diff --git a/bin/hicstuff_distance_law.py b/bin/hicstuff_distance_law.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..545c3f7e1e0929d070a850ed239aab90d585f8dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/hicstuff_distance_law.py
@@ -0,0 +1,839 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import numpy as np
+import sys
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import warnings
+from scipy import ndimage
+from matplotlib import cm
+import pandas as pd
+import os as os
+import csv as csv
+import hicstuff_io as hio
+from hicstuff_log import logger
+import argparse
+def export_distance_law(xs, ps, names, out_file=None):
+    """ Export the x(s) and p(s) from two list of numpy.ndarrays to a table
+    in txt file with three columns separated by a tabulation. The first column
+    contains the x(s), the second the p(s) and the third the name of the arm or
+    chromosome. The file is created in the directory given by outdir or the
+    current file if no file is given.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    xs : list of numpy.ndarray
+        The list of the start position of logbins of each p(s) in base pairs.
+    ps : list of numpy.ndarray
+        The list of p(s).
+    names : list of string
+        List containing the names of the chromosomes/arms/conditions of the p(s)
+        values given.
+    out_file : str or None
+        Path where output file should be written. ./distance_law.txt by default.
+    Return
+    ------
+    txt file:
+        File with three columns separated by a tabulation. The first column
+        contains the x(s), the second the p(s) and the third the name of the arm
+        or chromosome. The file is creates in the output file given or the
+        default one if none given.
+    """
+    # ./distance_law.txt as out_file if no out_file is given.
+    if out_file is None:
+        out_file = os.getcwd() + "/distance_law.txt"
+    # Sanity check: as many chromosomes/arms as ps
+    if len(xs) != len(names):
+        logger.error("Number of chromosomes/arms and number of p(s) list differ.")
+        sys.exit(1)
+    # Create the file and write it
+    f = open(out_file, "w")
+    for i in range(len(xs)):
+        for j in range(len(xs[i])):
+            line = (
+                str(format(xs[i][j], "g"))
+                + "\t"
+                + str(format(ps[i][j], "g"))
+                + "\t"
+                + names[i]
+                + "\n"
+            )
+            f.write(line)
+    f.close()
+def import_distance_law(distance_law_file):
+    """ Import the table created by export_distance_law and return the list of
+    x(s) and p(s) in the order of the chromosomes.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    distance_law_file : string
+        Path to the file containing three columns : the x(s), the p(s), and the
+        chromosome/arm name.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    list of numpy.ndarray :
+        The start coordinate of each bin one array per chromosome or arm.
+    list of numpy.ndarray :
+        The distance law probabilities corresponding of the bins of the
+        previous list.
+    list of numpy.ndarray :
+        The names of the arms/chromosomes corresponding to the previous
+        list.
+    """
+    file = pd.read_csv(
+        distance_law_file,
+        sep="\t",
+        header=None,
+        dtype={"a": np.int32, "b": np.float32, "c": str},
+    )
+    names_idx = np.unique(file.iloc[:, 2], return_index=True)[1]
+    names = [file.iloc[:, 2][index] for index in sorted(names_idx)]
+    xs = [None] * len(names)
+    ps = [None] * len(names)
+    labels = [None] * len(names)
+    for i in range(len(names)):
+        subfile = file[file.iloc[:, 2] == names[i]]
+        xs[i] = np.array(subfile.iloc[:, 0])
+        ps[i] = np.array(subfile.iloc[:, 1])
+        labels[i] = np.array(subfile.iloc[:, 2])
+    return xs, ps, labels
+def get_chr_segment_bins_index(fragments, centro_file=None, rm_centro=0):
+    """Get the index positions of the start and end bins of different
+    chromosomes, or arms if the centromers position have been given from the
+    fragments file made by hicstuff.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    fragments : pandas.DataFrame
+        Table containing in the first coulum the ID of the fragment, in the
+        second the names of the chromosome in the third and fourth the start
+        position and the end position of the fragment. The file have no header.
+        (File like the 'fragments_list.txt' from hicstuff)
+    centro_file : None or str
+        None or path to a file with the genomic positions of the centromers
+        sorted as the chromosomes separated by a space. The file have only one
+        line.
+    rm_centro : int
+        If a value is given, will remove the contacts close the centromeres.
+        It will remove as many kb as the argument given. Default is zero.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    list of floats :
+        The start and end indices of chromosomes/arms to compute the distance
+        law on each chromosome/arm separately.
+    """
+    # Get bins where chromosomes start
+    chr_start_bins = np.where(fragments == 0)[0]
+    # Create a list of same length for the end of the bins
+    chr_end_bins = np.zeros(len(chr_start_bins))
+    # Get bins where chromsomes end
+    for i in range(len(chr_start_bins) - 1):
+        chr_end_bins[i] = chr_start_bins[i + 1]
+    chr_end_bins[-1] = len(fragments.iloc[:, 0])
+    # Combine start and end of bins in a single array. Values are the id of the
+    # bins
+    chr_segment_bins = np.sort(np.concatenate((chr_start_bins, chr_end_bins)))
+    if centro_file is not None:
+        # Read the file of the centromers
+        with open(centro_file, "r", newline="") as centro:
+            centro = csv.reader(centro, delimiter=" ")
+            centro_pos = next(centro)
+        # Sanity check: as many chroms as centromeres
+        if len(chr_start_bins) != len(centro_pos):
+            logger.warning(
+                "Number of chromosomes and centromeres differ, centromeres position are not taking into account."
+            )
+            centro_file = None
+    if centro_file is not None:
+        # Get bins of centromeres
+        centro_bins = np.zeros(2 * len(centro_pos))
+        for i in range(len(chr_start_bins)):
+            if (i + 1) < len(chr_start_bins):
+                subfrags = fragments[chr_start_bins[i] : chr_start_bins[i + 1]]
+            else:
+                subfrags = fragments[chr_start_bins[i] :]
+            # index of last fragment starting before centro in same chrom
+            centro_bins[2 * i] = chr_start_bins[i] + max(
+                np.where(
+                    subfrags["start_pos"][:] // (int(centro_pos[i]) - rm_centro) == 0
+                )[0]
+            )
+            centro_bins[2 * i + 1] = chr_start_bins[i] + max(
+                np.where(
+                    subfrags["start_pos"][:] // (int(centro_pos[i]) + rm_centro) == 0
+                )[0]
+            )
+        # Combine centro and chrom bins into a single array. Values are the id
+        # of the bins started and ending the arms.
+        chr_segment_bins = np.sort(
+            np.concatenate((chr_start_bins, chr_end_bins, centro_bins))
+        )
+    return list(chr_segment_bins)
+def get_chr_segment_length(fragments, chr_segment_bins):
+    """Compute a list of the length of the different objects (arm or
+    chromosome) given by chr_segment_bins.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    fragments : pandas.DataFrame
+        Table containing in the first coulum the ID of the fragment, in the
+        second the names of the chromosome in the third and fourth the start
+        position and the end position of the fragment. The file have no header.
+        (File like the 'fragments_list.txt' from hicstuff)
+    chr_segment_bins : list of floats
+        The start and end indices of chromosomes/arms to compute the distance
+        law on each chromosome/arm separately.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    list of numpy.ndarray:
+        The length in base pairs of each chromosome or arm.
+    """
+    chr_segment_length = [None] * int(len(chr_segment_bins) / 2)
+    # Iterate in chr_segment_bins in order to obtain the size of each chromosome/arm
+    for i in range(len(chr_segment_length)):
+        # Obtain the size of the chromosome/arm, the if loop is to avoid the
+        # case of arms where the end position of the last fragments doesn't
+        # mean the size of arm. If it's the right arm we have to start to count the
+        # size from the beginning of the arm.
+        if fragments["start_pos"].iloc[int(chr_segment_bins[2 * i])] == 0:
+            n = fragments["end_pos"].iloc[int(chr_segment_bins[2 * i + 1]) - 1]
+        else:
+            n = (
+                fragments["end_pos"].iloc[int(chr_segment_bins[2 * i + 1]) - 1]
+                - fragments["start_pos"].iloc[int(chr_segment_bins[2 * i])]
+            )
+        chr_segment_length[i] = n
+    return chr_segment_length
+def logbins_xs(fragments, chr_segment_length, base=1.1, circular=False):
+    """Compute the logbins of each chromosome/arm in order to have theme to
+    compute distance law. At the end you will have bins of increasing with a
+    logspace with the base of the value given in base.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    fragments : pandas.DataFrame
+        Table containing in the first coulum the ID of the fragment, in the
+        second the names of the chromosome in the third and fourth the start
+        position and the end position of the fragment. The file have no header.
+        (File like the 'fragments_list.txt' from hicstuff)
+    chr_segment_length: list of floats
+        List of the size in base pairs of the different arms or chromosomes.
+    base : float
+        Base use to construct the logspace of the bins, 1.1 by default.
+    circular : bool
+        If True, calculate the distance as the chromosome is circular. Default
+        value is False.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    list of numpy.ndarray :
+        The start coordinate of each bin one array per chromosome or arm.
+    """
+    # Create the xs array and a list of the length of the chromosomes/arms
+    xs = [None] * len(chr_segment_length)
+    # Iterate in chr_segment_bins in order to make the logspace
+    for i in range(len(chr_segment_length)):
+        n = chr_segment_length[i]
+        # if the chromosome is circular the mawimum distance between two reads
+        # are divided by two
+        if circular:
+            n /= 2
+        n_bins = int(np.log(n) / np.log(base))
+        # For each chromosome/arm compute a logspace to have the logbin
+        # equivalent to the size of the arms and increasing size of bins
+        xs[i] = np.unique(
+            np.logspace(0, n_bins, num=n_bins + 1, base=base, dtype=int)
+        )
+    return xs
+def circular_distance_law(distance, chr_segment_length, chr_bin):
+    """Recalculate the distance to return the distance in a circular chromosome
+    and not the distance between the two genomic positions.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    chr_segment_bins : list of floats
+        The start and end indices of chromosomes/arms to compute the distance
+        law on each chromosome/arm separately.
+    chr_segment_length: list of floats
+        List of the size in base pairs of the different arms or chromosomes.
+    distance : int
+        Distance between two fragments with a contact.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    int :
+        The real distance in the chromosome circular and not the distance
+        between two genomic positions
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> circular_distance_law(7500, [2800, 9000], 1)
+    1500
+    >>> circular_distance_law(1300, [2800, 9000], 0)
+    1300
+    >>> circular_distance_law(1400, [2800, 9000], 0)
+    1400
+    """
+    chr_len = chr_segment_length[chr_bin]
+    if distance > chr_len / 2:
+        distance = chr_len - distance
+    return distance
+def get_pairs_distance(
+    line, fragments, chr_segment_bins, chr_segment_length, xs, ps, circular=False
+    """From a line of a pair reads file, filter -/+ or +/- reads, keep only the
+    reads in the same chromosome/arm and compute the distance of the the two
+    fragments. It modify the input ps in order to count or not the line given.
+    It will add one in the logbin corresponding to the distance.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    line : OrderedDict
+        Line of a pair reads file with the these keys readID, chr1, pos1, chr2,
+        pos2, strand1, strand2, frag1, frag2. The values are in a dictionnary.
+    fragments : pandas.DataFrame
+        Table containing in the first coulum the ID of the fragment, in the
+        second the names of the chromosome in the third and fourth the start
+        position and the end position of the fragment. The file have no header.
+        (File like the 'fragments_list.txt' from hicstuff)
+    chr_segment_bins : list of floats
+        The start and end indices of chromosomes/arms to compute the distance
+        law on each chromosome/arm separately.
+    chr_segment_length: list of floats
+        List of the size in base pairs of the different arms or chromosomes.
+    xs : list of lists
+        The start coordinate of each bin one array per chromosome or arm.
+    ps : list of lists
+        The sum of contact already count. xs and ps should have the same
+        dimensions.
+    circular : bool
+        If True, calculate the distance as the chromosome is circular. Default
+        value is False.
+    """
+    # Check this is a pairs_idx file and not simple pairs
+    if line['frag1'] is None:
+        logger.error(
+            'Input pairs file must have frag1 and frag2 columns. In hicstuff '
+            'pipeline, this is the "valid_idx.pairs" file.'
+        )
+    # We only keep the event +/+ or -/-. This is done to avoid to have any
+    # event of uncut which are not possible in these events. We can remove the
+    # good events of +/- or -/+ because we don't need a lot of reads to compute
+    # the distance law and if we eliminate these reads we do not create others
+    # biases as they should have the same distribution.
+    if line["strand1"] == line["strand2"]:
+        # Find in which chromosome/arm are the fragment 1 and 2.
+        chr_bin1 = (
+            np.searchsorted(chr_segment_bins, int(line["frag1"]), side="right") - 1
+        )
+        chr_bin2 = (
+            np.searchsorted(chr_segment_bins, int(line["frag2"]), side="right") - 1
+        )
+        # We only keep the reads with the two fragments in the same chromosome
+        # or arm.
+        if chr_bin1 == chr_bin2:
+            # Remove the contacts in the centromeres if centro_remove
+            if chr_bin1 % 2 == 0:
+                chr_bin1 = int(chr_bin1 / 2)
+                # For the reads -/-, the fragments should be religated with both
+                # their start position (position in the left on the genomic
+                # sequence, 5'). For the reads +/+ it's the contrary. We compute
+                # the distance as the distance between the two extremities which
+                # are religated.
+                if line["strand1"] == "-":
+                    distance = abs(
+                        np.array(fragments["start_pos"][int(line["frag1"])])
+                        - np.array(fragments["start_pos"][int(line["frag2"])])
+                    )
+                if line["strand1"] == "+":
+                    distance = abs(
+                        np.array(fragments["end_pos"][int(line["frag1"])])
+                        - np.array(fragments["end_pos"][int(line["frag2"])])
+                    )
+                if circular:
+                    distance = circular_distance_law(
+                        distance, chr_segment_length, chr_bin1
+                    )
+                xs_temp = xs[chr_bin1][:]
+                # Find the logbins in which the distance is and add one to the sum
+                # of contact.
+                ps_indice = np.searchsorted(xs_temp, distance, side="right") - 1
+                ps[chr_bin1][ps_indice] += 1
+def get_names(fragments, chr_segment_bins):
+    """Make a list of the names of the arms or the chromosomes.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    fragments : pandas.DataFrame
+        Table containing in the first coulum the ID of the fragment, in the
+        second the names of the chromosome in the third and fourth the start
+        position and the end position of the fragment. The file have no header.
+        (File like the 'fragments_list.txt' from hicstuff)
+    chr_segment_bins : list of floats
+        The start position of chromosomes/arms to compute the distance law on
+        each chromosome/arm separately.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    list of floats :
+        List of the labels given to the curves. It will be the name of the arms
+        or chromosomes.
+    """
+    # Get the name of the chromosomes.
+    chr_names_idx = np.unique(fragments.iloc[:, 1], return_index=True)[1]
+    chr_names = [fragments.iloc[:, 1][index] for index in sorted(chr_names_idx)]
+    # Case where they are separate in chromosomes
+    if len(chr_segment_bins) / 2 != len(chr_names):
+        names = []
+        for chr in chr_names:
+            names.append(str(chr) + "_left")
+            names.append(str(chr) + "_rigth")
+        chr_names = names
+    return chr_names
+def get_distance_law(
+    pairs_reads_file,
+    fragments_file,
+    centro_file=None,
+    base=1.1,
+    out_file=None,
+    circular=False,
+    rm_centro=0,
+    """Compute distance law as a function of the genomic coordinate aka P(s).
+    Bin length increases exponentially with distance. Works on pairs file
+    format from 4D Nucleome Omics Data Standards Working Group. If the genome
+    is composed of several chromosomes and you want to compute the arms
+    separately, provide a file with the positions of centromers. Create a file
+    with three coulumns separated by a tabulation. The first column contains
+    the xs, the second the ps and the third the name of the arm or chromosome.
+    The file is create in the directory given in outdir or in the current
+    directory if no directory given.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    pairs_reads_file : string
+        Path of a pairs file format from 4D Nucleome Omics Data Standards
+        Working Group with the 8th and 9th coulumns are the ID of the fragments
+        of the reads 1 and 2.
+    fragments_file : path
+        Path of a table containing in the first column the ID of the fragment,
+        in the second the names of the chromosome in the third and fourth
+        the start position and the end position of the fragment. The file have
+        no header. (File like the 'fragments_list.txt' from hicstuff)
+    centro_file : None or str
+        None or path to a file with the genomic positions of the centromers
+        sorted as the chromosomes separated by a space. The file have only one
+        line.
+    base : float
+        Base use to construct the logspace of the bins - 1.1 by default.
+    out_file : None or str
+        Path of the output file. If no path given, the output is returned.
+    circular : bool
+        If True, calculate the distance as the chromosome is circular. Default
+        value is False. Cannot be True if centro_file is not None
+    rm_centro : int
+        If a value is given, will remove the contacts close the centromeres.
+        It will remove as many kb as the argument given. Default is None.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    xs : list of numpy.ndarray
+        Basepair coordinates of log bins used to compute distance law.
+    ps : list of numpy.ndarray
+        Contacts value, in arbitrary units, at increasingly long genomic ranges
+        given by xs.
+    names : list of strings
+        Names of chromosomes that are plotted
+    """
+    # Sanity check : centro_fileition should be None if chromosomes are
+    # circulars (no centromeres is circular chromosomes).
+    if circular and centro_file != None:
+        logger.error("Chromosomes cannot have a centromere and be circular")
+        sys.exit(1)
+    # Import third columns of fragments file
+    fragments = pd.read_csv(fragments_file, sep="\t", header=0, usecols=[0, 1, 2, 3])
+    # Calculate the indice of the bins to separate into chromosomes/arms
+    chr_segment_bins = get_chr_segment_bins_index(fragments, centro_file, rm_centro)
+    # Calculate the length of each chromosoms/arms
+    chr_segment_length = get_chr_segment_length(fragments, chr_segment_bins)
+    xs = logbins_xs(fragments, chr_segment_length, base, circular)
+    # Create the list of p(s) with one array for each chromosome/arm and each
+    # array contain as many values as in the logbin
+    ps = [None] * len(chr_segment_length)
+    for i in range(len(xs)):
+        ps[i] = [0] * len(xs[i])
+    # Read the pair reads file
+    with open(pairs_reads_file, "r", newline="") as reads:
+        # Remove the line of the header
+        header_length = len(hio.get_pairs_header(pairs_reads_file))
+        for i in range(header_length):
+            next(reads)
+        # Reads all the others lines and put the values in a dictionnary with
+        # the keys : 'readID', 'chr1', 'pos1', 'chr2', 'pos2', 'strand1',
+        # 'strand2', 'frag1', 'frag2'
+        reader = csv.DictReader(
+            reads,
+            fieldnames=[
+                "readID",
+                "chr1",
+                "pos1",
+                "chr2",
+                "pos2",
+                "strand1",
+                "strand2",
+                "frag1",
+                "frag2",
+            ],
+            delimiter="\t",
+        )
+        for line in reader:
+            # Iterate in each line of the file after the header
+            get_pairs_distance(
+                line, fragments, chr_segment_bins, chr_segment_length, xs, ps, circular
+            )
+    # Divide the number of contacts by the area of the logbin
+    for i in range(len(xs)):
+        n = chr_segment_length[i]
+        for j in range(len(xs[i]) - 1):
+            # Use the area of a trapezium to know the area of the logbin with n
+            # the size of the matrix.
+            ps[i][j] /= ((2 * n - xs[i][j + 1] - xs[i][j]) / 2) * (
+                (1 / np.sqrt(2)) * (xs[i][j + 1] - xs[i][j])
+            )
+            # print(
+            #    ((2 * n - xs[i][j + 1] - xs[i][j]) / 2)
+            #    * ((1 / np.sqrt(2)) * (xs[i][j + 1] - xs[i][j]))
+            # )
+        # Case of the last logbin which is an isosceles rectangle triangle
+        # print(ps[i][-5:-1], ((n - xs[i][-1]) ** 2) / 2)
+        ps[i][-1] /= ((n - xs[i][-1]) ** 2) / 2
+    names = get_names(fragments, chr_segment_bins)
+    if out_file:
+        export_distance_law(xs, ps, names, out_file)
+    return xs, ps, names
+def normalize_distance_law(xs, ps, inf=3000, sup=None):
+    """Normalize the distance in order to have the sum of the ps values between
+    'inf' (default value is 3kb) until the end of the array equal to one and
+    limit the effect of coverage between two conditions/chromosomes/arms when
+    you compare them together. If we have a list of ps, it will normalize until
+    the length of the shorter object or the value of sup, whichever is smaller.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    xs : list of numpy.ndarray
+        list of logbins corresponding to the ps.
+    ps : list of numpy.ndarray
+        Average ps or list of ps of the chromosomes/arms. xs and ps have to
+        have the same shape.
+    inf : integer
+        Inferior value of the interval on which, the normalization is applied.
+    sup : integer
+        Superior value of the interval on which, the normalization is applied.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    list of numpy.ndarray :
+        List of ps each normalized separately.
+    """
+    # Sanity check: xs and ps have the same dimension
+    if np.shape(xs) != np.shape(ps):
+        logger.error("xs and ps should have the same dimension.")
+        sys.exit(1)
+    # Define the length of shortest chromosomes as a lower bound for the sup boundary
+    min_xs = len(min(xs, key=len))
+    normed_ps = [None] * len(ps)
+    if sup is None:
+        sup = np.inf
+    for chrom_id, chrom_ps in enumerate(ps):
+        # Iterate on the different ps to normalize each of theme separately
+        chrom_sum = 0
+        # Change the last value to have something continuous because the last
+        # one is much bigger (computed on matrix corner = triangle instead of trapezoid).
+        chrom_ps[-1] = chrom_ps[-2]
+        for bin_id, bin_value in enumerate(chrom_ps):
+            # Compute normalization factor based on values between inf and sup
+            # Sup will be whatever is smaller between user-provided sup and length of
+            # the shortest chromosome
+            if (xs[chrom_id][bin_id] > inf) and (xs[chrom_id][bin_id] < sup) and (bin_id < min_xs):
+                chrom_sum += bin_value
+        if chrom_sum == 0:
+            chrom_sum += 1
+            logger.warning("No values of p(s) in one segment")
+        # Make the normalisation
+        normed_ps[chrom_id] = np.array(ps[chrom_id]) / chrom_sum
+    return normed_ps
+def average_distance_law(xs, ps, sup, big_arm_only=False):
+    """Compute the average distance law between the file the different distance
+    law of the chromosomes/arms.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    xs : list of numpy.ndarray
+        The list of logbins.
+    ps : list of lists of floats
+        The list of numpy.ndarray.
+    sup : int
+        Value given to set the minimum size of the chromosomes/arms to make the
+        average.
+    big_arm_only : bool
+        By default False. If True, will only take into account the arms/chromosomes
+        longer than the value of sup. Sup mandatory if set.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    numpy.ndarray :
+        List of the xs with the max length.
+    numpy.ndarray :
+        List of the average_ps.
+    """
+    # Find longest chromosome / arm and make two arrays of this length for the
+    # average distance law and remove the last value.
+    xs = max(xs, key=len)
+    max_length = len(xs)
+    ps_values = np.zeros(max_length)
+    ps_occur = np.zeros(max_length)
+    for chrom_ps in ps:
+        # Iterate on ps in order to calculate the number of occurences (all the
+        # chromossomes/arms are not as long as the longest one) and the sum of
+        # the values of distance law.
+        # Change the last value to have something continuous because the last
+        # one is much bigger.
+        chrom_ps[-1] = chrom_ps[-2]
+        # Sanity check : sup strictly inferior to maw length arms.
+        if big_arm_only:
+            if sup >= xs[-1]:
+                logger.error(
+                    "sup have to be inferior to the max length of arms/chromsomes if big arm only set"
+                )
+                sys.exit(1)
+            if sup <= xs[len(chrom_ps) - 1]:
+                ps_occur[: len(chrom_ps)] += 1
+                ps_values[: len(chrom_ps)] += chrom_ps
+        else:
+            ps_occur[: len(chrom_ps)] += 1
+            ps_values[: len(chrom_ps)] += chrom_ps
+    # Make the mean
+    averaged_ps = ps_values / ps_occur
+    return xs, averaged_ps
+def slope_distance_law(xs, ps):
+    """Compute the slope of the loglog curve of the ps as the
+    [log(ps(n+1)) - log(ps(n))] / [log(n+1) - log(n)].
+    Compute only list of ps, not list of array.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    xs : list of numpy.ndarray
+        The list of logbins.
+    ps : list of numpy.ndarray
+        The list of ps.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    list of numpy.ndarray :
+        The slope of the distance law. It will be shorter of one value than the
+        ps given initially.
+    """
+    slope = [None] * len(ps)
+    for i in range(len(ps)):
+        ps[i][ps[i] == 0] = 10 ** (-9)
+        # Compute the slope
+        slope_temp = np.log(np.array(ps[i][1:]) / np.array(ps[i][:-1])) / np.log(
+            np.array(xs[i][1:]) / np.array(xs[i][:-1])
+        )
+        # The 1.8 is the intensity of the normalisation, it could be adapted.
+        slope_temp[slope_temp == np.nan] = 10 ** (-15)
+        slope[i] = ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter1d(slope_temp, 1.8)
+    return slope
+def get_ylim(xs, curve, inf, sup):
+    """Compute the max and the min of the list of list between the inferior
+    (inf) and superior (sup) bounds.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    xs : list of numpy.ndarray
+        The list of the logbins starting position in basepair.
+    curve : list of numpy.ndarray
+        A list of numpy.ndarray from which you want to extract minimum and
+        maximum values in a given interval.
+    inf : int
+        Inferior limit of the interval in basepair.
+    sup : int
+        Superior limit of the interval in basepair.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    min_tot : float
+        Minimum value of the list of list in this interval.
+    max_tot : float
+        Maximum value of the list of list in this interval.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> get_ylim([np.array([1, 4, 15]), np.array([1, 4, 15, 40])],
+    ... [np.array([5.5, 3.2, 17.10]), np.array([24, 32, 1.111, 18.5])],
+    ... 2,
+    ... 15
+    ... )
+    (1.111, 32.0)
+    """
+    # Create a list in order to add all the interesting values
+    flatten_list = []
+    for i, logbins in enumerate(xs):
+        # Iterate on xs.
+        # Search for the minimum index corresponding to the smallest bin
+        # superior or equal to inf (in pair base).
+        min_value = min(logbins[logbins >= inf], default=0)
+        min_index = np.where(logbins == min_value)[0]
+        # Skip chromosome if total size smaller than inf
+        if len(min_index) == 0:
+            continue
+        # Search for the maximum index corresponding to the biggest bin
+        # inferior or equal to sup (in pair base).
+        max_value = max(logbins[logbins <= sup])
+        max_index = np.where(logbins == max_value)[0]
+        # Add the values in the interval in the flattened list.
+        if int(max_index) != len(logbins) - 1:
+            max_index += 1
+        for j in range(int(min_index), int(max_index)):
+            flatten_list.append(curve[i][j])
+    # Caluclate the min and the max of this list.
+    min_tot = min(flatten_list)
+    max_tot = max(flatten_list)
+    return min_tot, max_tot
+def plot_ps_slope(xs, ps, labels, fig_path=None, inf=3000, sup=None):
+    """Compute two plots, one with the different distance law of each
+    arm/chromosome in loglog scale and one with the slope (derivative) of these
+    curves. Generate a svg file with savefig.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    xs : list of numpy.ndarray
+        The list of the logbins of each ps.
+    ps : list of numpy.ndarray
+        The list of ps.
+    labels_file : list of strings
+        Names of the different curves in the order in which they are given.
+    fig_path : str
+        Path where the figure will be created. If None (default), the plot is
+        shown in an interactive window.
+    inf : int
+        Value of the mimimum x of the window of the plot. Have to be strictly
+        positive. By default 3000.
+    sup : int
+        Value of the maximum x of the window of the plot. By default None.
+    """
+    # Give the max value for sup if no value have been attributed
+    if sup is None:
+        sup = max(max(xs, key=len))
+    # Compute slopes from the curves
+    slope = slope_distance_law(xs, ps)
+    # Make the plot of distance law
+    # Give a range of color
+    cols = iter(cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, len(ps))))
+    fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharex=True, figsize=(18, 10))
+    plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.85, top=0.93, bottom=0.07)
+    ax1.set_xlabel("Distance (pb)", fontsize="x-large")
+    ax1.set_ylabel("P(s)", fontsize="x-large")
+    ax1.set_title("Distance law", fontsize="xx-large")
+    ylim = get_ylim(xs, ps, inf, sup)
+    ax1.set_ylim(0.9 * ylim[0], 1.1 * ylim[1])
+    for i in range(len(ps)):
+        # Iterate on the different distance law array and take them by order of
+        # size in order to have the color scale equivalent to the size scale
+        col = next(cols)
+        ax1.loglog(xs[i], ps[i], label=labels[i])
+    # Make the same plot with the slope
+    cols = iter(cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, len(slope))))
+    ax2.set_xlabel("Distance (pb)", fontsize="x-large")
+    ax2.set_ylabel("Slope", fontsize="x-large")
+    ax2.set_title("Slope of the distance law", fontsize="xx-large")
+    ax2.set_xlim([inf, sup])
+    ylim = get_ylim(xs, slope, inf, sup)
+    ax2.set_ylim(1.1 * ylim[0], 0.9 * ylim[1])
+    xs2 = [None] * len(xs)
+    for i in range(len(slope)):
+        xs2[i] = xs[i][:-1]
+        col = next(cols)
+        ax2.semilogx(xs2[i], slope[i], label=labels[i], subs=[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
+    ax2.legend(loc="upper left", bbox_to_anchor=(1.02, 1.00), ncol=1, fontsize="large")
+    # Save the figure in svg
+    if fig_path is not None:
+        plt.savefig(fig_path)
+    else:
+        plt.show()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument("-i", "--input")
+    parser.add_argument("-f", "--fragment")
+    parser.add_argument("-c", "--centro_file")
+    parser.add_argument("-b", "--base")
+    parser.add_argument("-p", "--prefix")
+    parser.add_argument("-o", "--out_file")
+    parser.add_argument("-u", "--circular")
+    parser.add_argument("-r", "--rm_centro")
+    parser.add_argument("-l", "--plot")
+    parser.add_argument("-d", '--dist_plot')
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    input = args.input
+    fragment = args.fragment
+    prefix = args.prefix
+    centro_file = args.centro_file
+    if centro_file == "None":
+        centro_file = None
+    else:
+        centro_file = prefix+"_"+centro_file
+    base = float(args.base)
+    out_file = prefix+"_"+args.out_file
+    circular = args.circular
+    if circular.lower() == "false":
+        circular = False
+    elif circular.lower() == "true":
+        circular = True
+    rm_centro = args.rm_centro
+    if rm_centro == "None":
+        rm_centro = 0
+    rm_centro = int(rm_centro)
+    plot = args.plot
+    if plot.lower() == "false":
+        plot = False
+    elif plot.lower() == "true":
+        plot = True
+    distance_law_plot = args.dist_plot
+    if distance_law_plot == "None":
+        distance_law_plot = None
+    else:
+        distance_law_plot = prefix+"_"+distance_law_plot
+    x_s, p_s, _ = get_distance_law(
+        input,
+        fragment,
+        centro_file,
+        base,
+        out_file,
+        circular,
+        rm_centro
+    )
+    if plot:
+            # Retrieve chrom labels from distance law file
+            _, _, chr_labels = import_distance_law(out_file)
+            chr_labels = [lab[0] for lab in chr_labels]
+            chr_labels_idx = np.unique(chr_labels, return_index=True)[1]
+            chr_labels = [chr_labels[index] for index in sorted(chr_labels_idx)]
+            p_s = normalize_distance_law(x_s, p_s)
+            plot_ps_slope(x_s, p_s, labels=chr_labels, fig_path=distance_law_plot)
diff --git a/conf/hicstuff.config b/conf/hicstuff.config
index 44f278270a317810d95f74d772194e9ddc7977a6..d7cae49cba4d675093da442ef1c39419da7b379c 100644
--- a/conf/hicstuff.config
+++ b/conf/hicstuff.config
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ params {
     // Hicstuff
     hicstuff_bwt2_align_opts = '--very-sensitive-local'
     hicstuff_min_size = 0
-    hicstuff_circular = 'frue'
+    hicstuff_circular = 'false'
     hicstuff_output_contigs = 'info_contigs.txt'
     hicstuff_output_frags = 'fragments_list.txt'
     hicstuff_frags_plot = 'false'
@@ -135,9 +135,18 @@ params {
     hicstuff_plot_events = 'false'
     hicstuff_pie_plot = 'distrib'
     hicstuff_dist_plot = 'dist'
+    hicstuff_centro_file = 'None'       //give absolute path or 'None'
+    hicstuff_base = 1.1
+    hicstuff_distance_out_file = 'distance_law.txt'
+    hicstuff_rm_centro = 'None'         //int or 'None'
+    hicstuff_distance_plot = 'false'
+    hicstuff_distance_out_plot = 'plot_distance_law.pdf'
     //Hicstuff optional modules
     filter_event = true
+    distance_law = true
+    filter_pcr = true
+    filter_pcr_picard = false
 process {
@@ -198,6 +207,22 @@ process {
+    withName: 'DISTANCE_LAW' {
+        ext.args = { [
+            " -c ${params.hicstuff_centro_file}",
+            " -b ${params.hicstuff_base}",
+            " -o ${params.hicstuff_distance_out_file}",
+            " -u ${params.hicstuff_circular}",
+            " -r ${params.hicstuff_rm_centro}",
+            " -l ${params.hicstuff_distance_plot}",
+            " -d ${params.hicstuff_distance_out_plot}"
+        ].join('').trim() }
+        publishDir = [
+            path: { "${params.outdir}/hicstuff/pairs" },
+            mode: 'copy'
+        ]
+    }
     withName: 'BUILD_MATRIX' {
         ext.args = params.hicstuff_matrix
         publishDir = [
diff --git a/modules/local/hicstuff/distance_law.nf b/modules/local/hicstuff/distance_law.nf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c87112ce6d3f016e319be21660186b451a184110
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/local/hicstuff/distance_law.nf
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+process DISTANCE_LAW {
+    tag "$meta1.id"
+    label 'process_high'
+    conda "conda-forge::python=3.9 conda-forge::biopython=1.80 conda-forge::numpy=1.22.3 conda-forge::matplotlib=3.6.3 conda-forge::pandas=1.5.3"
+    container = "lbmc/hicstuff:3.1.3"
+    input:
+    tuple val(meta1), path(idx_pairs)
+    tuple val(meta), path(fragments_list)
+    output:
+    path("*distance_law.txt")
+    path("*.pdf"), optional: true
+    script:
+    def args = task.ext.args ?: ''
+    """
+    hicstuff_distance_law.py -i ${idx_pairs} -f ${fragments_list} -p ${meta1.id} ${args}
+    """
diff --git a/subworkflows/local/hicstuff_sub.nf b/subworkflows/local/hicstuff_sub.nf
index e74e682bf79b0371d2e08adcdfd35d7a711e6988..048c084cf82dfd7db4f71efac445b1d84bf75e65 100644
--- a/subworkflows/local/hicstuff_sub.nf
+++ b/subworkflows/local/hicstuff_sub.nf
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ include { BUILD_MATRIX } from '../../modules/local/hicstuff/build_matrix'
 include { BUILD_MATRIX_COOL } from '../../modules/local/hicstuff/build_matrix_cool'
 include { BUILD_MATRIX_COOL_ALT } from '../../modules/local/hicstuff/build_matrix_cool_alt'
 include { FILTER_EVENT } from '../../modules/local/hicstuff/filter_event'
+include { DISTANCE_LAW } from '../../modules/local/hicstuff/distance_law'
+include { FILTER_PCR } from '../../modules/local/hicstuff/filter_pcr'
 // Paired-end to Single-end
 def pairToSingle(row, mates) {
@@ -73,6 +75,15 @@ workflow HICSTUFF_SUB {
         FILTER_EVENT.out.idx_pairs_filtered.set{ ch_idx_pairs }
+    if ( params.distance_law ){
+        DISTANCE_LAW(
+            ch_idx_pairs,
+            FRAGMENT_ENZYME.out.fragments_list.collect()
+        )
+    }
     //TODO rajouter filtres + distance law + filtres PCR en options
     // pour les PCR filter, soit le hicstuff soit PICARD