()) &
+                        (-ppi_df['gene2'].isna()), :]
+    ppi_df.drop(["Protein_stable_ID1", "Protein_stable_ID2"], axis=1,
+                inplace=True)
+    ppi_df['gene1'] = ppi_df['gene1'].astype(int)
+    ppi_df['gene2'] = ppi_df['gene2'].astype(int)
+    return ppi_df
+def get_protein_interaction_table():
+    """
+    link ensemble gene and their encoding protein to a fasterDB gene id.
+    """
+    df_prot_gene, dic_synonyms = \
+        load_protein_gene_links(ConfigPPI.protein_gene)
+    dic_gene = load_fasterdb_gene(Config.bed_gene, dic_synonyms)
+    df_fasterdb_id = add_gene_id_column(df_prot_gene, dic_gene)
+    df_fasterdb_id.to_csv(ConfigPPI.protein_gene_fasterdb, sep="\t",
+                          index=False)
+    ppi_df = load_string_ppi_file(ConfigPPI.ppi_string)
+    ppi_fasterdb = add_fasterdb_id_to_ppi_file(ppi_df, df_fasterdb_id)
+    ppi_fasterdb.to_csv(ConfigPPI.fasterdb_ppi, sep="\t", index=False)
diff --git a/src/find_interaction_cluster/ppi_scripts/get_ensembl_hg19_gene_ccoordinates.py b/src/find_interaction_cluster/ppi_scripts/get_ensembl_hg19_gene_ccoordinates.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a2ecaeda470c7c56d08d951d1a9bb7ec3c9f0255
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/find_interaction_cluster/ppi_scripts/get_ensembl_hg19_gene_ccoordinates.py
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+Description: The goal of this script is to get only coding gene from \
+ensemble with their protein id and their coordinate in hg19.
+from .config_ppi import ConfigPPI
+import pandas as pd
+from pathlib import Path
+import numpy as np
+def load_genes(ensembl_file: Path) -> pd.DataFrame:
+    """
+    Load a table containing all the human protein of ensembl database \
+    and the name and location of their genes.
+    :param ensembl_file: A file containing all the human protein of \
+    ensembl database and the name and location of their genes.
+    :return: table containing all the human protein of ensembl database \
+    and the name and location of their genes.
+    """
+    df = pd.read_csv(ensembl_file, sep="\t",
+                     dtype={"Gene_stable_ID": str,
+                            "Gene_stable_ID_version": str,
+                            "Protein_stable_ID": str,
+                            "Chromosome-scaffold_name": str,
+                            "Gene_start": int,
+                            "Gene_end": int,
+                            "Strand": str,
+                            "Gene_name": str,
+                            "Gene_Synonym": str})
+    df = df.loc[-df['Protein_stable_ID'].isna(), :]
+    return df[["Gene_stable_ID", "Protein_stable_ID", "Gene_name",
+               "Gene_Synonym"]]
+def load_bed(ensembl_bed: Path) -> pd.DataFrame:
+    """
+    Load a bed file containing ensembl hg38 gene on hg19 coordinates.
+    :param ensembl_bed: A bed file containing ensembl gene
+    :return: the bed file
+    """
+    df = pd.read_csv(ensembl_bed, names=["chr", "start", "stop", "name",
+                                         "score", "strand"], sep="\t")
+    df['chr'] = df["chr"].str.replace("chr", "")
+    df = df.drop_duplicates()
+    names = np.unique(df['name'].values, return_counts=True)
+    good_names = [cname for i, cname in enumerate(list(names[0]))
+                  if names[1][i] == 1]
+    return df.loc[df['name'].isin(good_names), :]
+def merge_tables(df_gene: pd.DataFrame, df_bed: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
+    """
+    Merges `df_gene` and `df_bed`together.
+    :param df_gene: table containing all the human protein of ensembl \
+     database and the name and location of their genes.
+    :param df_bed: A bed file containing ensembl gene
+    :return: The merged table
+    """
+    df_gene = df_gene.loc[
+        df_gene["Gene_name"].isin(list(df_bed['name'].unique())), :]
+    df_bed.rename({'name': "Gene_name"}, inplace=True, axis=1)
+    return df_gene.merge(df_bed, how="left", on="Gene_name")
+def create_protein_gene_file():
+    """
+    Create a file linking each ensembl protein to it's gene and the hg19 \
+    coordinate of this gene.
+    """
+    df_gene = load_genes(ConfigPPI.ensembl_gene)
+    df_bed = load_bed(ConfigPPI.bed_ensembl)
+    df = merge_tables(df_gene, df_bed)
+    ConfigPPI.protein_gene.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+    df.to_csv(ConfigPPI.protein_gene, sep="\t", index=False)