diff --git a/bin/ice b/bin/ice
deleted file mode 100755
index 10f5f224a6064961a04ac2c09bc5b29286bf5484..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/bin/ice
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-import sys
-import argparse
-import numpy as np
-from scipy import sparse
-import iced
-from iced.io import loadtxt, savetxt
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("ICE normalization")
-                    metavar='File to load',
-                    type=str,
-                    help='Path to file of contact counts to load')
-                    "-r",
-                    type=str,
-                    default=None,
-                    help="results_filename")
-parser.add_argument("--filtering_perc", "-f",
-                    type=float,
-                    default=None,
-                    help="Percentage of reads to filter out")
-                    type=float,
-                    default=0.02,
-                    help="Percentage of reads to filter out")
-                    type=float,
-                    default=0,
-                    help="Percentage of reads to filter out")
-parser.add_argument("--remove-all-zeros-loci", default=False,
-                    action="store_true",
-                    help="If provided, all non-interacting loci will be "
-                         "removed prior to the filtering strategy chosen.")
-parser.add_argument("--max_iter", "-m", default=100, type=int,
-                    help="Maximum number of iterations")
-parser.add_argument("--eps", "-e", default=0.1, type=float,
-                    help="Precision")
-parser.add_argument("--dense", "-d", default=False, action="store_true")
-parser.add_argument("--output-bias", "-b", default=False, help="Output the bias vector")
-parser.add_argument("--verbose", "-v", default=False)
-args = parser.parse_args()
-filename = args.filename
-# Deprecating filtering_perc option
-filter_low_counts = None
-if "--filtering_perc" in sys.argv:
-    DeprecationWarning(
-        "Option '--filtering_perc' is deprecated. Please use "
-        "'--filter_low_counts_perc' instead.'")
-    # And print it again because deprecation warnings are not displayed for
-    # recent versions of python
-    print "--filtering_perc is deprecated. Please use filter_low_counts_perc"
-    print "instead. This option will be removed in ice 0.3"
-    filter_low_counts = args.filtering_perc
-if "--filter_low_counts_perc" in sys.argv and "--filtering_perc" in sys.argv:
-    raise Warning("This two options are incompatible")
-if "--filtering_perc" is None and "--filter_low_counts_perc" not in sys.argv:
-    filter_low_counts_perc = 0.02
-elif args.filter_low_counts_perc is not None:
-    filter_low_counts_perc = args.filter_low_counts_perc
-if args.verbose:
-    print("Using iced version %s" % iced.__version__)
-    print "Loading files..."
-# Loads file as i, j, counts
-i, j, data = loadtxt(filename).T
-# Detecting whether the file is 0 or 1 based.
-if min(i.min(), j.min()) == 0:
-    index_base = 0
-    N = max(i.max(), j.max()) + 1
-    counts = sparse.coo_matrix((data, (i, j)), shape=(N, N), dtype=float)
-    index_base = 1
-    N = max(i.max(), j.max())
-    counts = sparse.coo_matrix((data, (i - 1, j - 1)), shape=(N, N), dtype=float)
-if args.dense:
-    counts = np.array(counts.todense())
-    counts = sparse.csr_matrix(counts)
-if args.verbose:
-    print "Normalizing..."
-if filter_low_counts_perc != 0:
-    counts = iced.filter.filter_low_counts(counts,
-                                           percentage=filter_low_counts_perc,
-                                           remove_all_zeros_loci=args.remove_all_zeros_loci,
-                                           copy=False, sparsity=False, verbose=args.verbose)
-if args.filter_high_counts_perc != 0:
-    counts = iced.filter.filter_high_counts(
-        counts,
-        percentage=args.filter_high_counts_perc,
-        copy=False)
-counts, bias = iced.normalization.ICE_normalization(
-    counts, max_iter=args.max_iter, copy=False,
-    verbose=args.verbose, eps=args.eps, output_bias=True)
-if args.results_filename is None:
-    results_filename = ".".join(
-        filename.split(".")[:-1]) + "_normalized." + filename.split(".")[-1]
-    results_filename = args.results_filename
-counts = sparse.coo_matrix(counts)
-if args.verbose:
-    print "Writing results..."
-    results_filename, counts.col + index_base, counts.row + index_base, counts.data)
-if args.output_bias:
-    np.savetxt(results_filename + ".biases", bias)
diff --git a/bin/merge_statfiles.py b/bin/merge_statfiles.py
index ab3d078c657e632471a47b4bc990aa16998cc781..469cacd81b597e296eb3eb5b4acdc500028be927 100755
--- a/bin/merge_statfiles.py
+++ b/bin/merge_statfiles.py
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
-## HiC-Pro
-## Copyright (c) 2015 Institut Curie                               
-## Author(s): Nicolas Servant, Eric Viara
+## nf-core-hic
+## Copyright (c) 2020 Institut Curie                               
+## Author(s): Nicolas Servant
 ## Contact: nicolas.servant@curie.fr
 ## This software is distributed without any guarantee under the terms of the BSD-3 licence.
 ## See the LICENCE file for details
@@ -36,13 +36,13 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     if li > 0:
         if args.verbose:
-            print "## merge_statfiles.py"
-            print "## Merging "+ str(li)+" files"
+            print("## merge_statfiles.py")
+            print("## Merging "+ str(li)+" files")
         ## Reading first file to get the template
         template = OrderedDict()
         if args.verbose:
-            print "## Use "+infiles[0]+" as template"
+            print("## Use "+infiles[0]+" as template")
         with open(infiles[0]) as f:
             for line in f:
                 if not line.startswith("#"):
@@ -51,17 +51,17 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
                     template[str(lsp[0])] = data
         if len(template) == 0:
-            print "Cannot find template files !"
+            print("Cannot find template files !")
         ## Int are counts / Float are percentage
-        for fidx in xrange(1, li):
+        for fidx in list(range(1, li)):
             with open(infiles[fidx]) as f:
                 for line in f:
                     if not line.startswith("#"):
                         lsp = line.strip().split("\t")
                         if lsp[0] in template:
-                            for i in xrange(1, len(lsp)):
+                            for i in list(range(1, len(lsp))):
                                 if isinstance(num(lsp[i]), int):
                                     template[lsp[0]][i-1] += num(lsp[i])
@@ -77,6 +77,6 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
-        print "No files to merge - stop"
+        print("No files to merge - stop")
diff --git a/environment.yml b/environment.yml
index 9d0d609c544c67257c4359e58690093dd6a30aab..2680ede654e17edd79b58ce6efb2d3106602cdd6 100644
--- a/environment.yml
+++ b/environment.yml
@@ -9,9 +9,10 @@ dependencies:
   - conda-forge::python=3.7.6
   - conda-forge::scipy=1.4.1
   - conda-forge::numpy=1.18.1
-  - bioconda::iced=0.5.4
+  - bioconda::iced=0.5.6
   - bioconda::bx-python=0.8.8
   - bioconda::pysam=0.15.4
+  - conda-forge::pymdown-extensions=7.1
   - bioconda::cooler=0.8.6
   - bioconda::bowtie2=2.3.5
   - bioconda::samtools=1.9
diff --git a/main.nf b/main.nf
index 85b4154a846e7a5c06a5ade07d54797c98e735d9..7b6b37452fd4584e5798ee8fd12d4c39dc25e49c 100644
--- a/main.nf
+++ b/main.nf
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ summary['DNase Mode']       = params.dnase
 summary['Remove Dup']       = params.rm_dup
 summary['Min MAPQ']         = params.min_mapq
 summary['Min Fragment Size']= params.min_restriction_fragment_size
-summary['Max Fragment Size']= params.max_restriction_framgnet_size
+summary['Max Fragment Size']= params.max_restriction_fragment_size
 summary['Min Insert Size']  = params.min_insert_size
 summary['Max Insert Size']  = params.max_insert_size
 summary['Min CIS dist']     = params.min_cis_dist
@@ -302,6 +302,7 @@ Channel.from(summary.collect{ [it.key, it.value] })
  * Parse software version numbers
 process get_software_versions {
    publishDir "${params.outdir}/pipeline_info", mode: 'copy',
    saveAs: {filename ->
@@ -325,6 +326,25 @@ process get_software_versions {
+def create_workflow_summary(summary) {
+    def yaml_file = workDir.resolve('workflow_summary_mqc.yaml')
+    yaml_file.text  = """
+    id: 'nf-core-chipseq-summary'
+    description: " - this information is collected when the pipeline is started."
+    section_name: 'nf-core/chipseq Workflow Summary'
+    section_href: 'https://github.com/nf-core/chipseq'
+    plot_type: 'html'
+    data: |
+        <dl class=\"dl-horizontal\">
+${summary.collect { k,v -> "            <dt>$k</dt><dd><samp>${v ?: '<span style=\"color:#999999;\">N/A</a>'}</samp></dd>" }.join("\n")}
+        </dl>
+    """.stripIndent()
+   return yaml_file
@@ -357,7 +377,7 @@ if(!params.bwt2_index && params.fasta){
 if(!params.chromosome_size && params.fasta){
     process makeChromSize {
         tag "$fasta"
-	label 'process_low''
+	label 'process_low'
         publishDir path: { params.save_reference ? "${params.outdir}/reference_genome" : params.outdir },
                    saveAs: { params.save_reference ? it : null }, mode: 'copy'
@@ -822,7 +842,7 @@ process multiqc {
    publishDir "${params.outdir}/MultiQC", mode: 'copy'
-   !params.skip_multiQC
+   !params.skip_multiqc
    file multiqc_config from ch_multiqc_config
@@ -856,7 +876,7 @@ process output_documentation {
-   markdown_to_html.r $output_docs results_description.html
+   markdown_to_html.py $output_docs -o results_description.html
diff --git a/nextflow.config b/nextflow.config
index ce5c79413343f20f7bc19b455f323e3fa88df5ee..b02a4f55efb1644ec3c803c1738fc587a3de0fcc 100644
--- a/nextflow.config
+++ b/nextflow.config
@@ -18,10 +18,14 @@ params {
   readPaths = false
   chromosome_size = false
   restriction_fragments = false
-  skipMaps = false
-  skipIce = false
-  skipCool = false
-  skipMultiQC = false
+  skip_maps = false
+  skip_ice = false
+  skip_cool = false
+  skip_multiqc = false
+  save_reference = false
+  save_interaction_bam = false
+  save_aligned_intermediates = false
   dnase = false
   // Boilerplate options
@@ -45,8 +49,8 @@ params {
   config_profile_url = false
   // Defaults only, expecting to be overwritten
-  max_memory = 128.GB
-  max_cpus = 16
+  max_memory = 24.GB
+  max_cpus = 8
   max_time = 240.h