diff --git a/src/nf_modules/bowtie/main.nf b/src/nf_modules/bowtie/main.nf
index c95c47f087dac91274a4c255d3ea1e535d2ffe63..d250e21f754a9ecb9c9c1bb84d174feb8b528fdd 100644
--- a/src/nf_modules/bowtie/main.nf
+++ b/src/nf_modules/bowtie/main.nf
@@ -25,6 +25,55 @@ fi
+process mapping_fastq {
+  container = "${container_url}"
+  label "big_mem_multi_cpus"
+  tag "$pair_id"
+  input:
+  path index
+  tuple val(pair_id), path(reads)
+  output:
+  tuple val(pair_id), path("*.bam"), emit: bam
+  path "*_report.txt", emit: report
+  script:
+  index_id = index[0]
+  for (index_file in index) {
+    if (index_file =~ /.*\.1\.bt2/ && !(index_file =~ /.*\.rev\.1\.bt2/)) {
+        index_id = ( index_file =~ /(.*)\.1\.bt2/)[0][1]
+    }
+  }
+if (reads instanceof List)
+# -v specify the max number of missmatch, -k the number of match reported per
+# reads
+bowtie --best -v 3 -k 1 --sam -p ${task.cpus} ${index_id} \
+  -1 ${reads[0]} -2 ${reads[1]} 2> \
+  ${pair_id}_bowtie_report_tmp.txt | \
+  samtools view -Sb - > ${pair_id}.bam
+if grep -q "Error" ${pair_id}_bowtie_report_tmp.txt; then
+  exit 1
+tail -n 19 ${pair_id}_bowtie_report_tmp.txt > \
+  ${pair_id}_bowtie_mapping_report.txt
+bowtie --best -v 3 -k 1 --sam -p ${task.cpus} ${index_id} \
+  -q ${reads} 2> \
+  ${file_id}_bowtie_report_tmp.txt | \
+  samtools view -Sb - > ${file_id}.bam
+if grep -q "Error" ${file_id}_bowtie_report_tmp.txt; then
+  exit 1
+tail -n 19 ${file_id}_bowtie_report_tmp.txt > \
+  ${file_id}_bowtie_mapping_report.txt
 process mapping_fastq_pairedend {
   container = "${container_url}"
diff --git a/src/nf_modules/bowtie2/main.nf b/src/nf_modules/bowtie2/main.nf
index c852c31df95fe86d2dbb644056a0152bca0fd391..02d2663540b393f17b935bb4f4f0623bb5e2b2f3 100644
--- a/src/nf_modules/bowtie2/main.nf
+++ b/src/nf_modules/bowtie2/main.nf
@@ -27,6 +27,59 @@ fi
+process mapping_fastq {
+  container = "${container_url}"
+  label "big_mem_multi_cpus"
+  tag "$pair_id"
+  input:
+  path index
+  tuple val(pair_id), path(reads)
+  output:
+  tuple val(pair_id), path("*.bam"), emit: bam
+  path "*_report.txt", emit: report
+  script:
+  index_id = index[0]
+  for (index_file in index) {
+    if (index_file =~ /.*\.1\.bt2/ && !(index_file =~ /.*\.rev\.1\.bt2/)) {
+        index_id = ( index_file =~ /(.*)\.1\.bt2/)[0][1]
+    }
+  }
+if (reads instanceof List)
+bowtie2 --very-sensitive \
+  -p ${task.cpus} \
+  -x ${index_id} \
+  -1 ${reads[0]} \
+  -2 ${reads[1]} 2> \
+  ${pair_id}_bowtie2_mapping_report_tmp.txt | \
+  samtools view -Sb - > ${pair_id}.bam
+if grep -q "Error" ${pair_id}_bowtie2_mapping_report_tmp.txt; then
+  exit 1
+tail -n 19 ${pair_id}_bowtie2_mapping_report_tmp.txt > \
+  ${pair_id}_bowtie2_mapping_report.txt
+bowtie2 --very-sensitive \
+  -p ${task.cpus} \
+  -x ${index_id} \
+  -U ${reads} 2> \
+  ${reads.baseName}_bowtie2_mapping_report_tmp.txt | \
+  samtools view -Sb - > ${reads.baseName}.bam
+if grep -q "Error" ${reads.baseName}_bowtie2_mapping_report_tmp.txt; then
+  exit 1
+tail -n 19 ${reads.baseName}_bowtie2_mapping_report_tmp.txt > \
+  ${reads.baseName}_bowtie2_mapping_report.txt
 process mapping_fastq_pairedend {
   container = "${container_url}"
   label "big_mem_multi_cpus"
diff --git a/src/nf_modules/cutadapt/main.nf b/src/nf_modules/cutadapt/main.nf
index 020101fe0d7ac3557a748f7d0225ce3bda9844d9..6464935194f9cb9ce88f7175669a15d770fbd74f 100644
--- a/src/nf_modules/cutadapt/main.nf
+++ b/src/nf_modules/cutadapt/main.nf
@@ -6,6 +6,33 @@ adapter_5_prim = "CTCTTCCGATCT"
 trim_quality = "20"
+process adaptor_removal {
+  container = "${container_url}"
+  label "big_mem_mono_cpus"
+  tag "$pair_id"
+  input:
+  tuple val(pair_id), path(reads)
+  output:
+  tuple val(pair_id), path("*_cut_R{1,2}.fastq.gz"), emit: fastq
+  path "*_report.txt", emit: report
+  script:
+if (reads instanceof List)
+  """
+  cutadapt -a ${adapter_3_prim} -g ${adapter_5_prim} -A ${adapter_3_prim} -G ${adapter_5_prim} \
+  -o ${pair_id}_cut_R1.fastq.gz -p ${pair_id}_cut_R2.fastq.gz \
+  ${reads[0]} ${reads[1]} > ${pair_id}_report.txt
+  """
+  """
+  cutadapt -a ${adapter_3_prim} -g ${adapter_5_prim} \
+  -o ${file_id}_cut.fastq.gz \
+  ${reads} > ${file_id}_report.txt
+  """
 process adaptor_removal_pairedend {
   container = "${container_url}"
   label "big_mem_mono_cpus"
@@ -46,6 +73,33 @@ process adaptor_removal_singleend {
+process trimming_pairedend {
+  container = "${container_url}"
+  label "big_mem_mono_cpus"
+  tag "$pair_id"
+  input:
+  tuple val(pair_id), path(reads)
+  output:
+  tuple val(pair_id), path("*_trim_R{1,2}.fastq.gz"), emit:fastq
+  path "*_report.txt", emit: report
+  script:
+if (reads instanceof List)
+  """
+  cutadapt -q ${trim_quality},${trim_quality} \
+  -o ${pair_id}_trim_R1.fastq.gz -p ${pair_id}_trim_R2.fastq.gz \
+  ${reads[0]} ${reads[1]} > ${pair_id}_report.txt
+  """
+  """
+  cutadapt -q ${trim_quality},${trim_quality} \
+  -o ${file_id}_trim.fastq.gz \
+  ${reads} > ${file_id}_report.txt
+  """
 process trimming_pairedend {
   container = "${container_url}"
   label "big_mem_mono_cpus"