diff --git a/src/gc_content/gc_stats.py b/src/gc_content/gc_stats.py
index 778022b76b16b234592b7b247d84fbc3bad24734..483460cc8bc92cfdd7b902d312e422d72d528822 100644
--- a/src/gc_content/gc_stats.py
+++ b/src/gc_content/gc_stats.py
@@ -21,10 +21,12 @@ def mann_whitney(df: pd.DataFrame) -> List[Any]:
     :return: The name of the groups and their p-value
     regions = df['region'].unique()
+    res = []
     for r1, r2 in combinations(regions, 2):
         v1 = df.loc[df['region'] == r1, "gc_content"]
         v2 = df.loc[df['region'] == r2, "gc_content"]
-        return [r1, r2, mannwhitneyu(v1, v2)[-1]]
+        res.append([r1, r2, mannwhitneyu(v1, v2)[-1]])
+    return res
 def make_stat(df: pd.DataFrame) -> List[List[Any]]:
@@ -35,12 +37,12 @@ def make_stat(df: pd.DataFrame) -> List[List[Any]]:
     if len(df['location'].unique()) == 1:
         return [mann_whitney(df)]
-    else:
-        list_pval = []
-        for loc in df['location'].unique():
-            df_tmp = df.loc[df["location"] == loc, :]
-            res = mann_whitney(df_tmp)
+    list_pval = []
+    for loc in df['location'].unique():
+        df_tmp = df.loc[df["location"] == loc, :]
+        result = mann_whitney(df_tmp)
+        for res in result:
             res[0] = (loc, res[0])
             res[1] = (loc, res[1])
-        return list_pval
+    return list_pval