version = "407" container_url = "lbmc/ucsc:${version}" include { index_fasta } from './../samtools/main' params.bedgraph_to_bigwig = "" params.bedgraph_to_bigwig_out = "" process bedgraph_to_bigwig { container = "${container_url}" label "big_mem_mono_cpus" tag "${file_id}" if (params.bedgraph_to_bigwig_out != "") { publishDir "results/${params.bedgraph_to_bigwig_out}", mode: 'copy' } input: tuple val(file_id) path(bg) tuple val(file_id) path(bed) output: tuple val(file_id), path("*.bw"), emit: bw script: """ LC_COLLATE=C # transform bed file of start-stop chromosome size to stop chromosome size awk -v OFS="\\t" '{print \$1, \$3}' ${bed} > chromsize.txt sort -T ./ -k1,1 -k2,2n ${bg} > \ bedGraphToBigWig ${params.bedgraph_to_bigwig} - \ chromsize.txt \ ${bg.simpleName} """ } params.wig_to_bedgraph = "" params.wig_to_bedgraph_out = "" workflow wig_to_bedgraph { take: fasta wig main: wig_to_bigwig( fasta, wig ) bigwig_to_bedgraph( ) emit: bg = } workflow wig2_to_bedgraph2 { take: fasta wig main: wig2_to_bigwig2( fasta, wig ) bigwig2_to_bedgraph2( ) emit: bg = } params.bigwig_to_bedgraph = "" params.bigwig_to_bedgraph_out = "" process bigwig_to_bedgraph { container = "${container_url}" label "big_mem_mono_cpus" tag "${file_id}" if (params.bigwig_to_bedgraph_out != "") { publishDir "results/${params.bigwig_to_bedgraph_out}", mode: 'copy' } input: tuple val(file_id) path(bw) output: tuple val(file_id), path("*.bg"), emit: bg script: """ bigWigToBedGraph ${bw} ${bw.simpleName}.bg """ } params.bigwig2_to_bedgraph2 = "" params.bigwig2_to_bedgraph2_out = "" process bigwig2_to_bedgraph2 { container = "${container_url}" label "big_mem_mono_cpus" tag "${file_id}" if (params.bigwig_to_bedgraph_out != "") { publishDir "results/${params.bigwig_to_bedgraph_out}", mode: 'copy' } input: tuple val(file_id), path(bw_a), path(bw_b) output: tuple val(file_id), path("${bw_a.simpleName}.bg"), path("${bw_b.simpleName}.bg"), emit: bg script: """ bigWigToBedGraph ${bw_a} ${bw_a.simpleName}.bg bigWigToBedGraph ${bw_b} ${bw_b.simpleName}.bg """ } params.bigwig_to_wig = "" params.bigwig_to_wig_out = "" process bigwig_to_wig { container = "${container_url}" label "big_mem_mono_cpus" tag "${file_id}" if (params.bigwig_to_wig_out != "") { publishDir "results/${params.bigwig_to_wig_out}", mode: 'copy' } input: tuple val(file_id) path(bw) output: tuple val(file_id), path("*.wig"), emit: wig script: """ bigWigToBedGraph ${bw} ${bw.simpleName}.bg --bedgraph ${bw.simpleName}.bg --wig ${bw.simpleName}.wig --step 10 """ } params.bigwig2_to_wig2 = "" params.bigwig2_to_wig2_out = "" process bigwig2_to_wig2 { container = "${container_url}" label "big_mem_mono_cpus" tag "${file_id}" if (params.bigwig_to_wig_out != "") { publishDir "results/${params.bigwig_to_wig_out}", mode: 'copy' } input: tuple val(file_id), path(bw_a), path(bw_b) output: tuple val(file_id), path("${bw_a.simpleName}.wig"), path("${bw_b.simpleName}.wig"), emit: wig script: """ bigWigToBedGraph ${bw_a} ${bw_a.simpleName}.bg --bedgraph ${bw_a.simpleName}.bg --wig ${bw_a.simpleName}.wig --step 10 bigWigToBedGraph ${bw_b} ${bw_b.simpleName}.bg --bedgraph ${bw_b.simpleName}.bg --wig ${bw_b.simpleName}.wig --step 10 """ } params.wig_to_bigwig = "" params.wig_to_bigwig_out = "" workflow wig_to_bigwig { take: fasta wig main: index_fasta(fasta) wig_to_bigwig_sub( wig, index_fasta.out.index ) emit: bw = } process wig_to_bigwig_sub { container = "${container_url}" label "big_mem_mono_cpus" tag "${file_id}" if (params.bigwig_to_wig_out != "") { publishDir "results/${params.bigwig_to_wig_out}", mode: 'copy' } input: tuple val(file_id), path(w) tuple val(idx_id), path(fasta_idx) output: tuple val(file_id), path("${w.simpleName}.bw"), emit: bw script: """ cut -f 1,2 ${fasta_idx} > ${fasta_idx.simpleName}.sizes wigToBigWig -clip ${w} ${fasta_idx.simpleName}.sizes ${w.simpleName}.bw """ } params.wig2_to_bigwig2 = "" params.wig2_to_bigwig2_out = "" workflow wig2_to_bigwig2 { take: fasta wigs main: index_fasta(fasta) wig2_to_bigwig2_sub( wigs, index_fasta.out.index ) emit: bw = } process wig2_to_bigwig2_sub { container = "${container_url}" label "big_mem_mono_cpus" tag "${file_id}" if (params.bigwig_to_wig_out != "") { publishDir "results/${params.bigwig_to_wig_out}", mode: 'copy' } input: tuple val(file_id), path(w_a), path(w_b) tuple val(idx_id), path(fasta_idx) output: tuple val(file_id), path("${w_a.simpleName}.bw"), path("${w_b.simpleName}.bw"), emit: bw script: """ cut -f 1,2 ${fasta_idx} > ${fasta_idx.simpleName}.sizes wigToBigWig -clip ${w_a} ${fasta_idx.simpleName}.sizes ${w_a.simpleName}.bw wigToBigWig -clip ${w_b} ${fasta_idx.simpleName}.sizes ${w_b.simpleName}.bw """ }