#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- """ Description: A class containing all the variables used in this submodule """ from pathlib import Path class OutputBed: """ A class containing the location of output bed files """ output = Path(__file__).parents[2] / "results" / "bed_file" filtered_gene = output / "filtered_gene.bed" body_gene = output / "body_gene.bed" tss_gene = output / "tss_gene.bed" tts_gene = output / "tts_gene.bed" after_gene = output / "after_gene.bed" ddx_genes = output / "DDX5_17_genes.txt" class BedConfig: """ A class containing all the variables used in this submodule """ base = Path(__file__).parents[2] gene_bed = base / "data" / "bed" / "gene.bed" exon_bed = base / "data" / "bed" / "exon.bed" sipp_vs_ctcf = base / "data" / "Sipp_exon_vs_CTCF.csv" all_vs_ctcf = base / 'data' / 'All_Exons_vs_CTCF.csv' exons_vs_ctcf = base / "data" / "All_Exons_vs_CTCF.csv" expressed_genes = base / "data" / "5y_expressed_genes_basemean>5.txt" bed = OutputBed size = 5000 class TestConfig: """Contains variable used in docstring tests""" base = Path(__file__).parents[2] / "tests" / "files" list_genes = base / "list_genes.txt" gene_bed = base / "genes.bed" exon_bed = base / "exons.bed" small_bw = base / "small.bw" sipp_vs_ctcf = base / 'Sipp_exon_vs_CTCF.csv' test_fasta = base / "test_genome.fa"