From a35879eef58b0fe43dc7b39917db65007d2200f7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: nservant <>
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 20:50:25 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [MODIF] fix issue in json and bwt2 index

 conf/test.config      |  3 ++
 conf/test_full.config | 22 ++++++-------               | 32 ++++++++++--------
 nextflow.config       |  8 ++---
 nextflow_schema.json  | 77 +++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 5 files changed, 66 insertions(+), 76 deletions(-)

diff --git a/conf/test.config b/conf/test.config
index d06ad50..5c5fc84 100644
--- a/conf/test.config
+++ b/conf/test.config
@@ -35,4 +35,7 @@ params {
   res_tads = '1000'
   tads_caller = 'insulation,hicexplorer'
   res_compartments = '1000'
+  // Ignore `--input` as otherwise the parameter validation will throw an error
+  schema_ignore_params = 'genomes,digest,input_paths,input'
diff --git a/conf/test_full.config b/conf/test_full.config
index 65dcbf8..1e793cc 100644
--- a/conf/test_full.config
+++ b/conf/test_full.config
@@ -11,8 +11,6 @@ params {
   config_profile_name = 'Full test profile'
   config_profile_description = 'Full test dataset to check pipeline function'
-  // TODO nf-core: Specify the paths to your full test data ( on nf-core/test-datasets or directly in repositories, e.g. SRA) 
-  // TODO nf-core: Give any required params for the test so that command line flags are not needed 
   // Input data for full size test
   input_paths = [
     ['SRR4292758_00', ['', '']]
@@ -20,19 +18,19 @@ params {
   // Annotations
   fasta = ''
-  restriction_site = 'A^AGCTT'
-  ligation_site = 'AAGCTAGCTT'
-  min_mapq = 2
-  rm_dup = true
-  rm_singleton = true
-  rm_multi = true
+  digestion = 'hindiii'
+  min_mapq = 10
   min_restriction_fragment_size = 100
   max_restriction_fragment_size = 100000
   min_insert_size = 100
   max_insert_size = 600
+  bin_size = '1000'
+  res_dist_decay = '1000'
+  res_tads = '1000'
+  tads_caller = 'insulation,hicexplorer'
+  res_compartments = '1000'
-  // Options
-  skip_cool = true
+  // Ignore `--input` as otherwise the parameter validation will throw an error
+  schema_ignore_params = 'genomes,digest,input_paths,input'
diff --git a/ b/
index 776a48e..e45087a 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -121,19 +121,19 @@ if (params.split_fastq ){
 // Reference genome
 if ( params.bwt2_index ){
-   lastPath = params.bwt2_index.lastIndexOf(File.separator)
-   bwt2_dir =  params.bwt2_index.substring(0,lastPath+1)
-   bwt2_base = params.bwt2_index.substring(lastPath+1)
+   //lastPath = params.bwt2_index.lastIndexOf(File.separator)
+   //bwt2_dir =  params.bwt2_index.substring(0,lastPath+1)
+   //bwt2_base = params.bwt2_index.substring(lastPath+1)
-   Channel.fromPath( bwt2_dir , checkIfExists: true)
+   Channel.fromPath( params.bwt2_index , checkIfExists: true)
       .ifEmpty { exit 1, "Genome index: Provided index not found: ${params.bwt2_index}" }
       .into { bwt2_index_end2end; bwt2_index_trim }
 else if ( params.fasta ) {
-   lastPath = params.fasta.lastIndexOf(File.separator)
-   fasta_base = params.fasta.substring(lastPath+1)
-   bwt2_base = fasta_base.toString() - ~/(\.fa)?(\.fasta)?(\.fas)?(\.fsa)?$/
+   //lastPath = params.fasta.lastIndexOf(File.separator)
+   //fasta_base = params.fasta.substring(lastPath+1)
+   //fasta_base = fasta_base.toString() - ~/(\.fa)?(\.fasta)?(\.fas)?(\.fsa)?$/
    Channel.fromPath( params.fasta )
 	.ifEmpty { exit 1, "Genome index: Fasta file not found: ${params.fasta}" }
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ process get_software_versions {
 if(!params.bwt2_index && params.fasta){
     process makeBowtie2Index {
-        tag "$bwt2_base"
+        tag "$fasta_base"
         label 'process_highmem'
         publishDir path: { params.save_reference ? "${params.outdir}/reference_genome" : params.outdir },
                    saveAs: { params.save_reference ? it : null }, mode: params.publish_dir_mode
@@ -342,9 +342,10 @@ if(!params.bwt2_index && params.fasta){
 	file "bowtie2_index" into bwt2_index_trim
+        fasta_base = fasta.toString() - ~/(\.fa)?(\.fasta)?(\.fas)?(\.fsa)?$/
         mkdir bowtie2_index
-	bowtie2-build ${fasta} bowtie2_index/${bwt2_base}
+	bowtie2-build ${fasta} bowtie2_index/${fasta_base}
@@ -418,19 +419,21 @@ process bowtie2_end_to_end {
    def bwt2_opts = params.bwt2_opts_end2end
    if (!params.dnase){
+   INDEX=`find -L ./ -name "*.rev.1.bt2" | sed 's/.rev.1.bt2//'`
    bowtie2 --rg-id BMG --rg SM:${prefix} \\
 	${bwt2_opts} \\
 	-p ${task.cpus} \\
-	-x ${index}/${bwt2_base} \\
+	-x \${INDEX} \\
 	--un ${prefix}_unmap.fastq \\
  	-U ${reads} | samtools view -F 4 -bS - > ${prefix}.bam
+   INDEX=`find -L ./ -name "*.rev.1.bt2" | sed 's/.rev.1.bt2//'`
    bowtie2 --rg-id BMG --rg SM:${prefix} \\
 	${bwt2_opts} \\
 	-p ${task.cpus} \\
-	-x ${index}/${bwt2_base} \\
+	-x \${INDEX} \\
 	--un ${prefix}_unmap.fastq \\
  	-U ${reads} > ${prefix}.bam
@@ -480,10 +483,11 @@ process bowtie2_on_trimmed_reads {
    prefix = reads.toString() - ~/(_trimmed)?(\.fq)?(\.fastq)?(\.gz)?$/
+   INDEX=`find -L ./ -name "*.rev.1.bt2" | sed 's/.rev.1.bt2//'`
    bowtie2 --rg-id BMG --rg SM:${prefix} \\
            ${params.bwt2_opts_trimmed} \\
            -p ${task.cpus} \\
-           -x ${index}/${bwt2_base} \\
+           -x \${INDEX} \\
            -U ${reads} | samtools view -bS - > ${prefix}_trimmed.bam
@@ -784,9 +788,9 @@ process run_ice{
    prefix = rmaps.toString() - ~/(\.matrix)?$/
-   ice --filter_low_counts_perc ${params.ice_filer_low_count_perc} \
+   ice --filter_low_counts_perc ${params.ice_filter_low_count_perc} \
    --results_filename ${prefix}_iced.matrix \
-   --filter_high_counts_perc ${params.ice_filer_high_count_perc} \
+   --filter_high_counts_perc ${params.ice_filter_high_count_perc} \
    --max_iter ${params.ice_max_iter} --eps ${params.ice_eps} --remove-all-zeros-loci --output-bias 1 --verbose 1 ${rmaps}
diff --git a/nextflow.config b/nextflow.config
index 48a1cbc..c5b39ad 100644
--- a/nextflow.config
+++ b/nextflow.config
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ params {
   bin_size = '1000000'
   res_zoomify = '5000'
   ice_max_iter = 100
-  ice_filer_low_count_perc = 0.02
-  ice_filer_high_count_perc =  0
+  ice_filter_low_count_perc = 0.02
+  ice_filter_high_count_perc =  0
   ice_eps = 0.1
   // Downstream Analysis
@@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ params {
   // Boilerplate options
   publish_dir_mode = 'copy'
   multiqc_config = false
-  name = false
   email = false
   email_on_fail = false
   max_multiqc_email_size = 25.MB
@@ -101,12 +100,13 @@ params {
   custom_config_version = 'master'
   custom_config_base = "${params.custom_config_version}"
   hostnames = false
+  config_profile_name = false
   config_profile_description = false
   config_profile_contact = false
   config_profile_url = false
   validate_params = true
   show_hidden_params = false
-  schema_ignore_params = 'genomes,input_paths'
+  schema_ignore_params = 'genomes,digest,input_paths'
   // Defaults only, expecting to be overwritten
   max_memory = 24.GB
diff --git a/nextflow_schema.json b/nextflow_schema.json
index f866246..9274877 100644
--- a/nextflow_schema.json
+++ b/nextflow_schema.json
@@ -133,7 +133,6 @@
                 "min_cis_dist": {
                     "type": "integer",
-                    "default": "O",
                     "description": "Minimum distance between loci to consider. Useful for --dnase mode to remove spurious ligation products. Only values > 0 are considered"
@@ -148,17 +147,16 @@
                 "split_fastq": {
                     "type": "boolean",
                     "description": "Split the reads into chunks before running the pipelne",
-                    "fa_icon": "fas fa-dna",
-                    "default": "false"
+                    "fa_icon": "fas fa-dna"
                 "fastq_chunks_size": {
                     "type": "integer",
                     "description": "Read number per chunks if split_fastq is used",
-                    "default": "20000000"
+                    "default": 20000000
                 "min_mapq": {
                     "type": "integer",
-                    "default": "10",
+                    "default": 10,
                     "description": "Keep aligned reads with a minimum quality value"
                 "bwt2_opts_end2end": {
@@ -185,33 +183,27 @@
             "fa_icon": "fas fa-signature",
             "properties": {
                 "keep_dups": {
-                    "type": "string",
-                    "description": "Keep duplicated reads",
-                    "default": "False"
+                    "type": "boolean",
+                    "description": "Keep duplicated reads"
                 "keep_multi": {
-                    "type": "string",
-                    "description": "Keep multi-aligned reads",
-                    "default": "False"
+                    "type": "boolean",
+                    "description": "Keep multi-aligned reads"
                 "max_insert_size": {
                     "type": "integer",
-                    "default": "0",
                     "description": "Maximum fragment size to consider. Only values > 0 are considered"
                 "min_insert_size": {
                     "type": "integer",
-                    "default": "0",
                     "description": "Minimum fragment size to consider. Only values > 0 are considered"
                 "max_restriction_fragment_size": {
                     "type": "integer",
-                    "default": "0",
                     "description": "Maximum restriction fragment size to consider. Only values > 0 are considered"
                 "min_restriction_fragment_size": {
                     "type": "integer",
-                    "default": "0",
                     "description": "Minimum restriction fragment size to consider. Only values > 0 are considered"
                 "save_interaction_bam": {
@@ -232,29 +224,28 @@
                     "default": "'1000000,500000'",
                     "description": "Resolution to build the maps (comma separated)"
-                "ice_filer_low_count_perc": {
-                    "type": "string",
+                "ice_filter_low_count_perc": {
+                    "type": "number",
                     "default": 0.02,
                     "description": "Filter low counts rows before normalization"
-                "ice_filer_high_count_perc": {
+                "ice_filter_high_count_perc": {
                     "type": "integer",
-                    "default": "0",
                     "description": "Filter high counts rows before normalization"
                 "ice_eps": {
-                    "type": "string",
-                    "default": "0.1",
+                    "type": "number",
+                    "default": 0.1,
                     "description": "Threshold for ICE convergence"
                 "ice_max_iter": {
                     "type": "integer",
-                    "default": "100",
+                    "default": 100,
                     "description": "Maximum number of iteraction for ICE normalization"
                 "res_zoomify": {
-                    "type": "integer",
-                    "default": 5000,
+                    "type": "string",
+                    "default": "5000",
                     "description": "Maximum resolution to build mcool file"
@@ -266,8 +257,8 @@
             "default": "",
             "properties": {
                 "res_dist_decay": {
-                    "type": "integer",
-                    "default": 1000000,
+                    "type": "string",
+                    "default": "1000000",
                     "description": "Resolution to build count/distance plot"
                 "tads_caller": {
@@ -281,8 +272,8 @@
                     "description": "Resolution to run TADs callers (comma separated)"
                 "res_compartments": {
-                    "type": "integer",
-                    "default": 250000,
+                    "type": "string",
+                    "default": "250000",
                     "description": "Resolution for compartments calling"
@@ -299,33 +290,28 @@
                     "description": "Do not build contact maps"
                 "skip_ice": {
-                    "type": "string",
-                    "description": "Do not run ICE normalization",
-                    "default": "False"
+                    "type": "boolean",
+                    "description": "Do not run ICE normalization"
                 "skip_dist_decay": {
-                    "type": "string",
-                    "description": "Do not run distance/decay plot",
-                    "default": "False"
+                    "type": "boolean",
+                    "description": "Do not run distance/decay plot"
                 "skip_tads": {
-                    "type": "string",
-                    "description": "Do not run TADs calling",
-                    "default": "False"
+                    "type": "boolean",
+                    "description": "Do not run TADs calling"
                 "skip_compartments": {
                     "type": "string",
                     "description": "Do not run compartments calling"
                 "skip_balancing": {
-                    "type": "string",
-                    "description": "Do not run cooler balancing normalization",
-                    "default": "False"
+                    "type": "boolean",
+                    "description": "Do not run cooler balancing normalization"
                 "skip_mcool": {
-                    "type": "string",
-                    "description": "Do not generate mcool file for Higlass visualization",
-                    "default": "False"
+                    "type": "boolean",
+                    "description": "Do not generate mcool file for Higlass visualization"
                 "skip_multiqc": {
                     "type": "boolean",
@@ -487,9 +473,8 @@
                 "config_profile_name": {
                     "type": "string",
-                    "description": "Institutional config name.",
-                    "hidden": true,
-                    "fa_icon": "fas fa-users-cog"
+                    "description": "Institutional config name",
+                    "hidden": true
                 "config_profile_description": {
                     "type": "string",