diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index b77371b03dae59b22b900792fe7f76b2d07faab1..2dd43f74a0f277205eeb13f0e52c970038c2c400 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -8,13 +8,12 @@ matrix:
   fast_finish: true
-  # PRs to master are only ok if coming from dev branch
+  - '[ $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST = "false" ] || [ $TRAVIS_BRANCH != "master" ] || ([ $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_SLUG = $TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG ] && ([ $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH = "dev" ] || [ $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH = "patch" ]))'
   # Pull the docker image first so the test doesn't wait for this
   - docker pull nfcore/hic:dev
   # Fake the tag locally so that the pipeline runs properly
   # Looks weird when this is :dev to :dev, but makes sense when testing code for a release (:dev to :1.0.1)
-  - docker tag nfcore/hic:dev nfcore/hic:1.1.0
+  - docker tag nfcore/hic:dev nfcore/hic:dev
   # Install Nextflow
@@ -30,7 +29,7 @@ install:
   - sudo apt-get install npm && npm install -g markdownlint-cli
-  - NXF_VER='0.32.0' # Specify a minimum NF version that should be tested and work
+  - NXF_VER='19.04.0' # Specify a minimum NF version that should be tested and work
   - NXF_VER='' # Plus: get the latest NF version and check that it works
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 7142fd883baa866d8d117030139d6261ef11a2d7..aac514667058a584d1fba7e70cd1a61a4ebd7540 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 # nf-core/hic: Changelog
-## v1.1dev
+## v1.1.0 - 2019-10-15
 * Support 'N' base motif in restriction/ligation sites
-* Support multiple restriction enzymes/ligattion sites (comma separated) (#31)
+* Support multiple restriction enzymes/ligattion sites (comma separated) ([#31](https://github.com/nf-core/hic/issues/31))
 * Add --saveInteractionBAM option
-* Add DOI (#29)
-* Fix bug for reads extension _1/_2 (#30)
-* Update manual (#28)
+* Add DOI ([#29](https://github.com/nf-core/hic/issues/29))
+* Fix bug for reads extension _1/_2 ([#30](https://github.com/nf-core/hic/issues/30))
+* Update manual ([#28](https://github.com/nf-core/hic/issues/28))
 ## v1.0 - 2019-05-06
diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
index bd89e7eed206414d6257f30f7ed2ebd91fb23971..4714783d6d4c757834980a200f109612ab56cd48 100644
--- a/Dockerfile
+++ b/Dockerfile
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-FROM nfcore/base
+FROM nfcore/base:1.7
 LABEL authors="Nicolas Servant" \
       description="Docker image containing all requirements for nf-core/hic pipeline"
@@ -7,4 +7,4 @@ RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y gcc g++ && apt-get clean -y
 COPY environment.yml /
 RUN conda env create -f /environment.yml && conda clean -a
-ENV PATH /opt/conda/envs/nf-core-hic-1.1.0dev/bin:$PATH
+ENV PATH /opt/conda/envs/nf-core-hic-1.1.1dev/bin:$PATH
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 2227cb44fc2348a16c7b48a509eb9dafb2aa3a54..def8c35381f7dc28007dbf53de53bbde7a093b43 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 **Analysis of Chromosome Conformation Capture data (Hi-C)**.
 [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/nf-core/hic.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/nf-core/hic)
 [![install with bioconda](https://img.shields.io/badge/install%20with-bioconda-brightgreen.svg)](http://bioconda.github.io/)
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 This pipeline is based on the
 [HiC-Pro workflow](https://github.com/nservant/HiC-Pro).
-It was designed to process Hi-C data from raw fastq files (paired-end Illumina
+It was designed to process Hi-C data from raw FastQ files (paired-end Illumina
 data) to normalized contact maps.
 The current version supports most protocols, including digestion protocols as
 well as protocols that do not require restriction enzymes such as DNase Hi-C.
@@ -39,24 +39,58 @@ sites (bowtie2)
 6. Quality controls and report (MultiQC)
 7. Addition export for visualisation and downstream analysis (cooler)
+## Quick Start
+i. Install [`nextflow`](https://nf-co.re/usage/installation)
+ii. Install one of [`docker`](https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/),
+[`singularity`](https://www.sylabs.io/guides/3.0/user-guide/) or
+iii. Download the pipeline and test it on a minimal dataset with a single command
+nextflow run nf-core/hic -profile test,<docker/singularity/conda/institute>
+iv. Start running your own analysis!
+nextflow run nf-core/hic -profile <docker/singularity/conda/institute> --reads '*_R{1,2}.fastq.gz' --genome GRCh37
+See [usage docs](docs/usage.md) for all of the available options when running the pipeline.
 ## Documentation
 The nf-core/hic pipeline comes with documentation about the pipeline, found in
 the `docs/` directory:
-1. [Installation](docs/installation.md)
+1. [Installation](https://nf-co.re/usage/installation)
 2. Pipeline configuration
-    * [Local installation](docs/configuration/local.md)
-    * [Adding your own system](docs/configuration/adding_your_own.md)
-    * [Reference genomes](docs/configuration/reference_genomes.md)
+    * [Local installation](https://nf-co.re/usage/local_installation)
+    * [Adding your own system config](https://nf-co.re/usage/adding_own_config)
+    * [Reference genomes](https://nf-co.re/usage/reference_genomes)
 3. [Running the pipeline](docs/usage.md)
 4. [Output and how to interpret the results](docs/output.md)
-5. [Troubleshooting](docs/troubleshooting.md)
+5. [Troubleshooting](https://nf-co.re/usage/troubleshooting)
+## Contributions and Support
+If you would like to contribute to this pipeline, please see the
+[contributing guidelines](.github/CONTRIBUTING.md).
+For further information or help, don't hesitate to get in touch on
+You can join with [this invite](https://nf-co.re/join/slack).
 ## Credits
 nf-core/hic was originally written by Nicolas Servant.
+## Citation
 If you use nf-core/hic for your analysis, please cite it using the following
 doi: [10.5281/zenodo.2669513](https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2669513)
diff --git a/conf/curie.config b/conf/curie.config
deleted file mode 100644
index ab85a2d9d778ac3ca875a273e9bbcb7eb966253d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conf/curie.config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-singularity {
-  enabled = false 
-process {
-  executor = 'pbs'
-  queue = params.queue 
-  //beforeScript = 'export PATH=/bioinfo/pipelines/sandbox/dev/nfcore/rnaseq/modules/conda/envs/nf-core-rnaseq-1.2/bin:$PATH'
-params {
-  clusterOptions = false
-  max_memory = 128.GB
-  max_cpus = 4
-  max_time = 240.h
diff --git a/conf/multiqc_config.yaml b/conf/multiqc_config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index f2a738c43be4dae15db5075017559607c66c0542..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conf/multiqc_config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-report_comment: >
-    This report has been generated by the <a href="https://github.com/nf-core/hic" target="_blank">nf-core/hic</a>
-    analysis pipeline. For information about how to interpret these results, please see the
-    <a href="https://github.com/nf-core/hic" target="_blank">documentation</a>.
-    nf-core/hic-software-versions:
-        order: -1000
diff --git a/conf/test.config b/conf/test.config
index 592e3a40d8bce4cf22b5fe1ad9014ded48d439ce..00c47f85cd86d5d5a05ce3123024a37a9cc9e466 100644
--- a/conf/test.config
+++ b/conf/test.config
@@ -29,5 +29,5 @@ params {
   min_mapq = 0
   // Options
-  skip_cool = true
+  skipCool = true
diff --git a/docs/README.md b/docs/README.md
index d7dbdac40b9452baa3d7d7747d264077276fb679..e160867d029e09c793168dd764f8a0ea01dcbd59 100644
--- a/docs/README.md
+++ b/docs/README.md
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
 The nf-core/hic documentation is split into the following files:
-1. [Installation](installation.md)
+1. [Installation](https://nf-co.re/usage/installation)
 2. Pipeline configuration
-    * [Local installation](configuration/local.md)
-    * [Adding your own system](configuration/adding_your_own.md)
-    * [Reference genomes](configuration/reference_genomes.md)
+    * [Local installation](https://nf-co.re/usage/local_installation)
+    * [Adding your own system config](https://nf-co.re/usage/adding_own_config)
+    * [Reference genomes](https://nf-co.re/usage/reference_genomes)
 3. [Running the pipeline](usage.md)
 4. [Output and how to interpret the results](output.md)
-5. [Troubleshooting](troubleshooting.md)
+5. [Troubleshooting](https://nf-co.re/usage/troubleshooting)
diff --git a/docs/configuration/adding_your_own.md b/docs/configuration/adding_your_own.md
deleted file mode 100644
index b1703c1e10d064a0d989e2520642d6e77d742e66..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/docs/configuration/adding_your_own.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-# nf-core/hic: Configuration for other clusters
-It is entirely possible to run this pipeline on other clusters, though you will
-need to set up your own config file so that the pipeline knows how to work with
-your cluster.
-> If you think that there are other people using the pipeline who would benefit
-from your configuration (eg. other common cluster setups), please let us know.
-We can add a new configuration and profile which can used by specifying
-`-profile <name>` when running the pipeline. The config file will then be
-hosted at `nf-core/configs` and will be pulled automatically before the pipeline
-is executed.
-If you are the only person to be running this pipeline, you can create your
-config file as `~/.nextflow/config` and it will be applied every time you run
-Nextflow. Alternatively, save the file anywhere and reference it when running
-the pipeline with `-c path/to/config` (see the
-[Nextflow documentation](https://www.nextflow.io/docs/latest/config.html)
-for more).
-A basic configuration comes with the pipeline, which loads the
-[`conf/base.config`](../../conf/base.config) by default. This means that you
-only need to configure the specifics for your system and overwrite any defaults
-that you want to change.
-## Cluster Environment
-By default, pipeline uses the `local` Nextflow executor - in other words, all
-jobs are run in the login session. If you're using a simple server, this may be
-fine. If you're using a compute cluster, this is bad as all jobs will run on
-the head node.
-To specify your cluster environment, add the following line to your config
-process.executor = 'YOUR_SYSTEM_TYPE'
-Many different cluster types are supported by Nextflow. For more information,
-please see the
-[Nextflow documentation](https://www.nextflow.io/docs/latest/executor.html).
-Note that you may need to specify cluster options, such as a project or queue.
-To do so, use the `clusterOptions` config option:
-process {
-  executor = 'SLURM'
-  clusterOptions = '-A myproject'
-## Software Requirements
-To run the pipeline, several software packages are required. How you satisfy
-these requirements is essentially up to you and depends on your system.
-If possible, we _highly_ recommend using either Docker or Singularity.
-Please see the [`installation documentation`](../installation.md) for how to
-run using the below as a one-off. These instructions are about configuring a
-config file for repeated use.
-### Docker
-Docker is a great way to run nf-core/hic, as it manages all software
-installations and allows the pipeline to be run in an identical software
-environment across a range of systems.
-Nextflow has
-[excellent integration](https://www.nextflow.io/docs/latest/docker.html)
-with Docker, and beyond installing the two tools, not much else is required -
-nextflow will automatically fetch the
-[nfcore/hic](https://hub.docker.com/r/nfcore/hic/) image that we have created
-and is hosted at dockerhub at run time.
-To add docker support to your own config file, add the following:
-docker.enabled = true
-process.container = "nfcore/hic"
-Note that the dockerhub organisation name annoyingly can't have a hyphen,
-so is `nfcore` and not `nf-core`.
-### Singularity image
-Many HPC environments are not able to run Docker due to security issues.
-[Singularity](http://singularity.lbl.gov/) is a tool designed to run on such
-HPC systems which is very similar to Docker.
-To specify singularity usage in your pipeline config file, add the following:
-singularity.enabled = true
-process.container = "shub://nf-core/hic"
-If you intend to run the pipeline offline, nextflow will not be able to
-automatically download the singularity image for you.
-Instead, you'll have to do this yourself manually first, transfer the image
-file and then point to that.
-First, pull the image file where you have an internet connection:
-singularity pull --name nf-core-hic.simg shub://nf-core/hic
-Then transfer this file and point the config file to the image:
-singularity.enabled = true
-process.container = "/path/to/nf-core-hic.simg"
-### Conda
-If you're not able to use Docker or Singularity, you can instead use conda to
-manage the software requirements.
-To use conda in your own config file, add the following:
-process.conda = "$baseDir/environment.yml"
diff --git a/docs/configuration/local.md b/docs/configuration/local.md
deleted file mode 100644
index c3a047fbd856182b6ce823f8f91548b1a2bccc8a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/docs/configuration/local.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-# nf-core/hic: Local Configuration
-If running the pipeline in a local environment, we highly recommend using
-either Docker or Singularity.
-## Docker
-Docker is a great way to run `nf-core/hic`, as it manages all software
-installations and allows the pipeline to be run in an identical software
-environment across a range of systems.
-Nextflow has
-[excellent integration](https://www.nextflow.io/docs/latest/docker.html) with
-Docker, and beyond installing the two tools, not much else is required.
-The `nf-core/hic` profile comes with a configuration profile for docker, making
-it very easy to use. This also comes with the required presets to use the AWS
-iGenomes resource, meaning that if using common reference genomes you just
-specify the reference ID and it will be automatically downloaded from AWS S3.
-First, install docker on your system:
-[Docker Installation Instructions](https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/)
-Then, simply run the analysis pipeline:
-nextflow run nf-core/hic -profile docker --genome '<genome ID>'
-Nextflow will recognise `nf-core/hic` and download the pipeline from GitHub.
-The `-profile docker` configuration lists the
-[nf-core/hic](https://hub.docker.com/r/nfcore/hic/) image that we have created
-and is hosted at dockerhub, and this is downloaded.
-For more information about how to work with reference genomes, see
-### Pipeline versions
-The public docker images are tagged with the same version numbers as the code,
-which you can use to ensure reproducibility. When running the pipeline,
-specify the pipeline version with `-r`, for example `-r 1.0`. This uses
-pipeline code and docker image from this tagged version.
-## Singularity image
-Many HPC environments are not able to run Docker due to security issues.
-[Singularity](http://singularity.lbl.gov/) is a tool designed to run on such
-HPC systems which is very similar to Docker. Even better, it can use create
-images directly from dockerhub.
-To use the singularity image for a single run, use `-with-singularity`.
-This will download the docker container from dockerhub and create a singularity
-image for you dynamically.
-If you intend to run the pipeline offline, nextflow will not be able to
-automatically download the singularity image for you. Instead, you'll have
-to do this yourself manually first, transfer the image file and then point to
-First, pull the image file where you have an internet connection:
-> NB: The "tag" at the end of this command corresponds to the pipeline version.
-> Here, we're pulling the docker image for version 1.0 of the nf-core/hic
-> Make sure that this tag corresponds to the version of the pipeline that
-you're using
-singularity pull --name nf-core-hic-1.0.img docker://nf-core/hic:1.0
-Then transfer this file and run the pipeline with this path:
-nextflow run /path/to/nf-core-hic -with-singularity /path/to/nf-core-hic-1.0.img
diff --git a/docs/configuration/reference_genomes.md b/docs/configuration/reference_genomes.md
deleted file mode 100644
index d584c0c8e0c9000b150406665f7d2edc33615edf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/docs/configuration/reference_genomes.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-# nf-core/hic: Reference Genomes Configuration
-The nf-core/hic pipeline needs a reference genome for alignment and annotation.
-These paths can be supplied on the command line at run time (see the
-[usage docs](../usage.md)),
-but for convenience it's often better to save these paths in a nextflow config
-See below for instructions on how to do this.
-Read [Adding your own system](adding_your_own.md) to find out how to set up
-custom config files.
-## Adding paths to a config file
-Specifying long paths every time you run the pipeline is a pain.
-To make this easier, the pipeline comes configured to understand reference
-genome keywords which correspond to preconfigured paths, meaning that you can
-just specify `--genome ID` when running the pipeline.
-Note that this genome key can also be specified in a config file if you always
-use the same genome.
-To use this system, add paths to your config file using the following template:
-params {
-  genomes {
-    'YOUR-ID' {
-      fasta  = '<PATH TO FASTA FILE>/genome.fa'
-    }
-      // [..]
-    }
-  }
-  // Optional - default genome. Ignored if --genome 'OTHER-GENOME' specified
-  // on command line
-  genome = 'YOUR-ID'
-You can add as many genomes as you like as long as they have unique IDs.
-## illumina iGenomes
-To make the use of reference genomes easier, illumina has developed a
-centralised resource called
-Multiple reference index types are held together with consistent structure for
-multiple genomes.
-We have put a copy of iGenomes up onto AWS S3 hosting and this pipeline is
-configured to use this by default.
-The hosting fees for AWS iGenomes are currently kindly funded by a grant from
-The pipeline will automatically download the required reference files when you
-run the pipeline.
-For more information about the AWS iGenomes, see
-Downloading the files takes time and bandwidth, so we recommend making a local
-copy of the iGenomes resource.
-Once downloaded, you can customise the variable `params.igenomes_base` in your
-custom configuration file to point to the reference location.
-For example:
-params.igenomes_base = '/path/to/data/igenomes/'
diff --git a/docs/installation.md b/docs/installation.md
deleted file mode 100644
index c3dc01893dd774c1cf5925ddbf441a26fdc24f93..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/docs/installation.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-# nf-core/hic: Installation
-To start using the nf-core/hic pipeline, follow the steps below:
-1. [Install Nextflow](#1-install-nextflow)
-2. [Install the pipeline](#2-install-the-pipeline)
-    * [Automatic](#21-automatic)
-    * [Offline](#22-offline)
-    * [Development](#23-development)
-3. [Pipeline configuration](#3-pipeline-configuration)
-    * [Software deps: Docker and Singularity](#31-software-deps-docker-and-singularity)
-    * [Software deps: Bioconda](#32-software-deps-bioconda)
-    * [Configuration profiles](#33-configuration-profiles)
-4. [Reference genomes](#4-reference-genomes)
-## 1) Install NextFlow
-Nextflow runs on most POSIX systems (Linux, Mac OSX etc). It can be installed
-by running the following commands:
-# Make sure that Java v8+ is installed:
-java -version
-# Install Nextflow
-curl -fsSL get.nextflow.io | bash
-# Add Nextflow binary to your PATH:
-mv nextflow ~/bin/
-# OR system-wide installation:
-# sudo mv nextflow /usr/local/bin
-See [nextflow.io](https://www.nextflow.io/) for further instructions on how to
-install and configure Nextflow.
-## 2) Install the pipeline
-### 2.1) Automatic
-This pipeline itself needs no installation - NextFlow will automatically fetch
-it from GitHub if `nf-core/hic` is specified as the pipeline name.
-### 2.2) Offline
-The above method requires an internet connection so that Nextflow can download
-the pipeline files. If you're running on a system that has no internet
-connection, you'll need to download and transfer the pipeline files manually:
-wget https://github.com/nf-core/hic/archive/master.zip
-mkdir -p ~/my-pipelines/nf-core/
-unzip master.zip -d ~/my-pipelines/nf-core/
-cd ~/my_data/
-nextflow run ~/my-pipelines/nf-core/hic-master
-To stop nextflow from looking for updates online, you can tell it to run in
-offline mode by specifying the following environment variable in your
-~/.bashrc file:
-### 2.3) Development
-If you would like to make changes to the pipeline, it's best to make a fork on
-GitHub and then clone the files. Once cloned you can run the pipeline directly
-as above.
-## 3) Pipeline configuration
-By default, the pipeline loads a basic server configuration
-This uses a number of sensible defaults for process requirements and is
-suitable for running on a simple (if powerful!) local server.
-Be warned of two important points about this default configuration:
-1. The default profile uses the `local` executor
-    * All jobs are run in the login session. If you're using a simple server,
-this may be fine. If you're using a compute cluster, this is bad as all jobs
-will run on the head node.
-    * See the
-[nextflow docs](https://www.nextflow.io/docs/latest/executor.html) for
-information about running with other hardware backends. Most job scheduler
-systems are natively supported.
-2. Nextflow will expect all software to be installed and available on the
-    * It's expected to use an additional config profile for docker, singularity
-or conda support. See below.
-### 3.1) Software deps: Docker
-First, install docker on your system:
-[Docker Installation Instructions](https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/)
-Then, running the pipeline with the option `-profile docker` tells Nextflow to
-enable Docker for this run. An image containing all of the software
-requirements will be automatically fetched and used from
-### 3.1) Software deps: Singularity
-If you're not able to use Docker then
-[Singularity](http://singularity.lbl.gov/) is a great alternative.
-The process is very similar: running the pipeline with the option
-`-profile singularity` tells Nextflow to enable singularity for this run.
-An image containing all of the software requirements will be automatically
-fetched and used from singularity hub.
-If running offline with Singularity, you'll need to download and transfer the
-Singularity image first:
-singularity pull --name nf-core-hic.simg shub://nf-core/hic
-Once transferred, use `-with-singularity` and specify the path to the image
-nextflow run /path/to/nf-core-hic -with-singularity nf-core-hic.simg
-Remember to pull updated versions of the singularity image if you update the
-### 3.2) Software deps: conda
-If you're not able to use Docker _or_ Singularity, you can instead use conda to
-manage the software requirements.
-This is slower and less reproducible than the above, but is still better than
-having to install all requirements yourself!
-The pipeline ships with a conda environment file and nextflow has built-in
-support for this.
-To use it first ensure that you have conda installed (we recommend
-[miniconda](https://conda.io/miniconda.html)), then follow the same pattern
-as above and use the flag `-profile conda`
-### 3.3) Configuration profiles
-See [`docs/configuration/adding_your_own.md`](configuration/adding_your_own.md)
-## 4) Reference genomes
-See [`docs/configuration/reference_genomes.md`](configuration/reference_genomes.md)
diff --git a/docs/troubleshooting.md b/docs/troubleshooting.md
deleted file mode 100644
index df43e8a755881b646991815e75e159069972c459..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/docs/troubleshooting.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# nf-core/hic: Troubleshooting
-## Input files not found
-If only no file, only one input file , or only read one and not read two is
-picked up then something is wrong with your input file declaration
-1. The path must be enclosed in quotes (`'` or `"`)
-2. The path must have at least one `*` wildcard character. This is even if
-you are only running one paired end sample.
-3. When using the pipeline with paired end data, the path must use `{1,2}` or
-`{R1,R2}` notation to specify read pairs.
-4. If you are running Single end data make sure to specify `--singleEnd`
-If the pipeline can't find your files then you will get the following error
-ERROR ~ Cannot find any reads matching: *{1,2}.fastq.gz
-Note that if your sample name is "messy" then you have to be very particular
-with your glob specification. A file name like
-`L1-1-D-2h_S1_L002_R1_001.fastq.gz` can be difficult enough for a human to
-read. Specifying `*{1,2}*.gz` wont work whilst `*{R1,R2}*.gz` will.
-## Data organization
-The pipeline can't take a list of multiple input files - it takes a glob
-expression. If your input files are scattered in different paths then we
-recommend that you generate a directory with symlinked files. If running
-in paired end mode please make sure that your files are sensibly named so
-that they can be properly paired. See the previous point.
-## Extra resources and getting help
-If you still have an issue with running the pipeline then feel free to
-contact us.
-Have a look at the [pipeline website](https://github.com/nf-core/hic) to
-find out how.
-If you have problems that are related to Nextflow and not our pipeline then
-check out the [Nextflow gitter channel](https://gitter.im/nextflow-io/nextflow)
-or the [google group](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/nextflow).
diff --git a/docs/usage.md b/docs/usage.md
index 57f1e3edb293ca20830c41c145f06eb03c5e5d30..f1cd3a56a220a077cdd835c4d1e8e87e13cf726e 100644
--- a/docs/usage.md
+++ b/docs/usage.md
@@ -53,10 +53,10 @@
     * [`--saveAlignedIntermediates`](#--saveAlignedIntermediates)
     * [`--saveInteractionBAM`](#--saveInteractionBAM)
 * [Skip options](#skip-options)
-  * [--skip_maps](#--skip_maps)
-  * [--skip_ice](#--skip_ice)
-  * [--skip_cool](#--skip_cool)
-  * [--skip_multiqc](#--skip_multiqc)  
+  * [--skipMaps](#--skipMaps)
+  * [--skipIce](#--skipIce)
+  * [--skipCool](#--skipCool)
+  * [--skipMultiQC](#--skipMultiQC)  
 * [Job resources](#job-resources)
 * [Automatic resubmission](#automatic-resubmission)
 * [Custom resource requests](#custom-resource-requests)
@@ -561,38 +561,38 @@ dangling end, self-circle, etc.) and its tags.
 ## Skip options
-### `--skip_maps`
+### `--skipMaps`
 If defined, the workflow stops with the list of valid interactions, and the
 genome-wide maps are not built. Usefult for capture-C analysis. Default: false
-### `--skip_ice`
+### `--skipIce`
 If defined, the ICE normalization is not run on the raw contact maps.
 Default: false
-### `--skip_cool`
+### `--skipCool`
 If defined, cooler files are not generated. Default: false
-### `--skip_multiqc`
+### `--skipMultiQC`
 If defined, the MultiQC report is not generated. Default: false
 ## Job resources
diff --git a/environment.yml b/environment.yml
index 1a69ba7ac34662b5d0c7f808d50d7dd5b86899c3..271f3f5273246d63738d15c6f49cc7c07d1fdb94 100644
--- a/environment.yml
+++ b/environment.yml
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
 # You can use this file to create a conda environment for this pipeline:
 #   conda env create -f environment.yml
-name: nf-core-hic-1.1.0
+name: nf-core-hic-1.1.1dev
   - conda-forge
   - bioconda
-  - bioconda/label/cf201901
   - defaults
   - python=2.7.15
diff --git a/main.nf b/main.nf
index 2b8c2ecd67c164e95e61ae2451d2e0bf40f4d8f5..e531cb85226cf6615236624120e94ff39bd8d5c3 100644
--- a/main.nf
+++ b/main.nf
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ def helpMessage() {
       -profile                           Configuration profile to use. Can use multiple (comma separated)
                                          Available: conda, docker, singularity, awsbatch, test and more.
-    References:                          If not specified in the configuration file or you wish to overwrite any of the references.
+    References                          If not specified in the configuration file or you wish to overwrite any of the references.
       --genome                           Name of iGenomes reference
       --bwt2_index                       Path to Bowtie2 index
       --fasta                            Path to Fasta reference
@@ -35,12 +35,17 @@ def helpMessage() {
       --saveReference                    Save reference genome to output folder. Default: False
       --saveAlignedIntermediates         Save intermediates alignment files. Default: False
-    Options:
+    Alignments
       --bwt2_opts_end2end                Options for bowtie2 end-to-end mappinf (first mapping step). See hic.config for default.
       --bwt2_opts_trimmed                Options for bowtie2 mapping after ligation site trimming. See hic.config for default.
       --min_mapq                         Minimum mapping quality values to consider. Default: 10
       --restriction_site                 Cutting motif(s) of restriction enzyme(s) (comma separated). Default: 'A^AGCTT'
       --ligation_site                    Ligation motifs to trim (comma separated). Default: 'AAGCTAGCTT'
+      --rm_singleton                     Remove singleton reads. Default: true
+      --rm_multi                         Remove multi-mapped reads. Default: true
+      --rm_dup                           Remove duplicates. Default: true
+    Contacts calling
       --min_restriction_fragment_size    Minimum size of restriction fragments to consider. Default: None
       --max_restriction_fragment_size    Maximum size of restriction fragments to consider. Default: None
       --min_insert_size                  Minimum insert size of mapped reads to consider. Default: None
@@ -48,32 +53,29 @@ def helpMessage() {
       --saveInteractionBAM               Save BAM file with interaction tags (dangling-end, self-circle, etc.). Default: False
       --dnase                            Run DNase Hi-C mode. All options related to restriction fragments are not considered. Default: False
       --min_cis_dist                     Minimum intra-chromosomal distance to consider. Default: None
-      --rm_singleton                     Remove singleton reads. Default: true
-      --rm_multi                         Remove multi-mapped reads. Default: true
-      --rm_dup                           Remove duplicates. Default: true
+    Contact maps
       --bin_size                         Bin size for contact maps (comma separated). Default: '1000000,500000'
       --ice_max_iter                     Maximum number of iteration for ICE normalization. Default: 100
       --ice_filter_low_count_perc        Percentage of low counts columns/rows to filter before ICE normalization. Default: 0.02
       --ice_filter_high_count_perc       Percentage of high counts columns/rows to filter before ICE normalization. Default: 0
       --ice_eps                          Convergence criteria for ICE normalization. Default: 0.1
-    Other options:
+    Workflow
+      --skipMaps                        Skip generation of contact maps. Useful for capture-C. Default: False
+      --skipIce                         Skip ICE normalization. Default: False
+      --skipCool                        Skip generation of cool files. Default: False
+      --skipMultiQC                     Skip MultiQC. Default: False
+    Other
       --splitFastq                       Size of read chuncks to use to speed up the workflow. Default: None
       --outdir                           The output directory where the results will be saved. Default: './results'
       --email                            Set this parameter to your e-mail address to get a summary e-mail with details of the run sent to you when the workflow exits. Default: None
       -name                              Name for the pipeline run. If not specified, Nextflow will automatically generate a random mnemonic. Default: None
-    Step options:
-      --skip_maps                        Skip generation of contact maps. Useful for capture-C. Default: False
-      --skip_ice                         Skip ICE normalization. Default: False
-      --skip_cool                        Skip generation of cool files. Default: False
-      --skip_multiQC                     Skip MultiQC. Default: False
-    AWSBatch options:
+    AWSBatch
       --awsqueue                         The AWSBatch JobQueue that needs to be set when running on AWSBatch
       --awsregion                        The AWS Region for your AWS Batch job to run on
@@ -83,7 +85,7 @@ def helpMessage() {
-// Show help emssage
+// Show help message
 if (params.help){
     exit 0
@@ -243,6 +245,12 @@ summary['Restriction Motif']= params.restriction_site
 summary['Ligation Motif']   = params.ligation_site
 summary['DNase Mode']       = params.dnase
 summary['Remove Dup']       = params.rm_dup
+summary['Min MAPQ']         = params.min_mapq
+summary['Min Fragment Size']= params.min_restriction_fragment_size
+summary['Max Fragment Size']= params.max_restriction_framgnet_size
+summary['Min Insert Size']  = params.min_insert_size
+summary['Max Insert Size']  = params.max_insert_size
+summary['Min CIS dist']     = params.min_cis_dist
 summary['Maps resolution']  = params.bin_size
 summary['Max Memory']       = params.max_memory
@@ -273,7 +281,7 @@ if(params.email) {
   summary['MultiQC maxsize'] = params.maxMultiqcEmailFileSize
 log.info summary.collect { k,v -> "${k.padRight(18)}: $v" }.join("\n")
-log.info "\033[2m----------------------------------------------------\033[0m"
+log.info "-\033[2m--------------------------------------------------\033[0m-"
 // Check the hostnames against configured profiles
@@ -403,36 +411,36 @@ process bowtie2_end_to_end {
    	      saveAs: { params.saveAlignedIntermediates ? it : null }, mode: 'copy'
-        set val(sample), file(reads) from raw_reads
-        file index from bwt2_index_end2end.collect()
+   set val(sample), file(reads) from raw_reads
+   file index from bwt2_index_end2end.collect()
-	set val(prefix), file("${prefix}_unmap.fastq") into unmapped_end_to_end
-     	set val(prefix), file("${prefix}.bam") into end_to_end_bam
+   set val(prefix), file("${prefix}_unmap.fastq") into unmapped_end_to_end
+   set val(prefix), file("${prefix}.bam") into end_to_end_bam
-	prefix = reads.toString() - ~/(\.fq)?(\.fastq)?(\.gz)?$/
-        def bwt2_opts = params.bwt2_opts_end2end
-	if (!params.dnase){
-	   """
-	   bowtie2 --rg-id BMG --rg SM:${prefix} \\
-		${bwt2_opts} \\
-		-p ${task.cpus} \\
-		-x ${index}/${bwt2_base} \\
-		--un ${prefix}_unmap.fastq \\
-	 	-U ${reads} | samtools view -F 4 -bS - > ${prefix}.bam
-           """
-	}else{
-	   """
-	   bowtie2 --rg-id BMG --rg SM:${prefix} \\
-		${bwt2_opts} \\
-		-p ${task.cpus} \\
-		-x ${index}/${bwt2_base} \\
-		--un ${prefix}_unmap.fastq \\
-	 	-U ${reads} > ${prefix}.bam
-           """
-	}
+   prefix = reads.toString() - ~/(\.fq)?(\.fastq)?(\.gz)?$/
+   def bwt2_opts = params.bwt2_opts_end2end
+   if (!params.dnase){
+   """
+   bowtie2 --rg-id BMG --rg SM:${prefix} \\
+	${bwt2_opts} \\
+	-p ${task.cpus} \\
+	-x ${index}/${bwt2_base} \\
+	--un ${prefix}_unmap.fastq \\
+ 	-U ${reads} | samtools view -F 4 -bS - > ${prefix}.bam
+   """
+   }else{
+   """
+   bowtie2 --rg-id BMG --rg SM:${prefix} \\
+	${bwt2_opts} \\
+	-p ${task.cpus} \\
+	-x ${index}/${bwt2_base} \\
+	--un ${prefix}_unmap.fastq \\
+ 	-U ${reads} > ${prefix}.bam
+   """
+   }
 process trim_reads {
@@ -441,20 +449,20 @@ process trim_reads {
    	      saveAs: { params.saveAlignedIntermediates ? it : null }, mode: 'copy'
-      !params.dnase
+   !params.dnase
-      set val(prefix), file(reads) from unmapped_end_to_end
+   set val(prefix), file(reads) from unmapped_end_to_end
-      set val(prefix), file("${prefix}_trimmed.fastq") into trimmed_reads
+   set val(prefix), file("${prefix}_trimmed.fastq") into trimmed_reads
-      """
-      cutsite_trimming --fastq $reads \\
-       		       --cutsite  ${params.ligation_site} \\
-                       --out ${prefix}_trimmed.fastq
-      """
+   """
+   cutsite_trimming --fastq $reads \\
+                    --cutsite  ${params.ligation_site} \\
+                    --out ${prefix}_trimmed.fastq
+   """
 process bowtie2_on_trimmed_reads {
@@ -463,24 +471,24 @@ process bowtie2_on_trimmed_reads {
    	      saveAs: { params.saveAlignedIntermediates ? it : null }, mode: 'copy'
-      !params.dnase
+   !params.dnase
-      set val(prefix), file(reads) from trimmed_reads
-      file index from bwt2_index_trim.collect()
+   set val(prefix), file(reads) from trimmed_reads
+   file index from bwt2_index_trim.collect()
-      set val(prefix), file("${prefix}_trimmed.bam") into trimmed_bam
+   set val(prefix), file("${prefix}_trimmed.bam") into trimmed_bam
-      prefix = reads.toString() - ~/(_trimmed)?(\.fq)?(\.fastq)?(\.gz)?$/
-      """
-      bowtie2 --rg-id BMG --rg SM:${prefix} \\
-      	      ${params.bwt2_opts_trimmed} \\
-              -p ${task.cpus} \\
-	      -x ${index}/${bwt2_base} \\
-	      -U ${reads} | samtools view -bS - > ${prefix}_trimmed.bam
-      """
+   prefix = reads.toString() - ~/(_trimmed)?(\.fq)?(\.fastq)?(\.gz)?$/
+   """
+   bowtie2 --rg-id BMG --rg SM:${prefix} \\
+           ${params.bwt2_opts_trimmed} \\
+           -p ${task.cpus} \\
+           -x ${index}/${bwt2_base} \\
+           -U ${reads} | samtools view -bS - > ${prefix}_trimmed.bam
+   """
 if (!params.dnase){
@@ -490,39 +498,38 @@ if (!params.dnase){
    	      saveAs: { params.saveAlignedIntermediates ? it : null }, mode: 'copy'
-         set val(prefix), file(bam1), file(bam2) from end_to_end_bam.join( trimmed_bam )
+      set val(prefix), file(bam1), file(bam2) from end_to_end_bam.join( trimmed_bam )
-         set val(sample), file("${prefix}_bwt2merged.bam") into bwt2_merged_bam
-         set val(oname), file("${prefix}.mapstat") into all_mapstat
+      set val(sample), file("${prefix}_bwt2merged.bam") into bwt2_merged_bam
+      set val(oname), file("${prefix}.mapstat") into all_mapstat
-         sample = prefix.toString() - ~/(_R1|_R2|_val_1|_val_2|_1$|_2)/
-         tag = prefix.toString() =~/_R1|_val_1|_1/ ? "R1" : "R2"
-         oname = prefix.toString() - ~/(\.[0-9]+)$/
-         """
-         samtools merge -@ ${task.cpus} \\
-       	             -f ${prefix}_bwt2merged.bam \\
-	             ${bam1} ${bam2}
+      sample = prefix.toString() - ~/(_R1|_R2|_val_1|_val_2|_1$|_2)/
+      tag = prefix.toString() =~/_R1|_val_1|_1/ ? "R1" : "R2"
+      oname = prefix.toString() - ~/(\.[0-9]+)$/
+      """
+      samtools merge -@ ${task.cpus} \\
+    	             -f ${prefix}_bwt2merged.bam \\
+                     ${bam1} ${bam2}
-         samtools sort -@ ${task.cpus} -m 800M \\
+      samtools sort -@ ${task.cpus} -m 800M \\
       	            -n -T /tmp/ \\
 	            -o ${prefix}_bwt2merged.sorted.bam \\
-         mv ${prefix}_bwt2merged.sorted.bam ${prefix}_bwt2merged.bam
-         echo "## ${prefix}" > ${prefix}.mapstat
-         echo -n "total_${tag}\t" >> ${prefix}.mapstat
-         samtools view -c ${prefix}_bwt2merged.bam >> ${prefix}.mapstat
-         echo -n "mapped_${tag}\t" >> ${prefix}.mapstat
-         samtools view -c -F 4 ${prefix}_bwt2merged.bam >> ${prefix}.mapstat
-         echo -n "global_${tag}\t" >> ${prefix}.mapstat
-         samtools view -c -F 4 ${bam1} >> ${prefix}.mapstat
-         echo -n "local_${tag}\t"  >> ${prefix}.mapstat
-         samtools view -c -F 4 ${bam2} >> ${prefix}.mapstat
-         """
+      mv ${prefix}_bwt2merged.sorted.bam ${prefix}_bwt2merged.bam
+      echo "## ${prefix}" > ${prefix}.mapstat
+      echo -n "total_${tag}\t" >> ${prefix}.mapstat
+      samtools view -c ${prefix}_bwt2merged.bam >> ${prefix}.mapstat
+      echo -n "mapped_${tag}\t" >> ${prefix}.mapstat
+      samtools view -c -F 4 ${prefix}_bwt2merged.bam >> ${prefix}.mapstat
+      echo -n "global_${tag}\t" >> ${prefix}.mapstat
+      samtools view -c -F 4 ${bam1} >> ${prefix}.mapstat
+      echo -n "local_${tag}\t"  >> ${prefix}.mapstat
+      samtools view -c -F 4 ${bam2} >> ${prefix}.mapstat
+      """
    process dnase_mapping_stats{
@@ -531,27 +538,26 @@ if (!params.dnase){
    	      saveAs: { params.saveAlignedIntermediates ? it : null }, mode: 'copy'
-         set val(prefix), file(bam1) from end_to_end_bam
+      set val(prefix), file(bam1) from end_to_end_bam
-         set val(sample), file(bam1) into bwt2_merged_bam
-         set val(oname), file("${prefix}.mapstat") into all_mapstat
+      set val(sample), file(bam1) into bwt2_merged_bam
+      set val(oname), file("${prefix}.mapstat") into all_mapstat
-         sample = prefix.toString() - ~/(_R1|_R2|_val_1|_val_2|_1|_2)/
-         tag = prefix.toString() =~/_R1|_val_1|_1/ ? "R1" : "R2"
-         oname = prefix.toString() - ~/(\.[0-9]+)$/
-         """
-         echo "## ${prefix}" > ${prefix}.mapstat
-         echo -n "total_${tag}\t" >> ${prefix}.mapstat
-         samtools view -c ${bam1} >> ${prefix}.mapstat
-	 echo -n "mapped_${tag}\t" >> ${prefix}.mapstat
-         samtools view -c -F 4 ${bam1} >> ${prefix}.mapstat
-         echo -n "global_${tag}\t" >> ${prefix}.mapstat
-         samtools view -c -F 4 ${bam1} >> ${prefix}.mapstat
-         echo -n "local_${tag}\t0"  >> ${prefix}.mapstat
-         """
+      sample = prefix.toString() - ~/(_R1|_R2|_val_1|_val_2|_1|_2)/
+      tag = prefix.toString() =~/_R1|_val_1|_1/ ? "R1" : "R2"
+      oname = prefix.toString() - ~/(\.[0-9]+)$/
+      """
+      echo "## ${prefix}" > ${prefix}.mapstat
+      echo -n "total_${tag}\t" >> ${prefix}.mapstat
+      samtools view -c ${bam1} >> ${prefix}.mapstat
+      echo -n "mapped_${tag}\t" >> ${prefix}.mapstat
+      samtools view -c -F 4 ${bam1} >> ${prefix}.mapstat
+      echo -n "global_${tag}\t" >> ${prefix}.mapstat
+      samtools view -c -F 4 ${bam1} >> ${prefix}.mapstat
+      echo -n "local_${tag}\t0"  >> ${prefix}.mapstat
+      """
@@ -563,26 +569,26 @@ process combine_mapped_files{
    	      saveAs: {filename -> filename.indexOf(".pairstat") > 0 ? "stats/$filename" : "$filename"}
-      set val(sample), file(aligned_bam) from bwt2_merged_bam.groupTuple()
+   set val(sample), file(aligned_bam) from bwt2_merged_bam.groupTuple()
-      set val(sample), file("${sample}_bwt2pairs.bam") into paired_bam
-      set val(oname), file("*.pairstat") into all_pairstat
+   set val(sample), file("${sample}_bwt2pairs.bam") into paired_bam
+   set val(oname), file("*.pairstat") into all_pairstat
-      r1_bam = aligned_bam[0]
-      r1_prefix = r1_bam.toString() - ~/_bwt2merged.bam$/
-      r2_bam = aligned_bam[1]
-      r2_prefix = r2_bam.toString() - ~/_bwt2merged.bam$/
-      oname = sample.toString() - ~/(\.[0-9]+)$/
-      def opts = "-t"
-      opts = params.rm_singleton ? "${opts}" : "--single ${opts}"
-      opts = params.rm_multi ? "${opts}" : "--multi ${opts}"
-      if ("$params.min_mapq".isInteger()) opts="${opts} -q ${params.min_mapq}"
-      """
-      mergeSAM.py -f ${r1_bam} -r ${r2_bam} -o ${sample}_bwt2pairs.bam ${opts}
-      """
+   r1_bam = aligned_bam[0]
+   r1_prefix = r1_bam.toString() - ~/_bwt2merged.bam$/
+   r2_bam = aligned_bam[1]
+   r2_prefix = r2_bam.toString() - ~/_bwt2merged.bam$/
+   oname = sample.toString() - ~/(\.[0-9]+)$/
+   def opts = "-t"
+   opts = params.rm_singleton ? "${opts}" : "--single ${opts}"
+   opts = params.rm_multi ? "${opts}" : "--multi ${opts}"
+   if ("$params.min_mapq".isInteger()) opts="${opts} -q ${params.min_mapq}"
+   """
+   mergeSAM.py -f ${r1_bam} -r ${r2_bam} -o ${sample}_bwt2pairs.bam ${opts}
+   """
@@ -597,34 +603,33 @@ if (!params.dnase){
    	      saveAs: {filename -> filename.indexOf("*stat") > 0 ? "stats/$filename" : "$filename"}
-         set val(sample), file(pe_bam) from paired_bam
-         file frag_file from res_frag_file.collect()
+      set val(sample), file(pe_bam) from paired_bam
+      file frag_file from res_frag_file.collect()
-         set val(sample), file("*.validPairs") into valid_pairs
-         set val(sample), file("*.validPairs") into valid_pairs_4cool
-	 set val(sample), file("*.DEPairs") into de_pairs
-	 set val(sample), file("*.SCPairs") into sc_pairs
-         set val(sample), file("*.REPairs") into re_pairs
-	 set val(sample), file("*.FiltPairs") into filt_pairs
-         set val(sample), file("*RSstat") into all_rsstat
+      set val(sample), file("*.validPairs") into valid_pairs
+      set val(sample), file("*.validPairs") into valid_pairs_4cool
+      set val(sample), file("*.DEPairs") into de_pairs
+      set val(sample), file("*.SCPairs") into sc_pairs
+      set val(sample), file("*.REPairs") into re_pairs
+      set val(sample), file("*.FiltPairs") into filt_pairs
+      set val(sample), file("*RSstat") into all_rsstat
-         if (params.splitFastq){
-      	    sample = sample.toString() - ~/(\.[0-9]+)$/
-         }
-         def opts = ""
-         if ("$params.min_cis_dist".isInteger()) opts="${opts} -d ${params.min_cis_dist}"
-         if ("$params.min_insert_size".isInteger()) opts="${opts} -s ${params.min_insert_size}"
-         if ("$params.max_insert_size".isInteger()) opts="${opts} -l ${params.max_insert_size}"
-         if ("$params.min_restriction_fragment_size".isInteger()) opts="${opts} -t ${params.min_restriction_fragment_size}"
-         if ("$params.max_restriction_fragment_size".isInteger()) opts="${opts} -m ${params.max_restriction_fragment_size}"
-	 if (params.saveInteractionBAM) opts="${opts} --sam"
-         """
-         mapped_2hic_fragments.py -f ${frag_file} -r ${pe_bam} --all ${opts}
-         """
+      if (params.splitFastq){
+         sample = sample.toString() - ~/(\.[0-9]+)$/
+      }
+      def opts = ""
+      if ("$params.min_cis_dist".isInteger()) opts="${opts} -d ${params.min_cis_dist}"
+      if ("$params.min_insert_size".isInteger()) opts="${opts} -s ${params.min_insert_size}"
+      if ("$params.max_insert_size".isInteger()) opts="${opts} -l ${params.max_insert_size}"
+      if ("$params.min_restriction_fragment_size".isInteger()) opts="${opts} -t ${params.min_restriction_fragment_size}"
+      if ("$params.max_restriction_fragment_size".isInteger()) opts="${opts} -m ${params.max_restriction_fragment_size}"
+      if (params.saveInteractionBAM) opts="${opts} --sam"
+      """
+      mapped_2hic_fragments.py -f ${frag_file} -r ${pe_bam} --all ${opts}
+      """
@@ -634,23 +639,23 @@ else{
    	      saveAs: {filename -> filename.indexOf("*stat") > 0 ? "stats/$filename" : "$filename"}
-         set val(sample), file(pe_bam) from paired_bam
+      set val(sample), file(pe_bam) from paired_bam
-         set val(sample), file("*.validPairs") into valid_pairs
-         set val(sample), file("*.validPairs") into valid_pairs_4cool
-         set val(sample), file("*RSstat") into all_rsstat
+      set val(sample), file("*.validPairs") into valid_pairs
+      set val(sample), file("*.validPairs") into valid_pairs_4cool
+      set val(sample), file("*RSstat") into all_rsstat
-         if (params.splitFastq){
-      	    sample = sample.toString() - ~/(\.[0-9]+)$/
-         }
-         def opts = ""
-         if ("$params.min_cis_dist".isInteger()) opts="${opts} -d ${params.min_cis_dist}"
-	 """
-	 mapped_2hic_dnase.py -r ${pe_bam} ${opts}
-         """
+      if (params.splitFastq){
+         sample = sample.toString() - ~/(\.[0-9]+)$/
+      }
+      def opts = ""
+      if ("$params.min_cis_dist".isInteger()) opts="${opts} -d ${params.min_cis_dist}"
+      """
+      mapped_2hic_dnase.py -r ${pe_bam} ${opts}
+      """
@@ -665,12 +670,12 @@ process remove_duplicates {
    	      saveAs: {filename -> filename.indexOf("*stat") > 0 ? "stats/$sample/$filename" : "$filename"}
-     set val(sample), file(vpairs) from valid_pairs.groupTuple()
+   set val(sample), file(vpairs) from valid_pairs.groupTuple()
-     set val(sample), file("*.allValidPairs") into all_valid_pairs
-     set val(sample), file("*.allValidPairs") into all_valid_pairs_4cool
-     file("stats/") into all_mergestat
+   set val(sample), file("*.allValidPairs") into all_valid_pairs
+   set val(sample), file("*.allValidPairs") into all_valid_pairs_4cool
+   file("stats/") into all_mergestat
    if ( params.rm_dup ){
@@ -710,21 +715,20 @@ process merge_sample {
    publishDir "${params.outdir}/hic_results/stats/${sample}", mode: 'copy'
-     set val(prefix), file(fstat) from all_mapstat.groupTuple().concat(all_pairstat.groupTuple(), all_rsstat.groupTuple())
+   set val(prefix), file(fstat) from all_mapstat.groupTuple().concat(all_pairstat.groupTuple(), all_rsstat.groupTuple())
-  output:
-     file("mstats/") into all_mstats
+   output:
+   file("mstats/") into all_mstats
-     sample = prefix.toString() - ~/(_R1|_R2|_val_1|_val_2|_1|_2)/
-     if ( (fstat =~ /.mapstat/) ){ ext = "mmapstat" }
-     if ( (fstat =~ /.pairstat/) ){ ext = "mpairstat" }
-     if ( (fstat =~ /.RSstat/) ){ ext = "mRSstat" }
-     """
-     mkdir -p mstats/${sample}
-     merge_statfiles.py -f ${fstat} > mstats/${sample}/${prefix}.${ext}
-     """
+  sample = prefix.toString() - ~/(_R1|_R2|_val_1|_val_2|_1|_2)/
+  if ( (fstat =~ /.mapstat/) ){ ext = "mmapstat" }
+  if ( (fstat =~ /.pairstat/) ){ ext = "mpairstat" }
+  if ( (fstat =~ /.RSstat/) ){ ext = "mRSstat" }
+  """
+  mkdir -p mstats/${sample}
+  merge_statfiles.py -f ${fstat} > mstats/${sample}/${prefix}.${ext}
+  """
@@ -733,15 +737,15 @@ process build_contact_maps{
    publishDir "${params.outdir}/hic_results/matrix/raw", mode: 'copy'
-      !params.skip_maps
+   !params.skipMaps
-      set val(sample), file(vpairs), val(mres) from all_valid_pairs.combine(map_res)
-      file chrsize from chromosome_size.collect()
+   set val(sample), file(vpairs), val(mres) from all_valid_pairs.combine(map_res)
+   file chrsize from chromosome_size.collect()
-      file("*.matrix") into raw_maps
-      file "*.bed"
+   file("*.matrix") into raw_maps
+   file "*.bed"
@@ -758,14 +762,14 @@ process run_ice{
    publishDir "${params.outdir}/hic_results/matrix/iced", mode: 'copy'
-      !params.skip_maps && !params.skip_ice
+   !params.skipMaps && !params.skipIce
-      file(rmaps) from raw_maps
-      file "*.biases"
+   file(rmaps) from raw_maps
+   file "*.biases"
-      file("*iced.matrix") into iced_maps
+   file("*iced.matrix") into iced_maps
    prefix = rmaps.toString() - ~/(\.matrix)?$/
@@ -786,14 +790,14 @@ process generate_cool{
    publishDir "${params.outdir}/export/cool", mode: 'copy'
-      !params.skip_cool
+   !params.skipCool
-      set val(sample), file(vpairs) from all_valid_pairs_4cool
-      file chrsize from chromosome_size_cool.collect()
+   set val(sample), file(vpairs) from all_valid_pairs_4cool
+   file chrsize from chromosome_size_cool.collect()
-      file("*mcool") into cool_maps
+   file("*mcool") into cool_maps
@@ -803,51 +807,50 @@ process generate_cool{
- * STEP 5 - MultiQC
+ * STEP 6 - MultiQC
 process multiqc {
-    publishDir "${params.outdir}/MultiQC", mode: 'copy'
+   publishDir "${params.outdir}/MultiQC", mode: 'copy'
-    when:
-       !params.skip_multiqc
-    input:
-       file multiqc_config from ch_multiqc_config
-       file ('input_*/*') from all_mstats.concat(all_mergestat).collect()
-       file ('software_versions/*') from software_versions_yaml
-       file workflow_summary from create_workflow_summary(summary)
+   when:
+   !params.skipMultiQC
-    output:
-       file "*multiqc_report.html" into multiqc_report
-       file "*_data"
+   input:
+   file multiqc_config from ch_multiqc_config
+   file ('input_*/*') from all_mstats.concat(all_mergestat).collect()
+   file ('software_versions/*') from software_versions_yaml
+   file workflow_summary from create_workflow_summary(summary)
-    script:
-    rtitle = custom_runName ? "--title \"$custom_runName\"" : ''
-    rfilename = custom_runName ? "--filename " + custom_runName.replaceAll('\\W','_').replaceAll('_+','_') + "_multiqc_report" : ''
+   output:
+   file "*multiqc_report.html" into multiqc_report
+   file "*_data"
-    """
-    multiqc -f $rtitle $rfilename --config $multiqc_config .
-    """
+   script:
+   rtitle = custom_runName ? "--title \"$custom_runName\"" : ''
+   rfilename = custom_runName ? "--filename " + custom_runName.replaceAll('\\W','_').replaceAll('_+','_') + "_multiqc_report" : ''
+   """
+   multiqc -f $rtitle $rfilename --config $multiqc_config .
+   """
- * STEP 3 - Output Description HTML
+ * STEP 7 - Output Description HTML
 process output_documentation {
-    publishDir "${params.outdir}/pipeline_info", mode: 'copy'
+   publishDir "${params.outdir}/pipeline_info", mode: 'copy'
-    input:
-    file output_docs from ch_output_docs
+   input:
+   file output_docs from ch_output_docs
-    output:
-    file "results_description.html"
+   output:
+   file "results_description.html"
-    script:
-    """
-    markdown_to_html.r $output_docs results_description.html
-    """
+   script:
+   """
+   markdown_to_html.r $output_docs results_description.html
+   """
@@ -948,10 +951,10 @@ workflow.onComplete {
     c_green = params.monochrome_logs ? '' : "\033[0;32m";
     c_red = params.monochrome_logs ? '' : "\033[0;31m";
-    if (workflow.stats.ignoredCountFmt > 0 && workflow.success) {
+    if (workflow.stats.ignoredCount > 0 && workflow.success) {
       log.info "${c_purple}Warning, pipeline completed, but with errored process(es) ${c_reset}"
-      log.info "${c_red}Number of ignored errored process(es) : ${workflow.stats.ignoredCountFmt} ${c_reset}"
-      log.info "${c_green}Number of successfully ran process(es) : ${workflow.stats.succeedCountFmt} ${c_reset}"
+      log.info "${c_red}Number of ignored errored process(es) : ${workflow.stats.ignoredCount} ${c_reset}"
+      log.info "${c_green}Number of successfully ran process(es) : ${workflow.stats.succeedCount} ${c_reset}"
@@ -976,14 +979,14 @@ def nfcoreHeader(){
     c_cyan = params.monochrome_logs ? '' : "\033[0;36m";
     c_white = params.monochrome_logs ? '' : "\033[0;37m";
-    return """    ${c_dim}----------------------------------------------------${c_reset}
+    return """    -${c_dim}--------------------------------------------------${c_reset}-
     ${c_blue}        ___     __   __   __   ___     ${c_green}/,-._.--~\'${c_reset}
     ${c_blue}  |\\ | |__  __ /  ` /  \\ |__) |__         ${c_yellow}}  {${c_reset}
     ${c_blue}  | \\| |       \\__, \\__/ |  \\ |___     ${c_green}\\`-._,-`-,${c_reset}
-    ${c_purple}  nf-core/hic v${workflow.manifest.version}${c_reset}
-    ${c_dim}----------------------------------------------------${c_reset}
+    ${c_purple}  nf-core/atacseq v${workflow.manifest.version}${c_reset}
+    -${c_dim}--------------------------------------------------${c_reset}-
diff --git a/nextflow.config b/nextflow.config
index 37a7d3c86ea1e5af718b17bfdd94f6b2bbe3795d..5d69802ee9402cae44e25e6880d3353e4d236561 100644
--- a/nextflow.config
+++ b/nextflow.config
@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ params {
   readPaths = false
   chromosome_size = false
   restriction_fragments = false
-  skip_maps = false
-  skip_ice = false
-  skip_cool = false
-  skip_multiqc = false
+  skipMaps = false
+  skipIce = false
+  skipCool = false
+  skipMultiQC = false
   dnase = false
   // Boilerplate options
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ params {
 // Container slug. Stable releases should specify release tag!
 // Developmental code should specify :dev
-process.container = 'nfcore/hic:1.1.0'
+process.container = 'nfcore/hic:dev'
 // Load base.config by default for all pipelines
 includeConfig 'conf/base.config'
@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ manifest {
   homePage = 'https://github.com/nf-core/hic'
   description = 'Analysis of Chromosome Conformation Capture data (Hi-C)'
   mainScript = 'main.nf'
-  nextflowVersion = '>=0.32.0'
-  version = '1.1.0'
+  nextflowVersion = '>=19.04.0'
+  version = '1.1.1dev'
 // Function to ensure that resource requirements don't go beyond