diff --git a/bin/hicstuff_bam2pairs.py b/bin/hicstuff_bam2pairs.py
index e626dca8606e18f08e5d8950be705ea6ebe31506..744b5875d390a681cfc2bce8417ab7d0198ea608 100755
--- a/bin/hicstuff_bam2pairs.py
+++ b/bin/hicstuff_bam2pairs.py
@@ -6,9 +6,13 @@ import pysam as ps
 import pandas as pd
 import itertools
 from hicstuff_log import logger
+import hicstuff_log as hcl
 import hicstuff_io as hio
 import hicstuff_digest as hcd
+import hicstuff_stats as hcs
 from Bio import SeqIO
+import logging
+from hicstuff_version import __version__
@@ -135,6 +139,16 @@ def bam2pairs(bam1, bam2, out_pairs, info_contigs, min_qual=30):
+def generate_log_header(log_path, input1, input2, genome, enzyme):
+    hcl.set_file_handler(log_path, formatter=logging.Formatter(""))
+    logger.info("## hicstuff: v%s log file", __version__)
+    logger.info("## date: %s", time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
+    logger.info("## enzyme: %s", str(enzyme))
+    logger.info("## input1: %s ", input1)
+    logger.info("## input2: %s", input2)
+    logger.info("## ref: %s", genome)
+    logger.info("---")
+    #hcl.set_file_handler(log_path, formatter=hcl.logfile_formatter)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
@@ -171,6 +185,11 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     elif enzyme == "arima":
         enzyme = ["DpnII","HinfI"]
+    log_file = "hicstuff_pairs.log"
+    sys.stderr = open ("hicstuff_pairs.log", "wt")
+    hcl.set_file_handler(log_file)
+    generate_log_header(log_file, bam1, bam2, fasta, enzyme)
     bam2pairs(bam1, bam2, out_pairs, info_contigs, min_qual)
     restrict_table = {}
diff --git a/bin/hicstuff_build_matrix.py b/bin/hicstuff_build_matrix.py
index 4ac69c15e4d42a22b3f69a5ab8b03dd5d6224d24..f99700bbc648ced284c5e64a499d4eecd74e8cba 100755
--- a/bin/hicstuff_build_matrix.py
+++ b/bin/hicstuff_build_matrix.py
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ from hicstuff_log import logger
 import hicstuff_io as hio
 import hicstuff_digest as hcd
 from Bio import SeqIO
+import hicstuff_log as hcl
 def pairs2matrix(
@@ -163,6 +164,24 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     mat_format = args.type
     mat_out = args.output
+    log_file = "hicstuff_matrix.log"
+    sys.stderr = open ("hicstuff_matrix.log", "wt")
+    hcl.set_file_handler(log_file)
+    # Log which pairs file is being used and how many pairs are listed
+    pairs_count = 0
+    with open(pairs, "r") as file:
+        for line in file:
+            if line.startswith('#'):
+                continue
+            else:
+                pairs_count += 1
+    logger.info(
+        "Generating matrix from pairs file %s (%d pairs in the file) ",
+        pairs, pairs_count
+    )
     if mat_format == "cool":
         # Name matrix file in .cool
         cool_file = os.path.splitext(mat_out)[0] + ".cool"
diff --git a/bin/hicstuff_filter.py b/bin/hicstuff_filter.py
index 23b74245b8440ab3bbca398618f405d629f3d610..62642ac6a605697dfeafea77f99dba0f99a0560b 100755
--- a/bin/hicstuff_filter.py
+++ b/bin/hicstuff_filter.py
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ from collections import OrderedDict
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 from hicstuff_log import logger
 import argparse
+import logging
+import hicstuff_log as hcl
 def process_read_pair(line):
@@ -553,6 +555,10 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
         pie_plot = prefix+"_"+pie_plot
+    log_file = "hicstuff_filter.log"
+    sys.stdout = open ("hicstuff_filter.log", "wt")
+    hcl.set_file_handler(log_file)
     uncut_thr, loop_thr = get_thresholds(
         pairs_idx, plot_events=plot, fig_path=dist_plot, prefix=prefix
diff --git a/bin/hicstuff_stats.py b/bin/hicstuff_stats.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7fd1976162025e42db6c14c013473a6890716e24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/hicstuff_stats.py
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import re
+import os
+from os.path import basename
+from os.path import splitext
+import json
+def get_pipeline_stats(log_file):
+    """Get stats after pipeline execution.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    log_file : str
+        Path to hicstuff log file.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    list:
+        A single list containing stats about hicstuff pipeline execution:
+        - Number of sequenced pairs from fastqs
+        - Number (% of total reads) of unmapped reads
+        - Number (% of total reads) of mapped reads
+        - Number (% of total reads) of pairs
+        - Number (% of total pairs) of filtered pairs
+            - Number (% of total pairs) of loops
+            - Number (% of total pairs) of uncuts
+            - Number (% of total pairs) of abnormal (-- and ++)
+        - Number (% of total pairs) of deduplicated pairs [Number (% of total pairs) of PCR duplicates]
+        - From all pairs used in contact matrix:
+            - Number (% of matrix) of cis pairs
+            - Number (% of matrix) of trans pairs
+            - Trans ratio
+    """
+    with open(log_file) as file:
+        log_lines = [line.rstrip() for line in file]
+    # 1. Number of sequenced pairs from fastqs
+    fastq_pairs = [s for s in log_lines if re.search("reads found in each", s)][0]
+    fastq_pairs = re.sub(".*INFO :: ", "", fastq_pairs)
+    fastq_pairs = re.sub(" reads found in each.*", "", fastq_pairs)
+    fastq_pairs = int(float(fastq_pairs))
+    # 2. Number (% of total) of (un)mapped reads
+    tot_mapped = [s for s in log_lines if re.search("mapped with Q ", s)][0]
+    tot_mapped = re.sub(".*Q >= 30 \(", "", tot_mapped)
+    tot_mapped = re.sub("/.*", "", tot_mapped)
+    tot_mapped = int(float(tot_mapped))
+    tot_unmapped = fastq_pairs*2 - tot_mapped
+    # 3. Number (% of total) of pairs
+    tot_pairs = [s for s in log_lines if re.search("pairs successfully mapped", s)][0]
+    tot_pairs = re.sub(".*INFO :: ", "", tot_pairs)
+    tot_pairs = re.sub(" pairs successfully.*", "", tot_pairs)
+    tot_pairs = int(float(tot_pairs))
+    # 4. Number (% of total) of filtered pairs
+    filtered_pairs = [s for s in log_lines if re.search("pairs discarded:", s)]
+    if (len(filtered_pairs) > 0):
+        filtered_pairs = filtered_pairs[0]
+        loops_pairs = re.sub(".*Loops: ", "", filtered_pairs)
+        loops_pairs = re.sub(", Uncuts:.*", "", loops_pairs)
+        loops_pairs = int(float(loops_pairs))
+        uncuts_pairs = re.sub(".*Uncuts: ", "", filtered_pairs)
+        uncuts_pairs = re.sub(", Weirds:.*", "", uncuts_pairs)
+        uncuts_pairs = int(float(uncuts_pairs))
+        abnormal_pairs = re.sub(".*Weirds: ", "", filtered_pairs)
+        abnormal_pairs = int(float(abnormal_pairs))
+        filtered_pairs = re.sub(".*INFO :: ", "", filtered_pairs)
+        filtered_pairs = re.sub(" pairs discarded.*", "", filtered_pairs)
+        filtered_pairs = int(float(filtered_pairs))
+    else:
+        loops_pairs=0
+        uncuts_pairs=0
+        abnormal_pairs=0
+        filtered_pairs=0
+    # 5. Number (% of total) of PCR duplicates pairs
+    pcr_pairs = [s for s in log_lines if re.search("PCR duplicates have been filtered", s)]
+    if (len(pcr_pairs) > 0):
+        pcr_pairs = pcr_pairs[0]
+        pcr_pairs = re.sub(".*have been filtered out \(", "", pcr_pairs)
+        pcr_pairs = re.sub(" / .*", "", pcr_pairs)
+        pcr_pairs = int(float(pcr_pairs))
+    else:
+        pcr_pairs = 0
+    # 6. Number (%) of final pairs
+    removed_pairs=filtered_pairs+pcr_pairs
+    final_pairs=tot_pairs-removed_pairs
+    # 7. Final stats
+    stats = {
+        'Sample': re.sub(".hicstuff.*", "", basename(log_file)),
+        'Total read pairs': fastq_pairs,
+        'Mapped reads': tot_mapped,
+        'Unmapped reads': tot_unmapped,
+        'Recovered contacts': tot_pairs,
+        'Final contacts': final_pairs,
+        'Removed contacts': removed_pairs,
+        'Filtered out': filtered_pairs,
+        'Loops': loops_pairs,
+        'Uncuts': uncuts_pairs,
+        'Weirds': abnormal_pairs,
+        'PCR duplicates': pcr_pairs
+    }
+    return(stats)
+def write_pipeline_stats(stats, out_file):
+    prefix = stats['Sample']
+    fastq_pairs=stats['Total read pairs']
+    tot_mapped=stats['Mapped reads']
+    tot_unmapped=stats['Unmapped reads']
+    tot_pairs=stats['Recovered contacts']
+    final_pairs=stats['Final contacts']
+    removed_pairs=stats['Removed contacts']
+    filtered_pairs=stats['Filtered out']
+    loops_pairs=stats['Loops']
+    uncuts_pairs=stats['Uncuts']
+    abnormal_pairs=stats['Weirds']
+    pcr_pairs=stats['PCR duplicates']
+    pct_pairs = round(tot_pairs/fastq_pairs*100, 2)
+    pct_mapped = round(tot_mapped/(fastq_pairs*2)*100, 2)
+    pct_unmapped = round(tot_unmapped/(fastq_pairs*2)*100, 2)
+    pct_filtered = round(filtered_pairs/tot_pairs*100, 2)
+    pct_loops_pairs = round(loops_pairs/tot_pairs*100, 2)
+    pct_uncuts_pairs = round(uncuts_pairs/tot_pairs*100, 2)
+    pct_abnormal_pairs = round(abnormal_pairs/tot_pairs*100, 2)
+    pct_pcr = round(pcr_pairs/tot_pairs*100, 2)
+    pct_removed=round(removed_pairs/tot_pairs*100, 2)
+    pct_final = round(final_pairs/tot_pairs*100, 2)
+    # Open the log file and read its contents
+    _, file_extension = splitext(out_file)
+    if (file_extension == '.json'):
+        with open(out_file, 'w') as json_file:
+            json.dump(stats, json_file, indent=4)
+    else:
+        with open(out_file, 'w') as stats_file:
+            stats_file.write("Sample:             {prefix}\n".format(prefix = prefix))
+            stats_file.write("Total read pairs:   {reads}\n".format(reads = "{:,}".format(fastq_pairs)))
+            stats_file.write("Mapped reads:       {tot_mapped} ({pct_mapped}%  of all reads)\n".format(
+                    tot_mapped = "{:,}".format(tot_mapped),
+                    pct_mapped = pct_mapped
+                )
+            )
+            stats_file.write("Unmapped reads:     {tot_unmapped} ({pct_unmapped}%  of all reads)\n".format(
+                tot_unmapped = "{:,}".format(tot_unmapped), pct_unmapped = pct_unmapped
+            ))
+            stats_file.write("Recovered contacts: {tot_pairs} ({pct_pairs}%  of all read pairs)\n".format(
+                tot_pairs = "{:,}".format(tot_pairs), pct_pairs = pct_pairs
+            ))
+            stats_file.write("Removed contacts:   {removed_pairs} ({pct_removed}% of all contacts)\n".format(
+                removed_pairs = "{:,}".format(removed_pairs), pct_removed = pct_removed
+            ))
+            stats_file.write("  Filtered out:     {filtered_pairs} ({pct_filtered}% of all contacts)\n".format(
+                filtered_pairs = "{:,}".format(filtered_pairs), pct_filtered = pct_filtered
+            ))
+            stats_file.write("    Loops:          {loops_pairs} ({pct_loops_pairs}% of all contacts)\n".format(
+                loops_pairs = "{:,}".format(loops_pairs), pct_loops_pairs = pct_loops_pairs
+            ))
+            stats_file.write("    Uncuts:         {uncuts_pairs} ({pct_uncuts_pairs}% of all contacts)\n".format(
+                uncuts_pairs = "{:,}".format(uncuts_pairs), pct_uncuts_pairs = pct_uncuts_pairs
+            ))
+            stats_file.write("    Weirds:         {abnormal_pairs} ({pct_abnormal_pairs}% of all contacts)\n".format(
+                abnormal_pairs = "{:,}".format(abnormal_pairs), pct_abnormal_pairs = pct_abnormal_pairs
+            ))
+            stats_file.write("  PCR duplicates:   {pcr_pairs} ({pct_pcr}% of all contacts)\n".format(
+                pcr_pairs = "{:,}".format(pcr_pairs), pct_pcr = pct_pcr
+            ))
+            stats_file.write("Final contacts:     {final_pairs} ({pct_final}% of all contacts)\n".format(
+            final_pairs = "{:,}".format(final_pairs), pct_final = pct_final
+        ))
+def print_pipeline_stats(stats):
+    tmp = '.'+stats['Sample']+'.txt'
+    write_pipeline_stats(stats, tmp)
+    with open(tmp, 'r') as file:
+        lines = [line for line in file]
+        print(''.join(lines))
+    os.unlink(tmp)
diff --git a/bin/hicstuff_version.py b/bin/hicstuff_version.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..29e4a9413d67347053bffff8555e4e60ec644686
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/hicstuff_version.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+__version__ = '3.2.2'
diff --git a/conf/modules.config b/conf/modules.config
index 2001ddda18158c6e6bb4ee4e4e41ec34f9b84bb4..08075e72051b2f8ef3f2a8f5bd3ac20c871c9e17 100644
--- a/conf/modules.config
+++ b/conf/modules.config
@@ -212,9 +212,16 @@ process {
             " -c ${params.hicstuff_circular}"
         ].join('').trim() }
         publishDir = [
-            path: { "${params.outdir}/hicstuff/pairs" },
-            mode: 'copy',
-            enabled: params.save_pairs
+            [
+                path: { "${params.outdir}/hicstuff/pairs" },
+                mode: 'copy',
+                enabled: params.save_pairs
+            ],
+            [
+                path: { "${params.outdir}/hicstuff/log" },
+                mode: 'copy',
+                pattern: '*.log'
+            ]
@@ -226,9 +233,16 @@ process {
            " -q ${params.hicstuff_pie_plot}"
         ].join('').trim() }
         publishDir = [
-            path: { "${params.outdir}/hicstuff/pairs" },
-            mode: 'copy',
-            enabled: params.save_pairs_intermediates
+            [
+                path: { "${params.outdir}/hicstuff/pairs" },
+                mode: 'copy',
+                enabled: params.save_pairs_intermediates
+            ],
+            [
+                path: { "${params.outdir}/hicstuff/log" },
+                mode: 'copy',
+                pattern: '*.log'
+            ]
@@ -263,15 +277,29 @@ process {
     withName: 'BUILD_MATRIX' {
         ext.args = params.hicstuff_matrix
         publishDir = [
-            path: { "${params.outdir}/hicstuff/matrix" },
-            mode: 'copy'
+            [
+                path: { "${params.outdir}/hicstuff/matrix" },
+                mode: 'copy'
+            ],
+            [
+                path: { "${params.outdir}/hicstuff/log" },
+                mode: 'copy',
+                pattern: '*.log'
+            ]
     withName: 'BUILD_MATRIX_COOL' {
         ext.args = params.hicstuff_matrix
         publishDir = [
-            path: { "${params.outdir}/hicstuff/matrix" },
-            mode: 'copy'
+            [
+                path: { "${params.outdir}/hicstuff/matrix" },
+                mode: 'copy'
+            ],
+            [
+                path: { "${params.outdir}/hicstuff/log" },
+                mode: 'copy',
+                pattern: '*.log'
+            ]
diff --git a/modules/local/hicstuff/bam2pairs.nf b/modules/local/hicstuff/bam2pairs.nf
index fba720deb96aae3446c3c4fb78ed524b28bea477..d4f279d6030db15ee66b3cb9d57e048794dac3c0 100644
--- a/modules/local/hicstuff/bam2pairs.nf
+++ b/modules/local/hicstuff/bam2pairs.nf
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ process BAM2PAIRS {
     tuple val(meta1), path("*_valid.pairs"), emit: valid_pairs
     tuple val(meta1), path("*_valid_idx.pairs"), emit: idx_pairs
+    path "*.log", emit: log_file
@@ -23,6 +24,8 @@ process BAM2PAIRS {
     hicstuff_bam2pairs.py -b1 ${bam1} -b2 ${bam2} -i ${info_contigs} -e ${digestion} -f ${fasta} -o ${meta1.id}_${pairs} -x ${meta1.id}_${index} ${args}
+    mv hicstuff_pairs.log hicstuff_${meta1.id}_pairs.log
diff --git a/modules/local/hicstuff/build_matrix.nf b/modules/local/hicstuff/build_matrix.nf
index a7abfedefabec3410a1254c91fc597336e2453d0..5351c83d983fd9241b8185dd62d746bce273f453 100644
--- a/modules/local/hicstuff/build_matrix.nf
+++ b/modules/local/hicstuff/build_matrix.nf
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ process BUILD_MATRIX {
     tuple val(meta), path("${meta1.id}_*"), emit: matrix
+    path "*.log", emit: log_file
@@ -22,5 +23,6 @@ process BUILD_MATRIX {
     hicstuff_build_matrix.py -p ${args}.pre.pairs -f ${fragments_list} -t graal -o ${args}
     mv ${args} ${meta1.id}_${args}
+    mv hicstuff_matrix.log hicstuff_${meta1.id}_matrix_sparse.log
diff --git a/modules/local/hicstuff/build_matrix_cool.nf b/modules/local/hicstuff/build_matrix_cool.nf
index b39f66901425ce46e88b64a702790f04acb992cb..b63e931e23cef0bde43f8132df7ecc5de6fe6470 100644
--- a/modules/local/hicstuff/build_matrix_cool.nf
+++ b/modules/local/hicstuff/build_matrix_cool.nf
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ process BUILD_MATRIX_COOL {
     tuple val(meta), path("${meta1.id}_*.cool"), emit: matrix
+    path "*.log", emit: log_file
@@ -21,5 +22,6 @@ process BUILD_MATRIX_COOL {
     hicstuff_build_matrix.py -p ${idx_pairs} -f ${fragments_list} -t cool -o ${args}
     mv ${base}.cool ${meta1.id}_${base}.cool
+    mv hicstuff_matrix.log hicstuff_${meta1.id}_matrix_cooler.log
diff --git a/modules/local/hicstuff/filter_event.nf b/modules/local/hicstuff/filter_event.nf
index 777ad50f6804001a77054fcc748670d95e2830af..f6b0cde27bcf0ffdc1df0f567c18b44675b56c31 100644
--- a/modules/local/hicstuff/filter_event.nf
+++ b/modules/local/hicstuff/filter_event.nf
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ process FILTER_EVENT {
     tuple val(meta1), path("*_valid_idx_filtered.pairs"), emit: idx_pairs_filtered
     path("*.png"), optional: true
+    path("*.log"), emit: log_file
@@ -18,5 +19,7 @@ process FILTER_EVENT {
     hicstuff_filter.py -i ${idx_pairs} -p ${meta1.id} ${args}
+    mv hicstuff_filter.log hicstuff_${meta1.id}_filter.log
diff --git a/nextflow.config b/nextflow.config
index 738613a9224b8cb741db1f03e0c76dd03e94106f..63bb7b1095bf2353f8c109e56807e636d779ba24 100644
--- a/nextflow.config
+++ b/nextflow.config
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ params {
     cutsite_mode = 'for_vs_rev'
-    cutsite_seed = 0
+    cutsite_seed = 20
     save_digested = false
     cutsite = false